At the mobilization meeting for the senior high school graduating class, the teachers asked He Yu to introduce his secret trick that ranked second in the county in mathematics scores in the college entrance examination.

He said,"I don't have any unique tricks. I just try to give students the opportunity to become self-taught through my careful exploration. They are not passive learning machines.

In the classroom, teachers should fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for independent learning and allow them to use their brains to think about problems." Opportunities.

Teachers can only be guides, not bricklayers.

Let students have the opportunity to develop their potential and actively participate in classroom teaching activities under the inspiration and guidance of teachers.

In this way, students can develop the opportunity to study hard and learn independently.

We cannot overcome the old cramming teaching method.

I introduced the famous Chinese mathematician Hua Luogeng to the students, who was only at the junior high school level.

Because of hard work and persistence in self-study, he finally became a world-famous mathematician.

Let the students study on their own before class and preview the text. content.

Then use a pen to circle the content that you don’t understand.

And when asking them to preview, first try the questions and answers at the end of the text."

"Vice-Principal He, isn't this a bit too hasty?

The teacher didn't even teach the content in the book, so he just asked the students to do it?"A teacher asked

"Don’t worry, this is called forcing a monkey to climb a tree.

Most students are curious and want to try to see if they can do it.

If they don't know how to solve the questions, they will read the textbook content over and over again, use their brains to think about it, and do as much as they can. Even if you don’t know how to solve a question, that’s fine. This way they will pay attention during class.

Some simple questions are not too difficult, and it is a good thing that some students will be able to do them after reading the text.

Not knowing how to do it is also a good thing.

In this way, when the teacher explains, he will listen very attentively.

The lectures should not be like cramming or brick-laying, with the teacher giving the lectures alone.

This is the same old teaching method.

Change passive learning into active learning.

Before class, you must first understand and thoroughly understand the content to be taught.

Then think about those things that students can understand through self-study, even if they understand a little bit. Which ones are difficult to understand and cannot be mastered. You can listen carefully in class.

Then think about how to guide students from easy to difficult and from shallow to deep in class to inspire students to take initiative in learning. and their respective potential abilities, to acquire knowledge, we must mobilize students' active interest in learning, let students participate in research together, and then interact with the inspiring situation, teachers and students to analyze and understand. Master and flexibly apply the knowledge content to be learned.

I call this teaching method the research-based teaching method.

In this way, students will be more interested and remember it firmly."Just after He Yu finished his introduction, a teacher couldn't hold himself back and clapped his hands and said,"What a trick! This is the first time I've heard of this kind of research-based teaching method.

I don't know if it was your invention or someone who invented it. I saw it in the magazine?

The reason why you got second place in the exam was because you used this secret weapon?

You are so selfish!

In a school, why didn't you introduce it to us early?

You secretly used this teaching method alone, so that Your class ranked second in the exam. At the request of Teacher Xiao Zhang, you only revealed it today.

It was hidden so deeply!"

"It was not created by me, nor was it published in that magazine. When I was studying, a teacher gave a lecture using this method.

I named this teaching method the Qiyan teaching method.

After so many years, I almost forgot about it, because if you want to teach this class well, you cannot be in the bottom one or two, so I slowly recalled it, After constant exploration and trial teaching, I learned this method step by step.

I have this opportunity today, so I’m going to talk about it and discuss and study it with everyone.

You might as well give it a try to see if it works!

But to use this method well, teachers need to spend a lot of energy, determination and patience.

To be flexible, it cannot be done without stimulating students' enthusiasm and participation."He Yu said

"This is the magic weapon for you to get second place in the exam. Why should you discuss and study it with everyone?

Stop being so modest!

When I was in school, I also studied education, but there were no research-based teaching methods?

Did you give an open class to open our eyes and see how the research-based teaching method works?

No matter how difficult or hard it is, we have to give it a try!"Teacher Xiao Zhang said


Initiative teaching method. It is still a new term, how to start it?

How to grind it?

Just take an open class and let us open our eyes!

It's true; he used a secret weapon to get ahead, and he had a good Qiyan method that made everyone salivate.

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