Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 262 Feeling like my body has been hollowed out

After confirming that the resilience points had increased again, Lu Meng couldn't help but smile and nod.

Coupled with his skinny, skeleton-like face, the swamp people around him were frightened.

What followed was a wave of dizziness.

Lu Meng used the module, clapped his arm, and said secretly:

Stop sucking, I'm going to be drained.

Unexpectedly, the blood spider larva just squirmed and moved to another place, then bit it again.


"Sir, why are your hands bleeding?" Lin Shi said in shock.

"It's okay, it's not peaceful in the swamp."

Lu Meng withdrew his slap expressionlessly, letting the body fluids of the exploding larvae fall down his fingertips, and the sleeves of his entire arm were dyed red.

There was a faint cry from the backpack behind him, like the dissatisfaction when the plan went bankrupt.

A week ago, they arrived at Huangshui Village.

After secretly sending Ariel and Asheng to the village where hunters must pass, Lu Meng and the caravan temporarily parted ways.

Because Ryan and others still need to investigate the planting conditions of nearby fields, Luka seems to be shouldering the mission given to her by the Fearless.

After the skeletons wandered into the wilderness, they had to have a place to eat.

Although these broken-horned people pursue the right to fight, they do not discriminate against production. Moreover, due to their original class relationship, many of them have their own skills.

After Bayan used his power to cancel the wanted order against the Skeleton Corps, this group of people began to think about finding a place to settle, otherwise they would have to follow the old path of robbery like Krall's Choice.

In the direction of the swamp, there is quite a lot of room for development.

Lu Meng was not interested in this and only agreed on a time to meet.

During this period, he concentrated on exploring the usage of the Insect Mother.

The good news is that even if there is only one insect mother, it can continue to give birth to pups without additional breeding, proving that it has potential.

The bad news is that the insect mother is giving birth faster than Lu dreamed of, and before it is fully domesticated, it is trying to fight back through offspring.

While Lu Meng was still in the caravan, the insect mother hatched two larvae.

Fortunately, one bit Lao Kang and the other landed on Tieniu.

The former, as a strong and healthy Shaq man, was discovered without the larvae biting through the defense; the latter had a huge blood bag, feeding the entire larvae until it exploded, and Iron Bull only felt a little itchy.

The mother insect didn't have time to develop, so it didn't cause much damage.

However, that may not be the case next time.

Ariel and Ah Sheng were just suspected of being parasitic, so they had to be isolated, let alone Lu Meng running around with a mother insect like this.

Lu Meng didn't have a good solution for this - he could tie up the insect mother, but he couldn't block it to prevent it from breeding.

It can only be domesticated as soon as possible.

In a sense, Lu Meng acted alone for everyone's safety.

During this period of time, he tortured the insect mother like an eagle, and even crushed several of the cubs that climbed up to death in front of her.

The insect mother was also in despair: when it came to a battle of wits, she was an arthropod and couldn't play with the opponent's colorful intestines; when it came to a battle of courage, she was tied up tightly and her life was in someone else's hands at any time.

After realizing that there was no hope of a comeback, the insect mother gradually became more honest.

After all, giving birth to babies also requires energy.

In the past, there were swarms of insects that preyed on it, but now it can only consume the stored food.

Sensing that the time had come, Lu Meng began to feed the insect mother.

What he was fed was his own blood.

It’s not a setting where one pours one’s bones and blood or sheds blood to recognize one’s master.

I just wanted to experiment with the disease-killing operation in the game.

The blood spider is a strange creature.

Using a rough model to measure, if you are eaten by other creatures, you will lose "blood bars" and "health points"; if you are sucked by a blood spider, you will lose "hunger points".

It's the attribute that increases when you eat and decreases when you're hungry.

That's why Ah Sheng and Ariel, who were parasitized by blood spiders, felt abnormally hungry. This was because the nutrients they lost were dissolved into plasma by toxins.

This process will also increase resilience.

Compared with being eaten by fog men to level up, being sucked by blood spiders makes recovery easier.

By raising a blood spider, Lu Meng no longer has to be beaten to practice toughness.

However, this method also has side effects.

He touched his face. He was as thin as a skeleton, almost skin and bones, which was very different from his previous appearance.

Daily nutritional supplements still cannot keep up with consumption.

Although your resilience increases quickly, it may affect your physique and health in the long run, so the gains outweigh the losses.

It takes some time to recuperate, and then your physical fitness and appearance will be restored.

Fortunately, after repeated operations, the insect mother has become much more obedient.

After all, not everyone can do it by feeding pets with their own blood... Although the blood spider didn't understand, it was still shocked.

It is now able to follow Lu Meng's orders and direct its offspring to attack and prey on specific creatures.

The targets chosen by Lu Meng were the thugs from the Stone Rat Group who came to collect taxes.

Among the group of people, a few were first parasitized by larvae, which quickly sucked their bodies dry.

When the larvae molted and reborn and developed into blood spiders, they began to attack and kill them.

This process...from the perspective of a member of the Stone Rat Group, it's probably like a horror movie.

Without Lu Meng taking action himself, the gang members who had frightened Lin Shi were all wiped out in the jungle.

A wave of development allowed Lu Meng to obtain seven small blood spiders.

At this moment, four of them have crawled back into their baskets to feed the mother bugs.

There are three others swimming in the water and quietly following the bamboo raft.

If Lin Shi, who was in charge of the boat, knew about it, he might be so frightened.

However, it is easy for the insect mother to control her offspring to attack, but it is somewhat difficult to make them stop attacking - after all, the former is to follow instinct, while the latter is to restrain desires.

It is difficult to tame any creature to restrain its desires and requires long-term persistence.

This also limits the number of insect swarms in the early stage, otherwise it will easily spread to people outside the target, even Lu Meng himself.

Lin Shi, who had no idea that there were three bloodthirsty monsters following him under his bamboo raft, was not in a relaxed mood at the moment.

He looked at Lu Meng and his throat rolled.

It's a good thing that it's not the person who bullied him.

But looking at this person's face... at first Lin Shi thought he was hungry, that is, a hungry citizen.

It turned out that the opponent was not only a big shot in the Stone Rat Regiment stationed in Shark Village, but he was also very agile. He could jump from the shore and land on the bamboo raft accurately, and he didn't look like a hungry citizen at all.

Since he is not a hungry citizen, and his face is so vain...

I'm afraid it's not excessive indulgence.

It might not be a good thing for him if such an adult takes over.

Fortunately, after the adult got on the boat, except for saving Xiao Ying'er at the beginning, he never glanced at his daughter again.

Lu Meng sat down cross-legged, took water and washed the blood stains on his arms.

"Brother, you are so awesome!" Xiao Ying'er on the side finally realized and exclaimed.

In her memory, only this big brother flew onto the raft with a bang, and then he was about to fall into the water with a crash. In the blink of an eye, she was picked up and placed firmly on the raft. Sit down.

"Oh?" Lu Meng nodded subconsciously, then looked at Lin Shi, "Your daughter?"

From the sound of it, it seemed like he had just discovered this fact.

Lin Shi's heart tightened.

Thanks to Cheng_cA for the reward and support. I also saw the message. Sorry——

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