Li Zhenhe heard the news that He Yu had received the middle school senior teacher's certificate issued by the Yunnan Provincial Senior Middle School Teachers' Position Evaluation Committee.

He was furious, his heart was filled with rage, and he was very angry and unbearable.

In his dormitory, like crazy, he threw the teacups, teapots, and books on the table to the ground with both hands, kicked the table over and fell to the ground, picked up a fruit knife, and wanted to kill He Yu with one blow. Stab him down and let He Yu go see the Lord of Hell.

Let He Yu disappear from the earth forever!

Only in this way can he relieve his hatred.

He was cursing He Yu and Xiao Qian to himself.

An older female teacher passed by Li Zhenhe's door. She heard the sound of smashing things and wanted to take a look, but she didn't dare.

She met a young male teacher and told him about the incident.

The young teacher walked quietly to Li Zhenhe's door and looked inside through the crack in the door.

Seeing Li Zhenhe holding a fruit knife in his hand, he hurried to the door of He Yu's house.

When he met Xiaoqian, he quietly told Xiaoqian what he saw Li Zhen making a fuss about.

Xiaoqian heard that Li Zhenhe was making trouble like a madman in the dormitory, and she felt very happy at first, but then she thought;

‘Something's wrong!

He had a knife in his hand, what on earth did he want to do? ’

She hurriedly went to find He Yu and told He Yu:"Li Zhenhe was making a fuss like a madman in his dormitory. He also had a knife in his hand. I wonder what he wanted to do?"

When He Yu heard this, he felt Not good:"He must know that I got the senior lecturer certificate and he is dissatisfied!

Maybe he wants to kill us.

If that's the case, we have to be especially careful."

Xiaoqian said:"He is from the Yi ethnic group and usually has a bad temper. If He is mad. He is desperate to come to us. What should we do?"

He Yu said:"What are you afraid of?

The crazier he gets, the better. If he really dares to come with a knife, he, a principal, dares to do this and will not step down. When he enters the cell, he just takes a knife to vent his personal anger!

Let him perform well, and he will become notorious.

His backstage will deal with him severely. He will not be so arrogant."

"You are right!

Otherwise, when he sees me, he seems to want to eat me.

I feel that if it weren't for Weihua's help. No matter how good your conditions are, it is of no use.

Li Zhenhe has a backing, but you are suing and the county job reform office is ignoring you. It is useless even if you throw stones at the sky!"Xiaoqian said

"You are right. Weihua must have taken the materials I wrote and approached the relevant leaders of the regional job reform office.

Report the situation between me and Li Zhenhe.

Only when the leaders realized that the problem was serious would they ask the Fuyuan County Vocational Reform Office to conduct a new investigation and implementation.

Otherwise it is impossible to get the certificate easily.

My old classmate worked so hard at a critical moment. I don’t know how to thank him?"


Li Zhenhe's crazy performance slowly spread among the teachers.

Everyone is whispering: 'He is simply not qualified to be evaluated for a high-level job, and it is a daydream to rely on the boss behind the scenes to get through.’

‘Teacher He is much better than him in every aspect.

However, at the meeting of the leadership team, everyone cheered and voted to agree with him’

‘You can't say that. It's because you're afraid of his rights, so you raise your hands to agree with him without conscience.’

‘I guess it must have been after Mr. He went to Qujing to report the matter to the Job Replacement Office that the higher-ups realized that the problem was serious, so they asked the County Job Replacement Office to re-investigate. implement. It was not easy for Teacher He to obtain this middle school senior teacher certificate!’

‘Don't be too happy. Li Zhenhe didn't get a senior teaching certificate and was making a big fuss in the dormitory like a mad dog.

It would be weird not to find excuses to retaliate against Teacher He in the future!

The storm is still behind!’


It's true;

I really didn't expect that the backstage boss was useless and went crazy without getting the certificate.

This kind of wonderful performance is so abnormal that it can only end up in a bad reputation.

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