Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 284 Trouble in the Swamp (Complete Chapter)

That female Shaq has no family or sect, so just getting into trouble with several major factions in the swamp is not without cost.

Big Al and Big Black Eyebrow both hit her hard.

In this rainforest, there is no medical treatment, and escaping from serious injuries is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But unlike the strangulation order issued by the Stone Rats, the order given to the black converters was just to capture her.

He was obviously someone who offended Da Heimei, but Da Heimei himself actually wanted to arrest someone alive?

Could it be that he wanted to give it to Big Al as a favor... the leader thought about it.

Unlike other worker bees and soldier bees who only follow the orders of his superiors, he prefers to figure out the intentions behind these orders.

It's just that they are both princes of the hive tribe, so the leader has to admit that there is still a big gap between himself and Big Black Eyebrow.

Perhaps they want to win over the Stone Rat Group, so that they can gain more leverage during the alliance.

The team leader can only think so for the time being.

He did not take it lightly. Judging from the report, the Shaq girl had amazing patience. If a few injuries could stop her, it was time for this guy to stop after meeting Big Al.

However, no matter how perseverant you are, you will never be able to break through the limits of the human body.

The Black Converter Team has actually caught up with the sneak attacker.

During these days, they were divided into two teams, tracking each other day and night in shifts; while the other party only had one person, so they could only work hard all the time, and the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

The black converter could have moved forward to capture the opponent long ago, but he just kept delaying, like a seasoned hunter who would not give up until the last bit of energy was exhausted from his prey.

The leader pushed aside a clump of fern leaves, looked at the traces of being crushed on the ground, and chuckled at his companions behind him: "Look, our horned girl fell down here and can't get up!"

The black converts all laughed in response.

The leader of the Bee Prince was very satisfied with his findings and was about to adjust his direction according to the traces on the ground when an untimely voice came:

"These are not traces left by humans."

Everyone looked up and saw the crossbowman at the end of the team. He does not wear a black leather coat like other black converts, but like a hunter in the swamp, he wears rag strips tightly wrapped around his upper body, which can effectively prevent mosquito and leech bites.

But as a gang member, it is too unfashionable.

"Green," the leader stared with eyebrowless eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

The crossbowman who spoke was named Green.

He is a worker bee.

As the leader of the Hive Prince, he doesn't like people questioning him at will - especially lower-level subspecies such as 'soldier bees' and 'worker bees'.

"Leader, I think what I said has been made very clear." The crossbowman named Cang Cui's expression remained unchanged, "This is not a trace left by the target."

"If we follow it, we will lose it."

Before the leader could speak, other black converts secretly grabbed Cang Cui and motioned for him to say less.

In fact, the route of this pedestrian was not determined solely by traces on the ground. As the capturers of the rear team, the signal has been sent by the front team, so they just need to follow it.

What the team leader did was just reconnaissance to show off his acumen.

"That means the people in front are also on the wrong path." Cang Cui seemed to have not heard the implication of his companion's words. "They were also as misled as you, the leader."

The leader of the Bee Prince finally spoke again. He sneered: "Then how did you know?"

Seeing the leader asking questions, everyone looked at Green Green again.

The worker bee was silent, as if he was stunned by the question.

The team leader clicked his tongue.

——Actually, this crossbowman named Cang Cui was not originally a member of their team.

It is said that as a bee-man, the faction he joined at the beginning was not the black converts, but an unknown small gang of third- and fourth-rate people. As a result, in a hostile armed battle, the small gang was completely wiped out by a third-rate enemy, and only the crossbowman escaped.

In the end, he had no choice but to ask the black converter to take him in for shelter.

This is also the first mission Cang Cui has performed since joining the team.

What's more... the team leader glanced at the crossbow on Green Green's back, and the corners of his mouth rose, showing disdain.

As a worker bee, he actually wants to be a crossbowman.

You know, in the hive tribe, worker bees are positioned as hard-working craftsmen. The queen needs them to work hard and do not need to see too far - based on humans, the vision of worker bees is usually only half of the average level.

This has been determined since birth as a worker bee, and is a physical castration defect.

Even if you leave the hive and become a free wandering bee, this cannot be changed.

As a shooter, your most important vision is defective.

On the other hand, the leader himself, as a hive prince, is the leader appointed by the Queen. He is born with the need to be far-sighted and perceptive. Even if you deign to become a shooter after leaving the hive, you are still a naturally good seedling, and cannot be matched by a mere worker bee.

Not to mention the intellectual gap.

Throughout the continent, everyone has a consensus: the wandering bee prince is recognized as an actuarial steward, the soldier bees are recognized as high-quality soldiers... and the worker bees are recognized as top-notch cattle and horses.

