Xiao Li from the Organization Department was saying:"The deputy director of a small commune actually ignored us, the people who risked their lives to help their commune with flood prevention and rescue operations!

He treated us like this, which really makes me unbearable..

When I get to the commune and find their director, I must ask and understand, otherwise I really can't swallow this breath!"

Xiao Li said angrily. Suddenly a person came in

"I don’t want you to look for it!

Didn't I come?"

Everyone saw that the person who walked in was none other than Director Qu from Housuo Commune.

"Why did you come to us?

We are all risk-taking flood rescue teams!

Even your deputy office director dares to scare us death squads!

We really can’t figure it out!"

"Director Qu!

Don't blame him for what he said to you!

Xiao Li was still annoyed when he saw you come in, so he vented his anger on you, the deputy director of your office."Director Zhang said

"How can I blame him?

It's not even late to say thank you to him.

I heard everything you just said!

It's just my fault that I went to Qujing for a meeting and came back a little late, so you and Chief He were wronged.

All I can say here is thank you and Chief He!

I wonder if Chief He has left??"

"Director Zhang has approved him to go!

I don’t know if I should ask your commune leaders for instructions?"The anger in Xiao Li's heart has not yet been vented.

"You can't say that. Sometimes we have to ask Director Zhang for instructions when something happens! Director Qu said


I was thinking that in order to rescue our Director Zhang, Chief He was almost washed away by the flood even when he went there!

Do you want to see him now?

Maybe I'm walking on the road to hell to see the Lord of Hell!

It's never possible!

His child's hand was burned, and treatment at the hospital was ineffective. It continued to ooze pus and bleed.

Our hearts ached after hearing this!

He wasn't even allowed to ask for leave to take a look!

This kind of thing happened in your commune!

What if it happened in another commune!

Not only asked him to go back quickly.

Moreover, the leader’s car will be used to take him all the way home!

Fortunately, Director Zhang had the courage to ask Chief He to go back quickly without asking your commune leaders.

Now, Chief He may be holding the child whose hands were burned and crying!

I was thinking, what a tragic scene this is!

Tears rolled in my eyes.

I wonder how you feel?

If something happens to me, I won't be as timid as Chief He.

Director Zhang agreed to let him go back, but he was still hesitant.

He was frightened and bullied by Sun Huixi!

He was isolated and interrogated for several months on trumped-up charges. He was not even allowed to see his lover give birth to a baby!"The more Xiao Li talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more he couldn't stop.

"Stop talking!

I went back to the commune and heard all about it!

I was also very angry and severely criticized this person named Sun!

So I hurried over and wanted my car to take him home!

I have long heard and witnessed Chief He’s way of handling people!

In my mind, he is not only a great scholar and extraordinary talent, but also proficient in astronomy and geography, as well as agricultural science and technology.

He has a bodhisattva heart!

Not only is he highly capable, but he also considers others at all times.

He risked his life to save Director Zhang who fell into the water. He should be called a great hero!

It's a pity that such a good seedling did not find a good master.

Otherwise, he is a promising leader!

If he is under me, I will definitely train him well and let him be my assistant. He will be no less than me in the next day!

Even more than me!"

"Director Qu is so right!

It can also be called a classic saying!

You are truly a good leader with vision.

You said everything I wanted to say!

What I just said to you is a little offensive, please forgive me!"

Everyone burst into laughter!

It's true:

I just met the right person, with the same vision and the same IQ.

It's a pity that I didn't meet a good master!

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