After He Yu fought with Sun Huixi, he returned to No. 5 Middle School.

Seeing his angry look, Xiaoqian asked him:"What happened again today?

Make you so sad?"

He Yu didn't answer, but just showed her the transfer order from the Organization Department.

After seeing it, Xiaoqian suddenly became dizzy, her heart rate increased and she almost fell.

Seeing this situation, He Yu hurriedly supported her.

And quickly pressed and pinched her philtrum with his hands.

And said to Xiaoqian:"Don't you want to be like this?

If you want to be more open-minded and take care of our four children, just go!

What's the big deal!

Although the Eighteen Mountains are far away, the distance from the county seat is far away. The farther away, the better. Leaving this place of right and wrong and living a leisurely life for a few years will be good for our physical and mental health!"

Xiaoqian regained her composure and said,"I haven't had a stable life since I married you..

Is it because our zodiac signs don’t match, or are we provoking some kind of god!

My body is weak, and I’m taking four children with me to teach in such a remote and backward place. Not only will their lives be ruined.

Besides, what if? I'm seriously ill, and by the time I'm taken to the county seat, I'll have already gone to the West!

By then, how will you survive alone with four children?"

Xiaoqian shed tears as she spoke!

Yanyan saw her mother crying!

She was hugging her mother and crying.

Lin Lin and Hong Hong saw this situation and learned that their parents had been transferred to a place far away.

Lin Lin said:"Ask me to follow you to such a far away place, I won't go!

I will just read my book in No.1 Middle School"

"I don’t want to go either!

The teachers at Dongmen Primary School teach so well and care about me very much.

Go to that damn place. My academic performance will drop!

I just want to study in Dongmen Primary School! Xiaoqian was even more sad when she heard what the child said!

Principal Yin knew that He Yu and the others were going to be transferred to Shibalianshan, so he came to Xiaoqian and said,"Don't be afraid of people named Sun!"

He really wants to kill you both!

They were actually transferred together to a place nearly two hundred kilometers away from the county seat!

Lin Lin is about to graduate from junior high school, how can he be allowed to attend the attached junior high school class!

The teaching quality of Dongmen Primary School, where Honghong is studying, is fast surpassing that of our school.

If they were allowed to go to Shibalianshan to study, their future would be ruined!

I will let you continue to teach your class and take your class.

I will see what he dares to do to you!"

A few teachers who came to comfort Xiaoqian said:"Since Principal Yin has spoken, don't be afraid!

Keep taking your classes here, there is no way he will send someone to drive you away!

We will wash our eyes and look at this person named Sun. It will definitely not end well!"

He Yu showed everyone the transfer order from the Organization Department.

Principal Yin and everyone were surprised!

A teacher said:"Since the Organization Department has issued the transfer order!

This knot is really difficult to solve!"

Principal Yin said: 'In order to transfer you two, they actually mobilized the Organization Department?

How rare!

I wonder how long they have been colluding?

One day, there will be no good end!"

After Principal Yin and other passing teachers left, He Yu was there I thought; 'It seems that it is really difficult to fight with Wang Zhonglin and Sun Huixi now.

The combination of the two of them is really helpless for me, a weak clerk in the Cultural and Educational Bureau!

Let’s pack our luggage first. '

He started packing his luggage.

When Lin Lin saw He Yu starting to pack his luggage, he asked:"Dad!

Do we really want to leave?"

He Yu replied:"Dad has no ability!

There is nothing we can do! There is really no way but to leave it to fate!

Now your mother and I have the fate It's in people's hands!

If you want to be flat, you have to be flat!

If you want to be round, you have to be round!

Now I can only temporarily wrong you!

It's really: driving people to dizziness, and making everyone cry in unbearable grief.The advice from good people can only comfort me, but the pain in my heart is indescribable.

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