Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 280 Just because we are swamp ninjas (combined chapter)

Although the ground was full of dead bodies and surrounded by blood spiders, the middle-aged man showed no fear on his face, as if he was not aware of his situation at all.

When the man called 'Doctor Zhong' appeared, the blood spider stopped approaching - it was not Lu Meng who gave the order, but the second and third children began to wander around after they got close to a certain distance. The effect was exactly the same as the potion Lu Meng had used.

Obviously Dr. Zhong had been prepared. If Lu Meng hadn't been paying attention to them, he would have been able to escape during the melee.

Lu Meng glanced at the little girl in his arms. There was a lot of blood on his little body, but he was not injured. On the contrary, a bright red gash appeared on Dr. Zhong's shoulder, and the blood stains on his clothes continued to expand - the blood spider did not attack him, it was snatching it away. Xiaoying caused it when she was a child.

If he hadn't seen that scene, Lu Meng wouldn't have been able to sit still on the Diaoyutai and remain calm.

"——Do you recognize me?"

At this time, hearing the other party's rhetorical question, Lu Meng smiled and said, "It's not surprising that I recognize you. Others may not be sure. You, Dr. Zhong, are very famous."

Hearing this, Dr. Zhong's face darkened.

Indeed, he was responsible for more than half of the successful organ transplant operations organized by the Double Blade Group. If you have paid attention to this industry in the swamp, you will more or less know that there is such a number one person like him.

Even in the early days, even the organs came from his patients.

At that time, Dr. Zhong didn’t even know what the Double-Edged Group was, and he just assumed that there was a mysterious wealthy financial backer who had been supporting his medical research.

It is so rare to know that there are still people in this swamp who are willing to spend money to do such things... As a doctor, he can only cherish this opportunity.

However, when his research made a breakthrough, his bad luck began.

At first, Dr. Zhong was filled with joy when he saw patients regaining their lives in his own hands. But gradually, he discovered something was wrong: these recovered patients disappeared one by one after leaving his clinic. Gone, no trace.

Later, even people who came to the clinic disappeared.

Until one time, Dr. Zhong found the patient who had just consulted the day before yesterday in the swamp - the body was putrid and disembowelled, and the internal organs were missing.

As a doctor, he was targeted.

As a doctor, he has almost become the incarnation of causing death.

It was then that the white-haired man behind the scenes came to the door, and they had a showdown.

They are a double-edged group.

They told Dr. Zhong that you had no option to stop.

The interpretation of ancient books and research results on organ transplantation have been handed over, but as the founder, Dr. Zhong’s technology is still the best.

Not everyone has the courage to say no to the gangs that dominate the swamp.

All Dr. Zhong can do is to close the clinic and stop practicing medicine - at least not to let the patients who come for help become a source of organs for the black market because of him.

As for other people, he has no control over them anymore.

Dr. Zhong knew that it was impossible for him to completely remove it - just like putting his hand into the mud, it would be instantly covered with putrid odor and dirt, which could not be washed away.

What you seek is just self-deception.

"So?" He looked at Lu Meng and sneered, "What do you want to do to me?"

It can be seen that although the other party is dressed as a swamp ninja, his behavior is the same as that of the Huangshui villagers.

He participated in the kidnapping of the Double Blade Group, and could even be said to be a key part of it. Now he is still holding their villagers hostage, and he is passive... Judging from the movement in the distance, more villagers are coming, Seeing this scene, I might be torn apart by a swarm of angry people.

As he spoke, Dr. Zhong secretly exerted force on his hand. Xiao Ying'er's face suddenly turned pale and she frowned.

——He grabbed the little girl’s neck.

Dr. Zhong snatched Xiao Yinger, not to save her!

"I advise you not to do this." Lu Meng took a step forward and spoke calmly.

Although he was still far away, Dr. Zhong was still subconsciously forced back by the opponent.

Facing the threats from the gang and even the blood spiders, he was in a calm mood and looked forward to death. However, when facing the person in front of him, the middle-aged man actually had some palpitations.

Dr. Zhong quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "You don't know...this is the best choice."

"The Twin Blades need this child...very much."

Just as he had analyzed before: they spent a lot of effort, and even the white-haired man personally supervised the operation, it was inevitable that the person who would receive the organ transplant this time might be an extremely important person.

In fact, maybe his entire misfortune was caused by that person.

In the swamp, organ matching is an extremely difficult task; and judging from the Double Blades' obsession with this girl from the Lin family, she may be the only candidate who can succeed.

