Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 298 The Girl and the Fragment (Complete Chapter)

Hearing what the girl said, Hamut also felt a little scared and nodded in agreement.

Originally, their plan went smoothly: Silver Shadow leaked the news, and Hamut drove away the Swamp Velociraptors from behind, while Ase hugged them and rushed out of the siege of the black converters.

In the end, Hamut, who is good at stealth and concealment, took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

As a result, none of them, including Silver Shadow, expected that such an ordinary team of black converters would actually have a top-notch worker bee crossbowman.

‘How can any worker bee be a shooter? ’ Afterwards, Hamut cursed.

Regardless of whether they use a bow or a crossbow, the most important thing for an archer is perception and vision. However, due to the innate limitations of the worker bees, all of them are short-sighted.

The opponent's melee strength is not strong either. If you or Ase get close, you can easily kill him.

As a result, such a short-sighted archer actually severely wounded Ase with one arrow, forcing them to change their plans and slow down their trip.

——It’s quite inspiring in a sense.

If it weren't for the amazing perseverance of Ase, the little Shaq girl, she would have almost rolled off the back of the Velociraptor. She would have been captured by the black converters or trampled into a pulp by the beast tide.

"There are crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the swamp. Even an ordinary bee team can produce such a character," Hamut reminded. "Don't look at you escaping from a few big bosses. That was when they started." They didn’t take us seriously and suffered a loss because they were caught off guard.”

Rumors are always exaggerated.

If the faction leaders in the swamp were serious and strictly guarded, they would not let Ase get close.

Of course, taking a half-year-old girl seriously... This is embarrassing enough to say.

"Like that shadow man, who has been dormant for many years. It is said that no living person has ever seen his face... If his ambition hadn't been exposed this time, I wouldn't have thought that he had such calculations and background." Hamt unconsciously took on the idea of ​​education. tone, "But he picked the wrong opponent... Judging from Big Al's preparations, this gathering of the Stone Rats must be enough to shock the swamp."

"Yeah..." Ase muttered, "I don't think Big Al is anything special. He's not as interesting as Shadow Man... I would like to meet him..."

"You..." Hamt hesitated.

He had a feeling: Ase said this not out of arrogance and ignorance, but because he had really seen higher-level scenery.

After broadening your horizons, you will naturally feel less afraid when you look back.

I'm afraid the other party's background is not simple.

But if she is really the daughter of a general from the Shaker Kingdom, Ase's style is not at all like the tradition of fighting to the death from the famous Shaker family.

When it's time to fight, rush forward, and when the situation breaks down, just walk away, just like a low-level slippery man.

"Don't be too conceited - in short, I can't control other people. You must not mess with the shadow man and the swamp ninja." Hamut said in a tough tone, "We are going to other people's territory now."

Ase's family background has nothing to do with him at all. It's like Hamut has never mentioned his family, his past, and why he wanted to assassinate the merchants of United City... She also tacitly never asked.

They each kept their own secrets and did their own things, but they just happened to be traveling together.

Now, Hamut and Ase are preparing to go to Huangshui Village.

Nowadays, Ase is wanted everywhere in the swamp. With her injuries, if she can no longer get rest and medical treatment, she will die in vain in the wild and dense forest and black swamp, with no one caring about her.

The only breakthrough is the Huangshui Village, which is hostile to the swamp faction.

Although according to rumors, the Water Tribe is not a good thing - their swamp ninjas enjoy attacking foreign travelers.

The occupied Huangshui Village looks miserable... I'm afraid you have to be careful when you go there.

But at least there is a glimmer of hope.

Even if it doesn't work, we can still use the road to send Ase out.

"Okay, I get it..." Aze said sarcastically, and looked at the camp from behind the tree trunk: "But, how are we going to get there?"

This is the problem they have now.

The two of them were hiding in the dense forest outside the Stone Rat Group's camp, and had just eliminated several gang members who were patrolling and searching for them.

This camp, coupled with the range it radiated out, completely blocked the two people's way to Huangshui Village.

That was Gary's strategy, after all.

Under the tight blockade, even the swamp ninjas of the Water Tribe were captured one by one, unable to pass through for support, let alone the two of them.

"As of now, we can only sneak into the camp of the Stone Rats." Hamut started to pick up the clothes of the corpse. "We have to find a way to get the pass token, or get past the sentry, so that we can have a chance to get through."

He had been waiting here for a long time, not just to chat with the little girl.

