He Yu saw a pot of orchid, with leaves as tall as silk and white flowers.

He asked the florist,"What is the name of this flower?""

"It seems that you don’t understand orchids. This is a famous flower in Dali.

It's called Da Xuesu. Why is it called Daxuesu?

The seedlings are tall and the flowers are white with no variegated petals.

This variety is only found in Dali."

"What are lotus petals? Why is it so expensive?

"The lotus petals are petals that are slightly longer than the lotus petals. If the petals of a flower are the same as those of plum blossoms, it is called plum petals.

There is also a kind that looks exactly like lotus petals called lotus petals.

Lotus petals and plum petals are too rare and more expensive. They are only found in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

However, it has also been found in Yunnan and Guizhou, but it is rare."

"Have lotus petals and plum petals been found in Yunnan and Guizhou?

Would it be valuable if mined?"He Yu asked curiously

"of course!

How many times more expensive than Daxue Su?"

"Is it that expensive?

Whoever can dig it will get rich!

What is a strange flower?"

"Strange flowers are just different from ordinary flowers. The average orchid has only five petals. One more petal or one less petal is called a strange flower. said the florist

"I see!"

Xiaoqian felt strange; 'He Yu has never seen what an orchid is, so why is he so interested in orchids today? Could it be that he heard that orchids are valuable and wants to dig them up and sell them?' If you sell two pots of flowers, you can buy them. A small car." He Yu said

"It’s not expensive, haven’t you heard?

In Guangzhou, a pot of small orchids sold for 30,000 yuan."said the florist.

Xiaoqian said in surprise:"A pot of grass costs 30,000 yuan?

You mean that?

Don't scare me!"

"I'm not scaring you!

This potted flower is called Bodhidharma.

The seedlings are short and small, and they are the best ink orchids found so far.

Only those who know orchids know how valuable they are."

The florist said.

He Yu asked,"What is a strange flower?""

"Strange flowers are just different from ordinary flowers. The average orchid has only five petals. One more petal or one less petal is called a strange flower. said the florist

"I see!

The exotic flowers must be very expensive too?"

"There are also different kinds of exotic flowers, it just depends on what kind of exotic flower it is!"

He Yu pointed to a pot of orchids with white leaves next to him and asked,"Why is this pot of orchids with white leaves on the edges? It must be very expensive, right?

" A flower seller said:"It is rare to see this kind of leaves with white edges. This is called silver-edged orchid.

There are also those with yellow-edged leaves called golden-bordered orchids.

It's even rarer. More expensive than Daxue Su."

After hearing their introduction, He Yu felt that the varieties of orchids are many and complex.

And they are also very precious.

No wonder so many literati and poets have written poems to praise them, and many painters have painted many famous paintings!

It is really a very precious flower!

Today is an eye-opener!

Xiaoqian felt strange;"He Yu has never seen what an orchid is, so why is he so interested in orchids today?

Could it be that he heard that orchids are valuable and wanted to dig them up and sell them?"

When he was about to leave , He Yu said to the flower seller;"Thank you both, although I can't afford it, but through your introduction, I have gained more knowledge about orchids. develop interest"

"It doesn’t matter whether you buy it or not!

Whether you are interested in orchids, the more people who love orchids, the better.

Orchids are not just about their value, but more importantly, their spiritual value.

If you plant a pot of orchid at home."

It's really exciting to watch the graceful leaves and smell the fragrant and beautiful flowers every day. It's very intoxicating.

Some national leaders come to our Dali and admire our orchids very much. Some I even bought some and took them home to display for appreciation," said a young flower seller.

"I really can’t believe that you can describe orchids so beautifully.

You must be a middle school student, otherwise you would not use such beautiful words to describe orchids."He Yu said,

"I am a middle school student, but looking at your appearance and conversation, I must be a teacher"

"If you can really tell by appearance, we are the teachers.

Let’s listen to your introduction to orchids today. When we go back, we will also tell the students about your introduction to orchids.

Let them know about our motherland. The source is vast. Rich in resources, there are several varieties of orchids alone. There are also many fine products.

This is a valuable asset of our country."He Yu said

"We just sell orchids, we don’t think as big as you as teachers."

"I hope we can meet more in the future so that you can introduce more orchid knowledge to me."

He Yu said.

It's true; he was fascinated by orchids and asked about varieties and prices.

Maybe he wanted to do orchid business, which made Xiaoqian feel strange.

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