He Yu said to Xiaoqian,"Because I took you boating on the Dian Lake today, and also went to the orchid market. I heard that I will buy you two pots of orchids when I go back, and put them at home so that you can enjoy them every day." Appreciate it.

So, you will be happy, in a good mood, and the food will be particularly sweet when you eat it.

You will no longer worry about what kind of strange disease you have.

After you go back, I will find some herbal medicine for you to eat. You can do it for two years. With logistical work, the disease will gradually get better.

You can return to the podium. Continue to teach your books."

"You really worked hard for me.

I thought it was a strange disease, so I was very worried.

If I pass away and you have three children who are studying, how can you take care of them and provide for them to study?

Hearing you say this makes me feel better"

‘Don't think so wildly, it's scary!

The inspection conclusion clearly stated that it was just suspected to be a new creature.

Didn't my friend tell me that some people come to their hospital for examination and the conclusion is the same as yours?

I went back and took some anti-inflammatory herbs. Enough.

When I came to check again, there was nothing.

I know herbal medicine, rheumatic heart that even big hospitals cannot treat.

I am not collecting herbs to cure your illness.

I went back and went up the mountain to collect some anti-inflammatory herbs. If you eat it, your pharyngitis and buccal inflammation will be cured.

You are not allowed to have random thoughts in the future.

Especially in front of children, you should act indifferent.

Don't let them worry about your illness and affect their studies"

"I know how to do it. I know what to do.

I can survive any storm, so what's a little sore throat?

I believe in you. You have cured all my rheumatism and heart disease, and you will also be able to cure my pharyngitis and buccal inflammation.

I was joking with you just now, don't take it to heart"

"my wife!

It’s better not to make such jokes again!

This is an unlucky thing to say.

It makes me very sad to hear that"

"I am so lucky to have a husband like you!

He is considerate and can treat my illness.

Today, in order to relieve my sorrow, he took me rowing in Dianchi Lake, and he sang while rowing, which made me very happy.

You have such good intentions for me!

Let me never forget it in my life!"

"You can't say that, I'm just happy to make you happy!

We are bound together by fate.

Now we are able to have four precious children. It’s all your fault!

I can meet you who suffered a lot for me without any regrets.

This is also the blessing that I, He Yu, cultivated in my previous life."

"Okay, it's late at night now, let's go to sleep!

Get up tomorrow morning and take the train back!"

He Yu said;"Okay! Go to sleep."

But He Yu couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He kept thinking: 'Because I was ruthless and unrighteous, I kept thinking about Li Yuqin. I was also fascinated by Xiao Chen from the county kindergarten, so I abandoned Xiao Qian. He suffered all kinds of hardships.

He She was unwilling to marry Yang Zetong, but was assigned to Guangshantou Primary School by Yang Zetong. She was almost ruined by a fool.

When she went to the camp to buy rice, she was chased by a masked man. Fortunately, she was rescued by the fool again.

Later, Xiaoqian In desperation, she reluctantly married Li Yongqiang.

But after giving birth to Honghong, Li Yongqiang was framed and persecuted to force a confession. He had no way out and committed suicide by jumping into a river.

After marrying him, he did not live a good life for a few days. , and suffered a lot for herself.

Suffering from rheumatic heart disease, Sun Huixi ignored her condition and conspired with Wang Zhonglin to use the reputation of the Organization Department to transfer herself and Xiaoqian to the remote and very remote Shibalian Mountain.

In Sun Huixi used trumped-up charges to isolate herself for days and nights.

She lived a difficult life with three children.

Not only did she have to teach during the day, but she also had to do housework.

Night after night, she worried about herself and washed her face with tears. The pillow was soaked.

When Bobo was born, she was not with him. Without the help of kind-hearted people, she and Bobo almost died.

Looking back on this history of blood and tears, she really felt that she was ashamed of Xiaoqian.

In her life, It is a hundred times more difficult than what Tang Seng went through in 1981. I can only be worthy of her if I treat her well and serve her in the future.'

As I thought about it, tears flowed out involuntarily!

It's true; one mistake will lead to eternal hatred, and my wife will suffer so much. Suffering, only by slowly repaying it can you relieve your regrets.

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