After visiting Du Fu's Thatched Cottage, Liu Yuanfang originally wanted to take Xiaoqian to Chongqing to visit her old mother.

But considering that I am transferring from Chongqing, if anything changes, I will return to Kunming immediately.

It would be a real pity that Xiaoqian can't go to the Giant Buddha in the Recreation Mountain.

So Liu Yuanfang took Xiaoqian to Leshan by car to see the Giant Buddha.

When the car arrived at the parking lot on the bank where the Dadu River meets the Minjiang River, they got out of the car.

Xiaoqian took a look and saw that the river was not only wide, but also turbulent.

The Leshan Giant Buddha was located on the opposite bank of the river.

The Leshan Giant Buddha is indeed tall and spectacular.

Liu Yuanfang told Xiaoqian,"The Leshan Giant Buddha is carved out of a large mountain.

The mountain is made entirely of sand and stone, so it can be carved.

It was because the water surged when the Dadu River and the Minjiang River met. Surrounding farmland and villages.

The monks and masters worked hard for many years to carve this giant Buddha."

Xiaoqian said,"So it is like this. It is really a magnificent sight.

I have only heard of it before, but today I finally saw it!"

After a while, the two of them Join the tourists on the big wooden boat and paddle bumpily to the other side.

It's not as smooth as rowing in Dianchi Lake.

Xiaoqian was a little scared, so she kept holding Liu Yuanfang tightly with one hand and the boat bang with the other.

Because Liu Yuanfang is a little fatter and taller than Xiaoqian.

Pink face and good body.

On the boat, Xiaoqian kept looking at the Leshan Giant Buddha.

And I was also looking at the turbulent river water, which was washing against the river embankment under the feet of the Buddha.

The Buddha closed his eyes and opened his mouth. As if smiling at her!

After a while, the boat rowed to the other side.

Xiaoqian and the others got off the boat. Slowly walked to the feet of the Buddha.

The two of them followed some tourists and climbed onto the soles of the Buddha's feet step by step.

Eight or nine people sat on one of the Buddha's feet.

But it's not full yet.

They sat for a while and then climbed up the steep ridge to the side of the Buddha.

I don’t know how many hurdles I climbed before I climbed to the mountain next to the head of the giant Buddha.

Xiaoqian looked at the big Buddha's head, which was very big.

And I saw the face of the Buddha smiling at the surging water of Dadu River and Minjiang River.

She said to Liu Yuanfang,"I wonder if you have noticed that the Buddha seems to be laughing and saying that if he stands here, no matter how fierce the river is, he will not go crazy again! If he stands here, the river will have to obey him obediently..

Then we will no longer rush into the fields and flood the villages.

The people will be able to live and work in peace and contentment!"

"You really deserve to be a teacher. When you see a statue of a giant Buddha carved from a mountain, use your imagination.

I didn't realize that the Buddha was smiling and could talk."

"It’s not that I have a rich imagination, and after seeing the Big Buddha, I have a clear idea.

You have no inspiration, so you can’t discover it."

Then, can you share some of your inspiration with me, so that like you, I can see the Buddha smiling and talking!"

"Inspiration is something that is installed in everyone's brain.

It depends on the individual's knowledge level and observation ability.

It is impossible not to share my inspiration with you."Xiaoqian said

"yes! Your level of knowledge is high, that's why you saw the Buddha, and that's why you have so much imagination.

Taking you out has helped me gain a lot of knowledge and broaden my horizons.

In the past, when I went to Du Fu Thatched Cottage and Leshan Giant Buddha, I just looked at the surrounding scenery, thatched cottages and the Giant Buddha.

Not like you. I was also moved by the scene, thinking of Du Fu's famous long poem, and I was able to recite it word for word.

When I saw the Big Buddha, I imagined so many scenes"

"Let me tell you, I learned all this from He Yu.

Not long ago, after he took me to Kunming for an inspection, he took me to the Grand View Tower to row a boat.

The boat was rowing on the Dian Lake. He asked me to look at the scenery around the Dian Lake, and he sang the song I sang in elementary school in response to the scene."

"What song is it? Can you sing it to me! Liu Yuanfang asked

"You can also sing this song, so just sing along with me.

After Xiaoqian finished speaking, she started singing:"

Let us swing the oars, and the boat will push away the waves.

Reflected on the water, the beautiful Sleeping Beauty, surrounded by green trees and lawns."

At this point, Liu Yuanfang called for a pause and said :"The original lyrics are not on the water, but on the sea.

Not Sleeping Beauty either, but the beautiful White Tower.

Explain that this is in Beihai Park in Beijing.

Surrounded by green trees and red walls.

Not green trees and lawns"

"Your memory is good, but these were all adapted by He Yu using his imagination and singing.

This is an inspiration!"Xiaoqian said with a smile.

It's true; if you have a clear understanding, you can touch the scene and feel emotional. Use your imagination.

Xiaoqian is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

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