He Yu went to work the next morning and took a car with the chief to Huangnihe.

In the car, the chief suddenly asked He Yu for some reason:"You have been in Fuyuan for so many years, and you have done many amazing things for Fuyuan. You should be said to be a meritorious official.

But you have been isolated and examined by the Bureau of Culture and Education for several years." Month. Why is this?

Can you tell me in detail?"

He Yu was in the movement when he was the principal of Longhai Agricultural Middle School. One night, I eavesdropped on what was going on at the outer station in Teacher Li Lin's dormitory, and told the chief about it in detail.

When the chief heard about it:"What does such a big and small thing mean? Besides, it's not you who called the outside.

In order to protect Teacher Li Lin, you took it on by yourself, but you were punished by the internal staff once.

You are so kind-hearted!

Sun Huixi Forcibly recommending unqualified private teachers to private teacher cram schools.

And you exposed this matter again!

It made him lose face, so he grabbed you for being recorded as a serious demerit, and of course he had to deal with you.!

Putting you in isolation for review is considered a minor offense!

If he expels you and goes home, you will be even more unjust.

Then I won’t be able to find someone like you to be my secretary.

I want to ask you again, you In order to protect Teacher Li Lin, you were punished severely, which will affect your future for the rest of your life. Do you regret it now or in the future?"

"I definitely won’t regret it!

At least I still have a job, and my wife is a teacher.

Although our monthly salary is not enough, we still have a few children to support.

If, for the sake of Mingzhe's protection, I would have told Officer Zhang who was interrogating me the true situation when I was being interrogated at Huangnihe Cadre School.

Then Teacher Li Lin will be fired.

This police officer Zhang is a close friend of mine whom I have known since I was a teacher at Zhongan Primary School.

He never believed I would do this.

He repeatedly warned me that if I took the responsibility alone, the consequences would be disastrous.

He once hinted to me several times and asked me to tell the truth.

But I always insisted to the end and said it had nothing to do with Li Lin.

He asked the recorder to write that He Yu did not tell the truth and was hesitant when asking questions.

I was mentally prepared to be fired and go home.

I don’t know why, but I was only given one major demerit.."

"You don’t want to think about it!

Since Officer Zhang is your good friend and knows you well, he suspected you of telling lies when he interrogated you.

Therefore, when handling the case, you will only be given a demerit.

This officer Zhang is really a good police officer.

I wonder if he is still working in Fuyuan?"The chief asked


He is the director of the Security Bureau!"He Yu said,

"I want to meet him when I get the chance!"

He Yu talked with the chief, and soon they arrived at Huangnihe Commune.

He Yu and the chief walked in and happened to meet Director Qin of the commune.

"Comrade Xu! Come into the office and take a break!

Why is Chief He here too! Director Qin asked

"Do you know Xiaohe?"The chief asked,

"Of course we do!

Dongshan Commune overhauled private school buildings, and the educational undertaking was vigorously carried out. It was not only because he had been running around in Laodongshan to mobilize leaders and the masses, that was why Laodongshan achieved such outstanding results.

Moreover, he even wrote an article about it and published it in a major national newspaper!

A nationwide sensation!

He is a great talent in Fuyuan!

He often comes down to our commune and helps build new school buildings for many private schools in our commune," Director Qin said

"He's my secretary now!

I will no longer help you with the construction of school buildings!"

"He is both civilized and military. He is not only a first-class writer in Fuyuan, but also very proficient in agricultural knowledge.

He not only transformed hundreds of acres of slope land in Xipo Village of Dahe Commune into flat land, but also used scientific and technological knowledge to create a new type of fertilizer. Strong corn seedlings grew on the thin ground that had just been renovated, and a bumper harvest was achieved that year!

What an amazing talent!

Have him following you. Just like a tiger with added power!"

"Director Qu, don't flatter me like this!

You are an old expert in agriculture!"He Yu said with a smile.

It's true: when you show off your old skills, you get praise from the chief.

When you finally meet someone you know, you can feel confident and bold.

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