Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 291 Take the initiative

Secondly, the young man named Allen is not bad either.

But Lu Meng deliberately kept him and incorporated him into the team of "Swamp Ninja".

The current 'Swamp Ninja', except for himself, most of the other mercenaries are just in vain, so it's okay to bluff people at that station.

If they really fight, they will still use the original fighting method. Their strength is definitely not weak, but it is also easy to reveal their secrets.

If the aboriginal people living in the swamps join in, and after a period of special training, they will have a good reputation, and they can also expand the number of combatants.

In addition to Allen, there are many young people who want to participate.

"Then, the only people left who can lead the team...are them." Lu Meng dreamed of something.

Huangshui Village ancestral hall and iron shack.

This is another all-metal building in the village besides the forbidden area. The identical rust stains indicate that they have experienced the same age.

In fact, it was no longer used for ancestral hall activities a long time ago. The newly built wooden building in the village is much more beautiful and solemn, but this name has been used ever since.

The iron door of the shack has an ancient chiseled lock, leaving only a small window opening for delivering food, which is usually closed.

If no one comes to open it, this place will be more like a prison than a residence.

Two young swamp people with brown skin were staying in the shack. One was lying on the ground with his back on a cushion and his legs crossed; the other was sitting at the table, holding his chin in one hand, as if thinking about something, but both were bored.

They are Asheng and Ariel.

Because they had been attacked by blood spiders, the village was worried that they would be parasitized by the cubs, so they were kept in isolation here.

"Brother Lie," the young man lying on the ground said, "Tell me, everyone..."

"Have you forgotten us?"

Ariel, who was holding his chin with one hand, had a serious expression on his face: "It's very possible."

...Just because, in the village, no one has been sent to deliver food for three days.

If they hadn't had enough food in the tubes a few days ago, the two of them would have recovered from the sequelae of the blood spider attack. They were given plenty of food three days ago, so they weren't hungry and were still in good health.

But no matter what, the swamp environment is hot and humid, and the original cooked food cannot be eaten now.

As a result, no one came to see them.

If this continues, the two of them may become the first batch of villagers to starve to death in the ancestral hall before the isolation is completed.

"It's also possible that something happened in the village." Ariel said slowly, "so that everyone can't take care of us."

Ah Sheng turned over and sat up: "Then let's go out and take a look."

"How are you going to get out?" Ariel still held his chin, showing no emotion.

He just said it casually to relieve the boredom.

Then, he saw Ah Sheng pull out a thin wire hook from the thick straw sole...

Ariel: "...where did you come from?"

Ah Sheng: "Sister Ah Li gave it to me."

Ariel finally understood that none of the people who followed Uncle Hua were honest.

"Okay, let's try it quickly."

However, he was also very curious, and just watched Ah Sheng quietly lean against the wall and fiddle with the door lock.

However, he saw that as soon as Ah Sheng pushed the iron wire into the door lock, there was a click sound outside the door... The iron door opened slowly, and white light leaked out.

Ariel: "!"

Is this kid so powerful?

Next time you go out, be careful with your door...

"What are you doing?" Then, a confused voice came.

Ah Sheng still kept picking the lock and froze in place.

A middle-aged man dressed as a farmer opened the iron door and stood at the door, looking at him curiously.

It was Hua Yong who had just arrived to let them out.

Ah Sheng: "Hua, how about Uncle Hua..."

Ariel did not hesitate and pointed out: "Uncle Hua, he did it all."

A Sheng: "?"

"Okay, get out quickly." Hua Yong said helplessly, "Big things happened in the village recently..."

The village elder who ordered the isolation of the two young men was the dead village elder Lu. However, Hua Yong was outside the village all year round and didn't know anything about it. He leaked the information while busy. If Lu Meng hadn't reminded him, he would have ignored them both.

"Is something really wrong?" Ariel and Ah Sheng looked at each other nervously.

