In order to reconcile, Xiaoqian said to Li Zhenhe:"I'd better go.

I'm not a three-year-old baby, and I can't go back on my word like this, lest people look down on me and make fun of me,"

Li Zhenhe thought;"After such a After many twists and turns, if Zhao Qianqian doesn't go, if I really send Teacher Xiao Zhang to go, wouldn't it be too obvious and too explicit?"

Director Cao will definitely not let me go when he finds out about it. When the teachers of No. 5 Middle School find out, I I can’t be intimate with Teacher Xiao Zhang anymore.

He said to Xiaoqian:"That's good!"

I respect your opinion.

What you said makes sense.

Just get ready and set off tomorrow!

She said to Li Zhenhe:"Principal Li!"

Thank you for your concern.

I called you to file a complaint. I had no choice but to ask you not to argue with me."

"No, we will continue to work together, interact frequently, and be considerate of each other in the future, as long as you don't mention this matter to others.

You two can go in peace!"

When Xiaoqian returned home, she told He Yu what happened today.

He Yu said,"If Deputy Director Li hadn't come forward to help, your trip to Chengdu would have been ruined.

You are so courageous, you dare to tell Deputy Director Li exactly what Li Zhenhe told you in front of Li Zhenhe.

Not only did you breathe a sigh of relief, it also made Li Zhenhe look at you with admiration.

I won’t dare do anything to you in the future.

If Deputy Director Li doesn't have a good relationship with me, not only will you not be able to go to Chengdu, but you may be retaliated against."

"I'm not afraid of this Li Zhenhe.

I heard him say that Liu Yuanfang went to Chongqing and asked me to wait in Chengdu for Liu Yuanfang to transfer and then come back together.

I was furious. When two women go on a business trip together, they should always be together, take care of each other, and not be separated.

But he came up with this bad idea.

He was afraid that I would tell others about it, so he told me that it would be fine as long as I never mentioned it to others.

I don’t know what the purpose is?"

"Because what he did was a bit stupid. You two women are going on a long trip together. Is there any reason to separate casually?

Second, the principal of the Education Bureau wanted to change something decided at a meeting?

If he spoke out, the teachers would say he was arrogant and had no leadership in the Education Bureau.

Furthermore, after Cao Ruiming heard this, he would never let him off lightly.

After this contest between you and him, let him appreciate your strength and know that you are not easy to mess with.

However, we must be more careful in doing things in the future.

Don't let him grab the braid.

Care must be taken.

Li Zhenhe is an insidious and cunning villain!

It would be great if he and Teacher Xiao Zhang colluded and their secret friendship went wrong!

You can pull out a big tumor around us and eradicate this ghost!"

"It would be nice if I didn't go this time. Just make Li Zhenhe and Teacher Xiao Zhang’s good deeds come true!"

"It’s just the two of us who think so, but Li Zhenhe is not a fool!

He would never do this blatantly.

That's just your guess.

You can only secretly monitor their every move in the future.

If you can find an opportunity, you can think of something that will bring good things to both of them.

It would be great!"

The next morning, Zhao Qianqian set off with Liu Yuanfang, and He Yu sent them both to Fuyuan Railway Station.

While walking on the road, Xiaoqian suddenly asked He Yu:"Is it far from Chengdu to Shijiazhuang?

He Yu said:"Why are you asking this

? Do you miss Yanyan?""

"Of course I do, don’t you?"Xiaoqian asked back

"Of course I do!

But when she went to Shijiazhuang, I sent her there.

If you didn't go, you must have thought more about it than me.

Let me tell you, Chengdu is in Sichuan Province and Shijiazhuang is in Hebei Province. Several provinces apart.

At least more than two thousand kilometers apart.

It takes two days and two nights to take the train."He Yu said

‘Oh yo yo! so far! 'Xiaoqian said,

"Don't think about it, even Li Zhenhe doesn't want you to go to Chongqing with Teacher Liu Yuanfang.

But you still want to go to Shijiazhuang?

Forget it, stop thinking about it.

Later, I can take you there with you!"

It's true; after winning the first confrontation,

Xiaoqian is not someone to be trifled with.

Whether there will be another duel in the future is hard to say.

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