A few old teachers were not polite at all, like mosquitoes, constantly bombarding He Yu.

The leaders of the Education Bureau couldn't take it lightly.

He quickly stopped and said:"I would like to ask this old man to speak. Please pay attention to using appropriate words and not to hurt feelings.

It is best to say something that is acceptable to others and not to offend the listeners."

He Yu immediately continued. Said:"No matter what they say, if they are right, I will accept it with an open mind. If they make serious corrections, they must be seniors in Fuyuan Mathematics!

No matter what they say, it doesn't matter, I am willing to listen."

At this time, several young teachers , I couldn’t hold it back anymore, so I couldn’t wait to speak first.

Teacher Xiao Chen from the No. 5 Middle School said,"If I hadn’t come to the No. 5 Middle School and listened to Vice Principal He’s lectures like this, I would have followed you. My predecessors had this idea and suspicion.

But after I came to No. 5 Middle School, I listened to many lectures given by Vice-Principal He.

It made me feel very wonderful. The students were willing to accept Vice-Principal He’s lecture methods and were highly motivated. I I have never heard that teacher give lectures like this.

His leading role has become a guiding role. The old teaching method of cramming and brick-laying has been transformed into a research-based teaching method.

Even in education textbooks , I can't find this teaching method.

The teacher who teaches us pedagogy has never introduced this method of class to us.

I think this is a brand-new teaching method created by Vice Principal He himself.

Vice Principal He teaches every class They are all similar to the teaching methods used in class today.

I once asked a few female classmates who got along well with me if they were Vice Principal He. He told you about the content of the new class before class, and then asked you to come during class. Do exercises?

They all answered unanimously, no!

Vice-Principal He usually teaches every class like this.

I imitated Vice-Principal He’s teaching method. The students were very interested, and I became more and more excited.

The students actually got good grades in the college entrance examination!"

A male teacher said:"I envy you!

You are lucky to be assigned to the fifth middle school. You can often listen to Vice Principal He's lectures and learn a lot of new teaching methods from him. , that’s why you got third place in the college entrance examination,

I am not as lucky as you.

To be honest, it is a pleasure for me to listen to Vice President He’s lecture today!

In the past, I only knew Vice President He He is a great talent in Fuyuan, a master of writing articles, and a good secretary doted on by the chief.

I used to doubt him, how could he come to teach high school after teaching elementary school. He actually got good grades in the college entrance examination. He was not the third First, secondly, is it a blind cat encountering a dead mouse?

I listened to this lesson he taught today. It opened my eyes!

It is not a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, but a golden cat catching a live mouse.

He should He is a rising star in Fuyuan Mathematics!"

"I think Li Juan, a female classmate, is really amazing.

She dared to throw away the absolute value symbol in the calculation formula that had been fixed for many years in the textbook, and directly subtracted the smaller slope from the larger slope to calculate the tangent of the angle.

Throw away the formulas that have been written and determined for years by experts who write textbooks.

If it weren't for Teacher He's usual training, she would never dare to do this.

Teacher He actually encouraged students not to be superstitious about experts and not to be slaves to teaching materials, but to be masters of driving knowledge. How courageous."

Another teacher said

"Some people wanted to say that Teacher He was arrogant, but they didn't say it.

Who is an expert in writing textbooks?

The theory of 'two into one' put forward by famous philosophical authorities in our country has also been criticized by Teacher He in writing articles. It was actually published in the provincial newspaper.

Do you think this is very courageous?"

It's true; one counterattack after another is like a round of artillery shells.

The bullets hit the vital points, which is very pleasant to hear.

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