"It's a long story," Hua Yong told them to relax and smiled, "It's Mr. Lu who wants to see you."

"Mr. Lu!?" The two of them spoke at the same time in shock. Neither of them expected to hear this name suddenly after returning to the village.

In their minds, they were still thinking about how to brag to their companions after going out and leading a team for Mr. Lu.

Too much information.

I feel like I've missed out on so much...

Whoever brought them here will take them back.

It was a perfect job to hand over the caravan to Ariel and Asheng, who were originally leading the way.

After the meeting was arranged, Lu Meng felt relieved.

The two young men seemed very excited too.

He looked at the big man Shaq beside him and said solemnly: "Lao Kang, I leave this place to you."

Kang was no longer a military policeman of the Shark Kingdom and no longer had to perform his duties, so he did not return with the caravan.

"Brother Lu, don't worry." Kang patted his chest and his armor vibrated.

He has now put on the iron armor tailor-made by Lu Meng for the Shaq people. This equipment has been placed on the iron bulls and beasts of burden before, and is now unloaded in Huangshui Village.

In the past, we had to move around in the swamp, so traveling in armor was inconvenient—it could even be said to be seeking death.

Just imagine if you fall into water or are filled with mud, it would be impossible for a landlubber like Yikang to save yourself.

Now that Lu Meng entrusted him with guarding the village, it was natural that he would be fully armed.

"Okay." Lu Meng returned the affirmative look.

Now that the Shaq warriors except Kang have left, the hard power of Huangshui Village has been greatly reduced, and it will be more difficult to deal with the Stone Rats.

But it's necessary.

If Ryan stays until the Stone Rats are defeated before returning, the alliance between the major factions in the swamp will have been completed. By then, they will be under even greater pressure, and at the same time they cannot count on support from the Kingdom of Shake.

They are not real swamp ninjas and do not have the support of the Water Tribe.

Being driven out of the swamp is the final outcome.

Huangshui Village now has Kang Shu, who has advanced to the top five in the Thunder Arena. In addition, the villagers rely on iron fences and walls for defense. Even if they are surrounded by the Stone Rat Group, they can still hold on for a long time.

But Lu Meng would not let the situation fall into this situation.

The Stone Rat Group has a large number of people. If they are allowed to come outside Huangshui Village, even if they cannot attack the village, they can still destroy the paddy fields, plantations and fisheries outside.

There is no talk of grain roads or biofuels - the dream of that road is equivalent to having been lost.

Kang is just the last insurance to ensure that you won't lose so miserably.

He must take the initiative and intercept the opponent in advance.

The 'Swamp Ninjas' lined up behind Lu Meng. There were less than thirty of them. In addition to the original mercenaries, most of them were newly recruited young villagers.

There are still more than ten sets of costumes looted from the swamp ninjas. Even if there are more members, they can currently disguise a fifty-person team.

And this is only equivalent to the number of thugs under the jurisdiction of a small leader of the Stone Rat Group.

Fortunately, the mercenaries were carefully selected and dispatched by Bayan. Their combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of ordinary members of the Stone Rat Regiment, and they could serve as the backbone of Lu Meng's deployment.

Lu Meng had a knife on his waist and tied up his dark green belt. At first glance, it looked like he was integrated into the dense forest and grass.

He was carrying a bamboo basket behind him, and the mother insect was tied up like a rice dumpling.

Seven blood spiders were lying in the fallen reed leaves, their sharp legs piercing the soil. They are all dark red in body, have hard carapace, and are becoming more mature and obedient.

"Mr. Lu." A gas mask was handed to him.

Lu Meng looked at him, and through the transparent resin goggles on his eyes, he could recognize people at a close distance.

It was Ah Quan, the younger brother of the swamp girl. He was very enthusiastic when I heard that he signed up.

"Thank you." Lu Meng put on his mask and tucked his hair away from his forehead, "Let's go!"

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