When the night is quiet, people like him are at home.

"Okay, okay!" Hearing this, Ase became excited and wanted to go forward and pick up another corpse.

How could such an exciting thing be without her?

There was a soft sound, and the sword was unsheathed.

Hamut raised the long knife in his hand and stopped in front of the girl: "You don't have to go."

"Ah?" Ase was surprised, "Why!"

Hamut caught a glimpse of the girl looking surprised when he drew the sword, but in fact, her left hand had quietly reached for the ax handle behind her.

This was a subconscious reaction, but it was enough to show that Ase was still wary of him.

"What's the point of following you?" Hamut chuckled, "Ase's strength is no longer strong enough to swing the segmented axe, right?"

Ase bit her lip and turned a little pale, obviously she was right.

She originally had not grown in shape, and her strength was not as strong as that of an adult. It was quite difficult for her to wield a weapon that was known to be heavy, such as the segmented axe. Now her arrow wound had not healed, and her body was weak, making it even more impossible to fight.

Hamut's eyes were sharp.

He once persuaded Ase to simply throw away the segmented ax on his back and go into battle lightly...but the other party just didn't agree.

The quality of this weapon is not very good, and Ase seems to have some special obsession with it.

Moreover, although this Shaq girl has excellent fighting instincts and practical combat experience, her martial arts skills are mediocre and she only knows how to use segmented axes and heavy weapons.

Obviously he spent all his energy on it, but unfortunately his talent was limited and his growth was not big.

In Ase's current state, following Hamut into the Stone Rats' camp would only be a burden.

Hamut changed his clothes and glanced at her.

I saw that the girl had already let go of her hand, took off the segmented ax from her back, and just hugged her tightly without speaking.

At this moment, Hamut felt that Ase was a child abandoned by his parents.

Thinking of this, his heart twitched, and the dust-laden memories resurfaced again, and happiness, anger and sadness surged into his blood vessels...

He calmed down for a moment, but did not say goodbye to Ase or ask anything. He just silently picked up the curved long knife and jumped out of the dense forest.

The man was strong and strong, and in the darkness of the night, he was like an ape clinging to the back of a group of slave workers returning to the camp.

These slave workers cut down trees during the day and return to the camp to work at night. Now is the best time to sneak in.

Watching Hamut's back disappear into the night, Ase closed his eyes.

She tried to lift the segmented ax in her hand, but it was still weak.

Segmented axe.

There was no way she would give up.

Other Shaq warriors may be able to switch to improved flat swords, but she cannot.

Because, only the heavy weapon named 'Fragment' with the Marked Blade is the symbol of the kingdom's authority; only by lifting it can it be recognized by all the people and shoulder the mission of the country; only when wielding the Marked Blade Only then can the king be invincible and repel all invading enemies...

And the ‘fragments’ are segmented axes.

"I won't go to Huangshui..." the girl suddenly said softly, "the experience is not over yet."

She fumbled to untie the bandage around her waist, and the flesh and blood stuck to the cloth strips and tore them off together.

Ase allowed the wound to open, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

In the darkness, a red light appeared from the girl's eyes!

Blood rose from the bottom of her eyes, like a tide that was about to overflow her pupils; on the girl's body, pieces of brand-new scales pierced the skin and squirmed and grew!

——The phenomenon of madness.

Ase's originally childish face now had bulging veins and looked angry and ferocious.

Under the extreme pain, Ase...Princess Seto couldn't help but roar, but then she bit her arm to suppress the volume.

Hamut was wrong.

Ase is not an abandoned child at all.

As the daughter of that stone demon, even if she is alone, she can only be an escaped beast!

Bayan had studied Berserkers for many years and was not prepared for the little princess. She was able to summarize the clues from the fragmented information.

After all, no one would have thought that a teenage girl would want to become a Berserker.

And Bayan didn't even expect it.

Because he is his student, Seto is much more precocious than his peers.

This is a Shaq freak inherited from the Stone Demon and raised by Bayan.

Seto's eyes were red, and the fangs in his mouth bit his arm covered in scales to draw blood.

She suddenly raised the segmented axe, and when she swung it, the strong wind swept away all the fallen leaves, making a hunting sound.

Where is the weak look from just now?

However, the next moment, the blood red gradually faded from Seto's eyes.

Just before the vision of Krall's death was about to completely occupy Seto's vision, it suddenly shattered like a dream.