As a result, with such a level, you actually dare to point fingers at yourself as the team leader... The Bee Man Prince sighed to himself: Even if he recruits such 'talents', it's no wonder that his old club will be deceived and expelled from the swamp. .

Thinking of this, the team leader regretted his excitement just now and asked the other party.

It seems like you really care about the other person's opinion.

As a high-level subspecies, sometimes you have to have the decisiveness to make all decisions. Questions from a lower-level subspecies are like the noise in the breeze, and if you listen to it for one second longer, you will lose.

At the moment, seeing the greenery, there was no reaction. The team leader waved half-heartedly, signaling the team to continue moving forward.

However, when the leader took another step, the green voice came again:

"This is the trace left by the swamp velociraptor... If I remember correctly, this is the toilet they dug for themselves..."

"A swamp velociraptor may poop one-third of its body size at a time. If not handled in advance, their whereabouts may be exposed...such as under your feet as the leader."

Hearing this, the team leader raised his feet and took a look.

Sure enough, it was full of indescribable things.

His right foot, as thin as a bamboo pole, had just taken that step and was inserted deeply into the temporary cesspit of the swamp velociraptors.

Cang Cui walked forward, ignoring the increasingly ugly look on the leader's face, picked up a branch and scooped up the feces, and said:

"The large swamp velociraptor is about the same size as a human. It also walks on two feet. The traces it leaves in the rainforest can easily be mistaken for passers-by... Leader, don't worry, they eat more and poop faster." Generally very clean...well, this one seems to have some indigestion..."

Verdant pondered.

As a worker bee, his thinking speed is indeed not as agile as that of princes and humans. If he is asked to organize the results of his thinking in words, sometimes he has to think for a long time.

But you can still figure it out yourself.

"You're so green!" the team leader was furious: "Did you do it on purpose?"

He couldn't control much. The crossbow on his arm was aimed directly at the worker bee who was squatting on the ground checking feces. With a click of his finger, the crossbow arrow could penetrate his thin waist.

Green's face suddenly changed.

Almost at the same time, there was a soft "click" sound, and before anyone could react, Cang Cui had already removed the crossbow from his back, loaded the weapon, and turned around to aim at the leader.

The leader was shocked.

He never expected that Cang Cui would react so quickly, and that his proficiency in winding the string would even exceed his own.

Secondly, he did not expect that as an ordinary gang member and a worker bee, Cang Cui would dare to resist himself as the leader and hive prince.

"You..." The leader was frightened.

Among the black converters, in this case, it was reasonable for the superiors to execute the subordinates, but he could not guarantee whether Cang Cui would fight to the death with him.

Judging from what the other party showed just now, he might still have the upper hand.

Before the leader could continue to speak, Cang Cui yelled: "Get out of the way!"

In the meantime, pull the trigger.

The crossbow arrows were carried by the strong wind and shot out like lightning.

The team leader couldn't react quickly, so he tilted his head slightly, and the arrow scratched his cheek, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood.

The leader's eyes turned cold, and he aimed at Cang Cui and pulled the trigger.

But he missed.

The green and thin figure was vigorous and had rolled to one side.

However, judging from his movements, it was not to dodge the leader's crossbow... but more like to avoid something bigger.

A cry echoed through the rainforest.

The team leader turned around belatedly, only to see a giant beast as tall as a person, lifting up the dense grass and fern leaves, and rushing towards him.

It looks like a dinosaur, with two feet on the ground, two short forelimbs hanging on its chest, and raised bone spurs all over its back.

The Beehive Prince had no time to dodge, and was knocked out violently.

This swamp velociraptor let out a hoarse roar, ran crookedly, hit a tree trunk with its head, and then rolled over to the ground - there was an arrow stuck in its left eye, which was completely inserted into the root, and then shot out from the back of its head. .

If Cang Cui hadn't foresighted and accurately shot this arrow, the crazy swamp velociraptor would have been enough to bring down two people, including himself.

Originally, if the leader had reacted earlier, he could have avoided it, but unfortunately, he was subconsciously unwilling to obey the order of this worker bee.

However, things are not over yet.

As the first swamp velociraptor rushed out, countless swamp velociraptors broke through the thick fern leaves one after another: the largest of them was as tall as a person and more than two meters long, and the smaller ones were as tall as half a person. The herd crashed into the black converters.

The worker bee crossbowmen flashed and moved among the beasts, and the screams of their companions continued to be heard from all around.

Cang Cui was surprised.

