After the county leaders comforted the families of the victims.

The old captain walked over with his cane on his hands and said:"Both of your families have elderly people at home. You should express your condolences.

This kind of water leakage accident in the coal mine was unforeseen and unforeseen.

After the accident, the county leaders immediately took the The rescue team arrived.

The members of the rescue team tried to rescue the two of them, but their whereabouts are still unknown."

The old captain just said that his whereabouts were unknown, and only a few members of the rescue team were seen, carrying two team members on their backs, getting into the ambulance.

At this time, everyone said happily:"Fortunately, God did not accept them. They are still alive, regardless of themselves in order to save others. That's great!" The old captain said:"Look, these two team members also have seniors and juniors. Youxiao, in order to save your relatives, almost died again!

Let me tell you, the coal boss also went down with the rescue team to rescue.

Even Comrade He’s son Lin Lin had to go down to participate in the rescue.

When I found out, he was forced to Drag him up. You should be very responsible for your relatives.

Look, Comrade He has come from the county town after hearing about the coal mine accident."

The old captain said while waving to He Yu and asking He Yu to leave the crowd. Come over.

When the family members saw He Yu coming over, they cried less.

"So your family members must understand that you should not blame anyone for this accident.

Don't be too sad, the person who left has already left.

We can no longer allow the elderly at home to suffer.

Be sure to control your emotions.

The county leaders have arranged for people to buy the best coffin, which is the greatest comfort to them both."

He Yu came over and shook hands with the family members one by one.

The family members didn't know why, but suddenly felt a warmth that spread all over their bodies.

It was as if the living Bodhisattva came to them again.

They didn't cry anymore!

He Yu didn't know what it was. Strength makes them no longer suffer!

They are looking at each other!

"I am here to apologize to everyone!

I shouldn’t have come to your village to fight the drought!

This way, I had no idea that there was good quality coal buried here.

My son will not come here to mine coal with the coal boss.

Your relatives will not be coal diggers.

I still won’t let your yin and yang separate.

I am guilty, and I am willing to take the blame for my son and accept any punishment from you."

He Yu knelt down and kowtowed as he spoke.

A man in his forties hurriedly helped He Yu up and said,"Principal He!

Don't say that. Not only are you not guilty, you are a meritorious official of our village. It was the Bodhisattva who sent you to plant rice seedlings on our hundreds of acres of thunder fields according to the season. You also changed the fields that cannot be watered for rice planting. Plant corn.

If you didn't come to our village, how many people would starve to death?

Now for coal mining, my son can receive several hundred yuan in wages every month.

During the holidays, your son and his wife send us rice, meat, and oil.

My father was sick, and the two of them used their car to take my father to the county hospital for treatment.

He's a great guy just like you.

The water leakage in the coal mine this time is not anyone’s fault. As the county leader said, it was an unexpected accident.

The rescue team almost died inside again in order to save my son.

From the county leaders to the coal boss and your son. Tried your best.

We don't blame anyone.

Their longevity can only go so far"

"I still don’t see many reasonable people like you!

If this happened to anyone else, I'm afraid they would tear my son in half and not be able to forgive him.

Thank you for your understanding of Lin Lin and my daughter-in-law.

I would like to thank you for not pestering them."He Yu said.

It's true; when good people meet good people, it's like a family.

If something big happens, you can only leave it to fate.

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