Because He Yu's mother died unfortunately, his stomach began to hurt when he was angry. In addition, he worked as a secretary for the chief and drank frequently, which made his stomach even worse.

Slowly I developed stomach problems.

Because of his carelessness, he did not take the stomach problem into consideration for a while.

Sometimes I want to drink, so I drink a little secretly.

When you are happy, you drink more.

Stomach problems are more severe.

He found some herbs and took them, but he still didn't feel better.

I went to the county hospital to see a doctor and took Western medicine, but it still didn't make much difference.

One day, because I was greedy, I ate some cold rice noodles.

It hurt so much.

Just lie on the bed.

Even when Xiaoqian brought him water to drink, he found it difficult to swallow.

This made Xiaoqian very anxious!

Xiaoqian hurriedly went to find He Yu's old friend. Dean Wang from the 626th Hospital came to see him and diagnosed him with a serious stomach problem.

He could only be accusing He Yu of not cherishing his own life, even though he knew medicine. He also drank alcohol without caution.

Xiaoqian asked Dean Wang:"Is his stomach problem serious?‘’

‘I couldn't explain this clearly. It could only be that his stomach was feeling better, so I quickly took him to Kunming Hospital for a checkup.

Xiaoqian was shocked when she heard this,"Did he have stomach cancer?"

Therefore, Director Wang had no way to cure him and asked me to take him to Kunming Hospital for examination.

Liu Yuanfang is cleaning up accounts with me recently.

Unable to walk away.

Although Honghong was assigned to teach at Zhong'an Town Middle School, she was busy with students' exams and couldn't leave.

Yanyan and Bobo are studying again.

No one took him to Kunming for examination again.

If I go to Kunming to be diagnosed with cancer, how can I live?

If the treatment fails and I am left alone in this world,

I will not be able to cope with the cruel reality! '

The more she thought about it, the scarier it became. The more I think about it, the sadder it becomes!

Seeing Xiaoqian's miserable look, He Yu said,"

When I saw your anxious face, I knew what you were thinking?

Stop thinking about it?

Your pharyngitis and buccal inflammation was found to be a new organism. I wasn’t scared.

Didn’t I get cured after taking the herbal medicine I found?

When I got better, I went to the herbal medicine market and visited some old herbal doctors.

After I found some herbal medicine and ate it, the disease would get better."

"never mind!

You just believe in herbs.

I'd better take you to Kunming for a thorough examination and diagnosis first.

As long as it checks that it's not a new creature, you can eat whatever herbs you want."

Although Xiaoqian said this, she was very scared in her heart.

‘If it wasn't a new creature, why did Dean Wang shake his head after diagnosing it? He

Yu's stomach problem started to improve a little, so Xiaoqian was going to take him to Kunming for a checkup.

But He Yu just didn't want to go.

Xiaoqian got angry and said,"Don't be stubborn!

I had pharyngitis and buccal inflammation, and you took me to Kunming for a checkup. I still followed you without saying a word.""

"I won't take you to Kunming for a checkup, just in case you find a strange disease. What should I do?

I am responsible for you and the whole family."He Yu said

"yes! you are right!

I'll still use your words, I won't take you to Kunming for a checkup, just in case a strange disease is detected. What should I do?

I am responsible for you and the whole family.

After Xiaoqian's repeated pestering, He Yu said,"I will agree to your request, but I can only go alone."

Just don’t go!

You went, firstly, you are not as familiar with Kunming as I am, and secondly, you went with me. When the school needs money, who can it go to?

If you weren't here, Li Zhenhe would scold his father and mother!

Besides, Bobo has to go home on Sunday to collect food expenses, so you can’t be there!"

"If I don't follow you. If you are diagnosed with a strange disease, you may not be able to figure out what is wrong.

What should I do?"Xiaoqian said、

"do not worry!

I have experienced all kinds of storms and waves. I will not be as weak as you women and cannot withstand any blow!"

"You said I can't withstand any blow?

Honghong was only two years old when she was born, so she didn’t have a father. I couldn’t see you during the months of isolation and scrutiny.

Is such a big mental blow still small?

I still got through it!"Xiaoqian said

"I know everything you said, but now we are in our forties, dependent on each other, and neither one can live without the other."

It's true; only when you are seriously ill can you realize how precious life is. We depend on each other for life and are never separated from each other."

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