Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 270 More and more legends

In the swamp, being targeted by a blood spider would be a dead end. In this case, Mr. Lu might be willing to risk his life just because of his chance encounter with them last time...

Although several people believed that Mr. Lu could save the day with his ability, when they thought of those ferocious creatures, they couldn't help but tremble for Mr. Lu, and at the same time they admired his courage even more.

Apart from being moved, Allen and others felt even more guilty.

As an outsider, the other party helped his partner time and time again, but he did not repay him at all.

Last time Ah Li gave her a jar of candied fruits, but it was originally something she took with her on the road to eat to satisfy her cravings. If it was considered a gift, even the girl herself would feel embarrassed.

The result is this.

The other party is still willing to lend a helping hand...

"So what was the situation at that time!" Ah Quan finally broke free from his sister's chokehold and asked anxiously: "How did Mr. Lu lead the spiders away?"

Compared to others, he had never met Mr. Lu once.

Ah Sheng even met him twice!

He had been hearing other people's legends but had never seen them, and his heart became more and more itchy.

Besides, if Mr. Lu really has a way to deal with the blood spider, it will be a good thing for the village - at least it is a hope.

"It's all speculation..." The young man who told the story was frightened by Ah Quan's enthusiasm and said with a smile: "That's the blame. After Ariel and Ah Sheng woke up, they both said that their heads felt dizzy. , as if someone had punched me, I can’t even remember the scene clearly..."

"Being parasitized by blood spiders is extremely harmful to the body. There are also anesthetic toxins. It's normal to be confused." Allen nodded, "Don't mention these, think on the bright side, maybe they escaped with their own lives - this way Mr. Lu hasn’t been targeted by the blood spiders either, so it’s safe for him.”

Everyone agreed.

Just after some speculation just now, they subconsciously regarded "Mr. Lu sacrificed his life to attract the swarm of insects" as an established fact.

People always tend to believe what they want to believe.

It is conceivable that in this Huangshui Village, which has little information and lacks entertainment, this new deed will soon spread among the young people.

Mr. Lu has one more legend to add to his legacy.

"A Sheng and the others didn't tell the village elder about these things, right?" While excited, Allen also noticed the practical problems.

"He didn't dare to say it." The young man nodded.

Compared with the younger generation's pursuit of Mr. Lu, most of the older people just see it as a joke.

They have experienced too many storms and have come from this age.

I know there is too much moisture behind the dramatic story.

In their eyes, the outsider named Lu might have some abilities, but he was still an outsider after all.

Even the more capable you are, the more vigilant you should be.

Moreover, no matter how capable outsiders are, they will not be able to survive in this swamp.

If they knew that Ariel and Asheng could return safely because of Mr. Lu, the village elders would not only not be happy, but would be frightened.

They might even be punished severely according to village rules.

"Well, we can just talk about these things ourselves. There is nothing we can do if we are heard again." Allen laughed at himself, "They never believe the stories we tell anyway."

Even when they came back from selling grain last time, the village elders were very dissatisfied with the casualties. They didn't believe at all that the Shaq people could go crazy. They just felt that Hua Yong had neglected his duty as the leader.

A village elder suggested that Big Al, the leader of the Stone Rat Group, was also a Shaq.

If Mr. Al had such an ability, how could he hide it?

And if even Master Al doesn't have such an ability, why are other Shaks better than him?

As for that person named Lu, even if he really existed, he was probably just brought up to make it easier to justify his explanation.

These are all excuses for Hua Yong to shirk responsibility.

For this reason, Uncle Hua was punished and his status in the village was not as good as before.

However, Allen feels that these remarks are just superficial.

The real reason behind this is that Uncle Hua disagrees with the policy vigorously promoted by the village elders...

‘Maybe we can discuss this matter with Uncle Hua. ’ Allen made up his mind.

Because the news about Mr. Lu suddenly came, everyone was very excited. The previous gloomy atmosphere caused by the leader of the Stone Rat Group, organ trading, kidnapping of girls, etc. was swept away.

Allen and the three of them felt a lot more relaxed.

They felt that they were inspired by Mr. Lu's actions. After chatting and exhorting each other for a few words, they dispersed.

The night in the swamp is extremely dark.

Except for the night watchers, the entire Huangshui Village fell into a deep sleep.

The jungle here is dense, unlike the Shaker Kingdom where wind turbines can be installed. Only in a few villages and towns where gangs are stationed can there be roaring fuel motors, which can provide enough power to light up all night.

At the entrance of the village, two young swamp people armed with swords were guarding the gate.

One person pressed the handle of the knife tightly, looking around like a falcon; the other person was strong and held a burning pine tree, which illuminated a fire.

——The man holding the torch was pacing around, looking bored and looking quite troubled.

The burning grease fell and exploded into crackling sparks in the air. As his footsteps moved, the figure moved closer and further away on the iron wall, and swayed over his companions several times.

"Ah Quan, can you please stop leaving?" The man who was holding the handle of the knife said after being annoyed by him, "What, are you hungry?"

"No, no..." Ah Quan stopped and hesitated.

"What's going on? If you have nothing to do, just come over and stand guard with me."

"I... have hemorrhoids." Ah Quan gritted his teeth and said harshly, "I can't stand."

"Fuck you." The companion was shocked, and the look he looked at Ah Quan changed from impatience to pity, "Forget it, go back and have a rest. Remember to find someone to replace you."

"Okay, okay, someone will be here soon!" Ah Quan didn't dare to look at his companions, stuck Song Ming on the wall, and ran back to the village.

Then I received another look of pity from my companions who were changing shifts.

The other party was also easy to talk to, and he agreed wholeheartedly. After packing up his things, he went to the door to take his place, which made Ah Quan not sure whether to be moved or guilty.

After dealing with all this, he did not return to his home. Instead, he quietly ran to a fallen tree and pulled out a waterproof oilcloth bag from the hollow trunk.

When I unfolded it, I saw several pure black shirts.

No one knows these things except my sister and Brother Alen. They took them from the dead bodies of several gang members and have been hiding them here.

Ah Quan picked out something that fit and put it on, then covered his face.

The young man in the swamp walked briskly and silently, using the cover of night to move toward an exquisite two-story wooden building.

It was dark and quiet there... The leader of the Stone Rat Group had obviously fallen asleep long ago.

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