Xiaoqian's sister heard that Xiaoqian and the others were going to be transferred to teach in Shibalian Mountain, so she asked He Yu:"You two are going to be transferred to Shibalian Mountain together?

It sounds like Shibalian Mountain is ten Eight mountains are connected together.

It is a place with high mountains and cold climate.

How could you two be transferred to teach in a place like this?

Did you make any mistakes to be transferred there?

Tell me honestly!"

Xiaoqian told her sister why she was transferred to Shibalianshan.

When her sister heard this, she got angry and said,"This guy surnamed Sun is so cruel!

How could he do such a heartless and vicious thing?

It turns out that He Yu was inexplicably put under quarantine for several months, but when you gave birth to the baby, you Don't let him come to see you!

God will not spare such a person and let him have no descendants!"

"Sister, you are right!

He is now almost fifty years old and does not have a baby yet.

Hearing that He Yu was transferred to be the chief's secretary, he was so angry that he became bedridden!"Xiaoqian said


This is retribution. God really opened his eyes and punished him!

Fortunately, you met a good person and transferred He Yu to be the secretary to the chief.

Otherwise, I don't know how you would survive if you were transferred to Shibalianshan?"Sister Xiaoqian said.

The next morning,

Yanyan heard that her aunt was going to take him to Maitreya, so she ran away and hid.

No matter what Xiaoqian and He Yu tried to persuade her, she just kept holding on to Xiaoqian's clothes. He

Yu said:"My sister has only been here for a day and she feels strange.

It’s better to wait until my sister is here for two more days, and she will get to know her better, and then try to let her go."

"That's fine. If I stay a few more days and let her get familiar with me and be close to me for a while, she won't feel like a stranger!"

He Yu hurried to the government office, and Xiaoqian was busy going to class.

There were only Yanyan and Bobo at home.

Xiaoqian's sister was going to take Bobo and Yanyan to the canteen in front of the school to buy something for them..

No matter what, Yanyan just didn't go.

This was when she watched her aunt pulling Bobo ahead, and she followed slowly behind in fear. When she arrived at the canteen, she saw her brother holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand.

She I just licked it around my mouth with my tongue.

But I was too embarrassed to walk over!

Xiaoqian’s sister held a bunch of candied haws in her hand and shook it towards her.

She wanted to eat it very much, but she didn’t dare to walk over!

Yanyan is a stubborn child.

Xiaoqian's sister pulled Bobo back and let Bobo hold the candied haws and handed it to Yanyan.

She looked at her aunt but still felt strange and did not reach out to pick it up. Bo handed the candied haws to her hand, and she took it slowly after looking at her aunt.

But she didn't eat it all at once.

Xiaoqian's sister said:"Yanyan!

I'm your mother's biological sister!

Just like Honghong and you, they are two biological sisters!

Because my aunt is far away from here.

I didn’t come to visit you!

You feel strange to your aunt.

Eat it quickly!

As long as you ask and eat whatever you want, your aunt will buy delicious food for you and your brother every day! Yanyan looked at the candied haws in her hand. Her mouth watered!

But she still didn't want to eat it!

Bobo handed the candied haws in her hand to Yanyan's mouth and said,"Sister!"

The candied haws bought by my aunt is so sweet!

Take a bite!"

At this time, Yanyan couldn't help it anymore, so she bit the candied haws that Bobo handed to her mouth, and looked at her aunt while eating!

After a few days of contact, Yanyan felt familiar and fond of her aunt.

She felt This aunt was so kind to me!

But when Xiaoqian's sister said she would take her away, she still refused to leave!

Later, He Yu coaxed her to find her, got on the bus to Qujing with her aunt, and said to her:" There are a lot of delicious food at my aunt's house. You can eat whatever you want.

Let you eat from morning to night.

When you have eaten enough, daddy will come to pick you up!"

Yanyan heard that her aunt's house had a lot of food, so she asked,"Auntie!

How much food does your family really have?

Is dad trying to coax me?"

"Your father didn't coax you, it was really too much!

Don’t you believe it?

When you arrive at your aunt’s house, you will know that there are delicious food and everything. You are the only one who eats it. There is no one to compete with you. You can eat as much as you want!"


But after I finish eating, I have to go home!"


Auntie promises you!

Auntie will send you back."

In this way, Yan Yan went with her aunt with peace of mind.

It was true: she tried every means to take Yan Yan away , but after so much effort, she was finally coaxed away.

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