If she were left here, the Double Blades would come looking for her again sooner or later.

This time it was a small gang that gathered members of the Stone Rats and the Skinned Men. Next time it might be the Black Switches or even the Hound Gang!

With the power of a small swamp village, it is absolutely impossible and unnecessary to save a child under such pressure.

This time it was Mr. Lu Cun, and next time it would be someone else offering the treasure.

What Dr. Zhong wants to kill is not a girl, but the person behind the scenes who is waiting for the adapter officer to survive.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to fall out with the Double Blades at the last moment. He was already on the road to death.

If he had not been discovered just now, he would still have a chance to escape and study the girl's special characteristics to find out the clues of the person behind the scenes... But now, there are not so many choices, he can only strike first. , she must not be allowed to fall back into the hands of the villagers.

"No, I know very well." Lu Meng held up his mask and walked forward to face Dr. Zhong.

He knows the other person’s story and life.

"But, you can't achieve your goal by doing this." He pressed forward step by step, "If the people behind the scenes have been planning your research since funding the doctor, how many years will it take now? You can wait for such a long time. Go down, is he really anxious for this moment?"

"If this girl is gone, he will still have enough time to find the next one. During this period, he will have to make various trials and errors. If he can still find the girl, the delay in these days will just result in countless more victims out of thin air."

"Maybe the reason why they acted like this was not because of eagerness, but just the excitement of finally seeing hope after years of searching... Have you ever thought about this?"

This is a very reasonable inference, and Lu Meng's tone has always been calm. However, every time Dr. Zhong finished listening to a sentence, he stepped back as if he had been hit hard, until he hit the big tree behind him.

The strength of his hand holding the girl slowly loosened unconsciously, and Xiao Ying'er's complexion gradually became rosy again.

——Of course he thought about it.

But what can he do?

Once the Double Blades get the organ they want, their goal is achieved on the spot without having to consider many possibilities.

Dr. Zhong just couldn't accept what the other party's words revealed, which he had always wanted to ignore:

The greatest possibility is that if you risk your own life and even kill innocent people, the final result will be in vain.

When this fact is faced nakedly in front of our eyes, it is difficult for people to muster the courage to make a decision.

Unknowingly, Lu Meng had walked up to Dr. Zhong.

At this distance, Dr. Zhong understood that with the speed of the opponent's punch punching through the strong man's chest with his bare hands, it was no longer possible for him to make any unnecessary movements.

Lu Meng had no intention of punching. He stretched out his hand to take Xiao Ying'er without any hindrance.

Dr. Zhong's hands maintained their original posture as if stiff, and then gradually drooped, as if they had lost all strength.

"What are you going to do with her?" The man's tone was as stiff as a machine.

"What should I do...of course I can live my life how I want to."

In contrast, Lu Meng's reaction was much calmer. He held the little girl in one hand while waving in the distance.

Over there is a swamp man dressed as a farmer, but it is Hua Yong, who was previously called "Uncle Hua" by the young people who went out. In this hometown, although he leads a lot of people, judging from his appearance, he is an out-and-out villager, and there is no need to talk about the dignity of doing business.

When Hua Yong saw Lu Meng's swamp ninja's costume, he was very wary at first. Then Allen, who was beside him, stepped forward and said a few words. Only then did the leader relax, with surprise and shock in his eyes instead.

"The weather is going to change..." For no reason, the experienced Team Leader Hua had a premonition.

"Life?" Dr. Zhong kept asking, "Why?"

If you don't do anything, you can live as you did in the past, which is already great.

But here, in the swamp where the jungle is strong and the strong prey, it is a luxury for ordinary villages to survive like this.

"Just because we are swamp ninjas." Lu Meng said calmly, as if this matter was a matter of course.

Dr. Zhong: "...?"

"From today on, Huangshui Village is under the cover of our Water Tribe." As he said this, he drew out his personal ninja sword and performed a trick, "What, do you have any objections?"

Such a thin and light knife is actually not suitable for Lu Meng to use. It is not as practical as using it with his bare hands.

But, now we are in role-playing, just props for cosplay.

Although he entered the village as the leader of the Stone Rat Group, those people didn't know that.

Someone will spread the news: the Swamp Ninja disguised himself as the leader of the Stone Rats and entered the village, killing members of the Skinned Men and ruining the Twin Blades' plan.

For this, Lu Meng needs witnesses, such as the white-haired man who was let go...

There is a reason why he was chosen.

Not surprisingly, this man is actually the leader of the Double Blades, Big Fang.