Swamp velociraptors are social animals that live in nests. They have a docile temperament. Except for occasionally invading the farmland of the swamp people, they usually do not conflict with humans.

How could you take the initiative to attack them now?

Soon, Cang Cui discovered that the Swamp Velociraptor was not attacking them - it was more like the herd was passing by suddenly and happened to run into the advancing black converters.

Is it really such a coincidence? Cang Cui didn't have time to think, and quickly shouted for the helpers to climb up the branches or at least hide behind the tree trunks.

Since it was not directed at them, as long as they avoided the first wave of impact, the Swamp Velociraptor would not pursue them again.

The bees hurried into action.

However, just when they thought they were safe, a stream of blood suddenly sprayed in the air.

A soldier who had just climbed to the top of a tree felt a chill in his waist, and his entire lower body was broken into two pieces.

Soldier Bee let go in pain and fell in the air, just in time to be trampled into a pulp by the swamp velociraptor rushing past.

The next moment, another gang member of the black converter received the same treatment.

"Is it...her?" Green Green, who had already jumped up to the treetops and curled up, could see clearly.

It was a Shaq. She hid beside a swamp velociraptor, grabbing the bone spurs on its back with one hand and waving the segmented ax with the other, harvesting the scattered black transformation like an ancient cavalry. those.

It's the wanted criminal! The person they want to capture.

Judging from the frenzied and irritable look of the swamp velociraptor, it was obviously not willing.

——One of the Shaq's bone spurs pierced into its belly.

This sneak attacker had indeed been here, but he just used the cover of the Swamp Velociraptor to make fake traces in order to mislead the pursuers into running in the wrong direction.

Once the black converter was not misled, she would use violence and fright to drive away the nearby beast herd, come over to disperse them, and at the same time create an opportunity to escape and break out.

This arrangement can be said to be both meticulous and bold.

However, what surprised Cang Cui even more.

Although this sneak attack was ruthless, judging from her body shape and the length of her horns... Among the Shaq people, she was probably only an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, and her face still had some of the baby fat from childhood.

Green Green felt like she understood... No wonder neither Big Al nor Big Black Eyebrow wanted to make her appearance public.

If everyone knew that the two faction leaders were actually attacked by a little Shaq girl who was not yet underage... Even if they won a big victory, there would be no face to speak of, and they might be ridiculed by other faction leaders.

Look at this little Shaq girl, she has a great frame, but her body is not yet fully grown.

When she swung a standard segmented ax, wasn't it just 'exaggerated proportions'?

Cang Cui had poor eyesight, but through experience and skill, he was still able to locate the sneak attacker.

He made a prompt decision, cocked his crossbow, and fired an arrow!

The crossbow arrow passed through the chaotic herd of beasts and sank into it, causing a short muffled grunt.

The worker bee crossbowman couldn't tell whether it was fatal, but seeing that the hijacked swamp velociraptor stopped its rampage and instead rushed straight out of the rainforest... it can be guessed that the little girl Shaq must have been hit by an arrow. He gave up all thoughts of continuing to kill the enemy and chose to break out first.

In addition, she had been seriously injured before. If she continued to hold on, she would be arrested or even die.

Without the leader, the swamp velociraptors quickly dispersed, and Green jumped down from the treetops.

He looked at the black converts who fell to the ground.

Some were injured and trampled by the swamp velociraptor, while others were killed or injured in the hands of the little girl Nashak.

As for the leader of the Beehive Prince, he was hit head-on by the leading velociraptor and fell to the ground unconscious, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The remaining members of the Bee Gang were also in shock and confusion. They were completely disrupted by this sudden change, and without their leader to command, they didn't know what to do next.

A feeling of disappointment emerged in Green's heart.

I thought that as one of the five major factions, the Black Converters were powerful and must have their merits.

After actually joining, Cang Cui realized that although this organization could not be considered a mob, it was far from meeting her expectations.

The worker bee crossbowman couldn't help but think of the hottest rumors in recent days.

——The Shadow Man of the Water Tribe, he is deep and courageous, and sounds like a man of great achievements.

Now that the shadow man wants to redefine his sphere of influence in the swamp, he will definitely need more people under his command... Even though he is a bee man, he may not be able to join his swamp ninja at this time.

However, with the alliance of the five major factions imminent, it may be impossible for the Shadow Man to contend with the entire swamp on his own.

If you lose more and win less, you may not have much future; if you rely on the past, you may be treated as cannon fodder by others.

Cang Cui suppressed her heartbeat and decided to wait and see for a while.

Accidents are dangers and sources of opportunities.

The current situation in the swamp is unclear. There must be many people with such thoughts.

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