Yanyan's arms no longer ooze pus or bleed, and have begun to work on the barrier.

After He Yu served Yan Yan at home for a few days, he went to Housuo commune.

Director Zhang saw He Yu coming back with a smile on his face. So I asked him:"Looking at how happy you are, is it because your daughter's hand is healed?""

"It's ready! Thank you for your concern."

Everyone was happy to hear that He Yu's daughter's hand was healed.

Xiao Li from the Organization Department felt strange and asked He Yu:"The hand was burned and kept bleeding, and it was cured in just three or four days?

Don't lie to us! He

Yu told him the whole process of treatment.

Xiao Li said:"It's so mysterious!"

Famous doctors can't cure it, but a little parasitic grass and a few leaves can cure a burnt hand with pus and bleeding!

You are a good person who meets a good person, and a poor man meets the God of Wealth!

Otherwise, it’s hard to say what will happen to your daughter’s hands."

After nearly a month of waiting, the flood never happened again.

The government flood rescue team was transferred back.

When leaving, He Yu asked Director Zhang for help and transferred him to teach in the No. 5 Middle School.

Director Zhang said,"If you want to good!

It's easy to go from the Bureau of Culture and Education to teach in No. 5 Middle School. But it’s not that easy for ordinary teachers to join the Bureau of Culture and Education、"

"You are talking about the average teacher!

But for me, I no longer want to be in it!

It’s not like you don’t understand my situation!"He Yu said

"I know!

Although Sun Huixi makes things difficult and persecutes you, he can't leave you.

Just bear with it for a while.

For a talent like you to teach in No. 5 Middle School, it is overkill!

Wait for a while, if there is a good errand, then think of a way!"

"But I never had a good day in the Cultural and Educational Bureau!"He Yu said

"Just wait patiently!

The dark clouds will eventually clear!

The light will surely come!"

If you can help, I will definitely help!

When the government department needs people, I will try to transfer you in!""

"Then thank you!"He Yu said with a smile

"How could you say such a thing to me!"


He Yu returned home and happily told Xiaoqian what Director Zhang said.

But Xiaoqian was not only unhappy, but also worried!

"Stop trying to climb higher!

Let’s go back to teach in No. 5 Middle School!

Do you think government departments are good?

I often go to the countryside!

It’s impossible for you to go to the office every day!

Stop thinking about all the good things!

If you go to a government department, you will feel comfortable and prosperous!

But I'm so tired!

I beg you!

Let’s go back to teaching in No. 5 Middle School!

This will reduce my burden and allow me to live a few more years, okay?"

He Yu felt very sad when he heard what Xiaoqian said!

The sparks aroused in his heart suddenly fell down!

He thought about it calmly for a while and felt that Xiaoqian was weak. She had to teach and have to take care of four babies. , It’s really not easy.

He felt that he was dreaming of unrealistic dreams!

He Yu saw Honghong coming in with Bobo on her back!

Honghong immediately pounced on He Yu.

She said happily:"Dad!

You are finally back!

Are you no longer going to the countryside?

Can I just go and study!"

He Yu's heart ached when he heard what Hong Hong said!

He quickly gave up on his fantasy.

He said to Hong Hong,"Dad won't go to the countryside anymore. I will take you to resume school tomorrow!"

"Is what you said true?

Don't lie to me again and again!"

He Yu picked up Bobo from Honghong's back.

While kissing Bobo's face, he said,"Sister, I won't have to carry you on my back every day!"

I can finally go to school! Honghong also held He Yu's head, kissed He Yu's face hard several times and said,"You are such a good father!""

It's true:

I have a good job after saving people, and I want to leave the Bureau of Culture and Education and go to higher places.

But after listening to Xiaoqian's words, the only way to do things is to abandon the illusion and take good care of my wife and children.

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