"Why," Seto staggered a few steps, half-kneeling on the ground, "There is always the last step to go crazy..."

The segmented ax also fell to the ground.

The girl gritted her teeth and looked unwilling.

The berserk reaction has clearly appeared in her body, but every time she is unable to carry it out to the end and completely turn her into a berserker.

But if she cannot become a berserker, she is destined to be unable to take over the burden of the kingdom.

She is not a natural hero who is admired by others like Dashan Mukai, nor is she a rare pervert like her mother who can dominate a clan by relying on her own strength.

She is not even as good as that Tie... not as good as Uncle Tie, who can learn good martial arts, at least she can dance the segmented ax with great style.

She can only seek strength from her ancient ancestors.

However, it seems that even her madness potential is not as good as those of the remnants of Kalalia.

"Experience is not enough..."

After so many experiments, Seto vaguely realized the key.

——That is, she has never really been in a life-and-death crisis, and she has never really been on the verge of death due to fighting.

This was Seto's original intention to come to the swamp alone and challenge the bosses.

If she were to practice in the Shaq Kingdom, everyone would know her identity. Even if she would not show off during the duel, it would always be in the face of her teacher and mother that she would not kill her.

And if you find Feiniu...

Not to mention that if Seto had the ability to find this person, he would have accomplished a great feat.

The gap in strength is too big, and such an approach can only give political chips to the Kingdom's archenemy, Krall's Choice.

Enemies like the King of Sand and the Holy Kingdom are the same way.

I can't cause trouble to my mother and teachers.

Then the best choice is to stay anonymous and come to this chaotic swamp that has no direct relationship with the kingdom.

Seto is also very particular about the opponents he targets, and does not do anything randomly.

Like the Hound Gang, she never messed with them.

Otherwise, you can only wait for your family to collect the body for you... There is a difference between training and dying.

A suitable opponent should be someone like Big Black Eyebrow or Big Al, who can give her enough pressure but not put her into a completely certain death situation.

Among them, what Seto said to Hamut, "I want to find the Shadow Man" was not groundless.

As the princess of the Shark Kingdom, she even knew the leader of the Water Tribe better than the people in the swamp.

Kingdom officials happen to have a wanted order for Shadow Man.

"A dagger-wielding piece of trash...soft and lazy...His spine may only be found on the rotting, maggot-gnawed body of a coward after death..." Seto struggled to recall the description on the wanted poster.

It's all insulting words, which is normal.

Seto knew that the Water Tribe's actions in the outside world had also caused considerable losses to Shaq.

But based on those cases, no matter what she thought... the shadow person wanted by the kingdom... seemed to be incompatible with the recently popular shadow person in the swamp...

Is there something wrong with us in the Kingdom of Shaq, or is there something wrong with you swamplanders?

If there are no problems - then there is something wrong with the shadow man.

Seto didn't jump to any judgment.

If the Shadow Man is really as ambitious and gloomy as the rumors in the swamp... then this information will also be valuable to the Shark Kingdom, who are also deeply troubled by it.

However, finding the Shadow Man is no easier than finding Feiniu.

They are well hidden, and no one in the world has seen their appearance, so they are not something ordinary people can catch.

Seto stood up, braced himself, and picked up the segmented axe.

The new flesh and blood squeezed out the pus, and the girl felt that the pain all over her body was relieved a lot, and her arms became stronger. Although the madness only lasted for a moment, it still treated some of her injuries and squeezed out more vitality.

This was how she persisted for so many days before meeting Hamut and Silver Shadow.

Seto tried swinging the segmented axe. It wasn't as smooth as when he went crazy, but he was still capable of fighting.

She took a deep breath, determination appearing on her childish face.

Then, he recalled Hamut's previous actions, imitated them, and rushed towards the Stone Rat Group's camp.

In Shark tradition, running away is an act of cowardice.

However, as the princess of the kingdom, Seto has faced powerful enemies that she cannot defeat and has run away countless times.

She felt no shame.

Because Teacher Bayan said that being obsessed with one person's gains and losses and the victory or defeat of a battle is not bravery, but stupidity; conserving strength and starting over again can defeat the once insurmountable enemy.

To truly fight to the death, you must have a reason why you cannot retreat, and you must do something for which you must never give up.

There is no shame in running away, but shame in giving up.

Now came the time when she couldn't give up.

The night is as deep as ink, and the fire in the camp is as bright as a candle.

The people lurking in the darkness gradually approached its feet.

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