What is beyond the imagination of many people is that as the leader of a gang, Da Jianya is not good at force. His personal strength is not even at the level of a warrior, so much so that Dr. Zhong could snatch Lin Ying from his hands.

However, the big fangs, or the entire double-edged group, are special.

Gang organizations rely heavily on the leader's personal strength and charisma. Sometimes, when the boss dies, the faction falls apart, and this also applies to the swamp.

The Stoke tribe, which once ruled here and was powerful for a while, fell apart due to the death of its leader.

However, the Twin Blades are the exception.

It was not established by Big Fang, and it will not disappear when Big Fang dies. Rather than saying that the Double Blades are the personal property of the leader, Big Fang, it is better to say that Big Fang is the person the Double Blades put on the table.

This is different from most factions in the swamp.

Perhaps there are higher-level forces behind it.

Dr. Zhong only made some speculations, while Lu Meng wanted to fish them out through the big fangs.

"Swamp Ninja..." Dr. Zhong looked at Lu Meng blankly.

It is true that the opponent's clothing and protective equipment... are all standard equipment exclusive to the swamp ninja.

However, the Water Tribe to which the Swamp Ninja belongs has a tacit agreement with the five major factions in the swamp and will not interfere in their sphere of influence.

Most of the local villages are the territory of the Stone Rats. Now that you, a swamp ninja, want to occupy Huangshui Village, you will undoubtedly compete with the Stone Rats for meat - at worst, you may even invade the entire swamp in order to re-divide the power.

And then again, how could Huangshui Village take the risk, abandon the original Stone Rat Group, and switch to your Water Tribe?

You're only one person, so I'm afraid it's hard to convince everyone...

"Mr. Lu!" Unexpectedly, when Hua Yong and his people rushed to Lu Meng, all the young people under him were dazzled and crowded forward to salute.

Apparently Allen had revealed Lu Meng's identity when he reported it.

The entire star chasing scene.

Dr. Zhong: "..."

It seems that this swamp ninja is quite popular in Huangshui Village... I am afraid that he has been in business for a long time. It is no wonder that he wants to save the villager's daughter, because this is his duty.

After paying the protection fee, if your subordinates are in danger, the boss will have to be considerate, otherwise no one will obey your authority.

From this point of view, while the major factions in the swamp were fighting openly and covertly, the Water Tribe was already infiltrating behind the scenes, hoping to expand its base.

After all, they live in the southern wetlands all year round, and the environment is definitely not as good as the towns in the core area. Even if they don't occupy the territory, it is just a tacit understanding - a tacit understanding can be broken at any time.

As long as you have enough strength.

Thinking of this, Dr. Zhong nodded first and then shook his head.

With the protection of the swamp ninja, on the surface, of course, there is no need to fear the double-edged group.

However, if you really want to occupy Huangshui Village, you must first fight with the Stone Rats, plus those forces that don't want the Water Tribe to get involved in the swamps, as well as the original enemies of the Water Tribe... This level will not be easy to pass.

"Lu...Mr. Lu?"

In the midst of the noise, the petrified Ah Quan had only now swept away the insect mother's 'smile' from his mind, as if he were dreaming and waking up.

What came to my ears were the excited voices of my companions saying hello and talking to Mr. Lu. Their words all indicated that Mr. Lu was here.

Ah Quan turned his head and looked slowly.

Do not know why.

When he thought about meeting Mr. Lu, he should have been full of expectations.

However, at this moment, the young man was filled with an ominous premonition...

"Hey!" Seeing that the young man had regained his composure, Lu Meng greeted him.

He has now taken off his mask again, and he looks exactly like Ah Quan is familiar with——

Ah Quan: "..."

It seems that I just broke into someone's room and even got into a fight...

And carried away...

When he thought of the first meeting with his idol, as well as the various actions he had done in front of them and the people he had humiliated... Ah Quan once again emptied his mind, his eyes blank and dull.

So much so that he didn't realize that Lu Meng just walked by, tapped him on the shoulder, said something, and then turned around and passed by.

On the other side, Uncle Hua directed the young people to clean up the battlefield.

The loot left behind by gang members is still worth collecting.

As for himself, he stood in front of Old Lu Cun's body, looking at the old man's shocked and angry expression that was frozen forever.

After a long time, he let out a sigh.

I did something stupid today. I came out without my ID card. I almost thought I was going to sleep on the street and code on the street. Thanks to the front desk and electronic information... Finally, thank you to the dreamy cat boss for the 2k points reward!

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