The young Shaq slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, not red or confused.

The madness has subsided, and the anesthetic has a limited time to take effect for a person with his physique.

Yamin has been awake for a long time.

Kang and Bayan didn't pay attention, but Lu Meng, as a doctor, knew it clearly.

Seeing that Yamin didn't get up, Lu Meng kicked him again: "How much have you heard? Do you want me to tell you again?"

"No need." Yamin didn't move even if Lu Meng's boots embedded with steel plates kicked him.

He was just a little tired.

"Where do you plan to go in the future?" Lu Meng pulled him up, "I will testify for you that you don't know anything about your teacher. The selection of undercover Krall is considered a great achievement, otherwise you can only accompany him. They went to New Calalia together..."

"Then let's go to New Kalalia." Yamin interrupted.

Shaq's face was expressionless, and Lu Meng couldn't see his emotions.

There was silence for a long time.

"I heard from you that New Kalalia will be a good place." Yamin suddenly smiled, "I will protect it."

He picked up his segmented ax and walked towards the other end of the street. He only paused when he passed Ada's body, but did not look back.

Just when Yamin's back was about to disappear, a word came from a distance:

"Thank you, Lu Meng."

It is inaudible and disperses in the wind.

Lu Meng crossed his arms and leaned against the lamppost.

A memory came to his mind.

[The leader of the berserkers, the title "Ghost" means the exiled. They are always looking for the place of death. 】

Lu Meng sighed and picked up the flying cow carcass on the ground.

——Everyone passing by here, no one knew how to help.

At best, I wanted to leave the bounty to him.

But the bounty for dead people is halved...

He picked up two horn axes by the way. Although their quality was not very good, they were good collectibles.

The entire collection controls ecstasy.

The street lights went out, but Scone Town really lit up, and the sky was just right.

Just like that, the soldiers in iron armor slowly walked away along the long street.

A week later.

Deep alleys, nameless shops.

Inside the blacksmith shop.

A hornless man was naked from the waist up, holding iron pliers in one hand and waving a hammer in the other, sweating like raindrops.

Occasionally, sparks would splash on his body and his muscles would twitch, but he would just grit his teeth and ignore it.

A long red strip continued to take shape on the anvil.

And in this oil-stained forging workshop, a white-haired young man was neatly dressed and resting on a recliner, flipping through a book in one hand and holding a steel hollow laminated hot water cup in the other.

Listening to the tinkling sound of iron, he didn't feel irritated at all. He just gave a few warnings when he heard something was wrong.

Finally, with the sound of quenching, a fine iron short stick fell on the case.

"Master, it's ready!" Kavin said excitedly.

Lu Meng put down the water glass and the book containing biological knowledge, and took a look.

Kavin felt uneasy.

This is not the first time that he has forged a weapon independently. In fact, under the guidance of his master, he can already make some ordinary swords, but they are still far from the master's craftsmanship, and the yield rate is also inferior.

The reason why I chose the simplest short stick and blunt weapon today is because the master said that after passing this test, he can become a master.

Only then did Calvin become extra cautious and hardworking.

Judging from the appearance, although the weapon is simple, it is indeed in the best condition he can forge now.

Lu Meng picked up a small hammer and tapped the short stick a few times, and the sound was clear and pleasant to the ears.

Suddenly, Lu Meng reached out and grabbed the stick, regardless of the fact that it hadn't completely cooled down yet, and pushed it hard.

The fine iron short stick instantly twisted into a "U" shape in Kavin's eyes.

As Lu Meng threw the "U"-shaped stick back into the steel furnace, Calvin's heart sank to the bottom.

He was crestfallen, just waiting to be forged again.

But I heard Lu Meng say calmly: "Okay, you passed the test."

"What!" Kavin was overjoyed.

Lu Meng nodded.

It didn't matter to him what quality of weapon Kavin could create.

As long as there is a finished product, it means that even if he is not there to teach, with the subsequent forging, Kavin's skill level will continue to rise.

As long as Lu Meng waits for him to reach the target, he will be able to complete his achievement.

"I've become a blacksmith..." Kavin still couldn't adapt to this fact and couldn't help but think, "Doesn't this mean that I can open my own blacksmith shop, just like the master..."

You know how much he suffered for this day!

Although most of them have nothing to do with blacksmithing.

Mainly mining and being chased by bandits.

"What are you thinking about?" Ashu from outside the door poked his head in, holding a meat roll wrapped in bread crust, "Do you know how much it costs to open a blacksmith shop? And your master has signed a contract with our shop. , if he quits, you, the apprentice, will have to take over."

"There is such a thing!" Kavin was shocked, "How many years have you signed it?"

"Forty years?" Ashu pondered, "Or fifty years..."

"Isn't this a contract of sale?" Kavin protested.

"Yes, this is a contract of selling oneself." Ashu said nonchalantly, "It is said that there is a kind of water ghost in the swamp, which will turn the person who is dragged into the water into a substitute, and then it will be freed itself, and the substitute will become a water ghost until it catches another person. Only one person - as long as you teach another apprentice to take over the position, you can go out and start a business."

"Master, he called you a water ghost!"

"I'm not I didn't."

Lu Meng smiled and ignored them.

In fact, after working in this small shop for so long, several people have already become familiar with each other. Kavin knew even better that compared to the craftsmen working hard outside, it was more comfortable to stay here.

What's more, the actual level of those masters outside who can take off is not necessarily as good as their own masters.

"Is Master Beiyou here?" There was a knock on the door outside the alley.

"Brother Lu, someone is looking for you." Ashu signaled.

During this sensitive period, they had actually closed the store, and Ashu was asking for his opinion.

Lu Meng thought for a while, then got up and opened the door.

He did recognize who it was.

Standing outside the door was a female warrior of medium height, wearing a cloak and an elaborate turban covering her broken horns.

"Hey, Luka." Lu Meng greeted.

The person who came was none other than Luka, the female warrior of the Skeleton Corps.

As agreed, Bayan canceled the wanted list of all members of the Skeleton Corps, and they also had the opportunity to appear in Scone Town, although it was still difficult to appear in public.

"Lu Meng!" Luka was surprised and happy, "Why are you here?"

She wanted to take the opportunity of this operation to visit Master Beiyou, and she finally had time today.

But I didn't expect to meet this swordsman - he was also here to shop?

"Are you here to find 'Master Beiyou'?" Now that things have happened, Lu Meng has no need to pretend anymore and just teased: "It's a pity that you won't be able to see him again."

Lu Meng's original intention was that he was leaving soon and there would be no one like him in this store.

But he didn't expect that after hearing this, Luka suddenly felt a sense of sadness on his face.

"Yes, yes...he has passed away." She forced a smile, "I'm still a step too late."

In her imagination, the master was a dying old craftsman, and it would not be surprising when he passed away.

Lu Meng:?

Someone behind Luka couldn't help but laugh.

The tall Rui En climbed on the eaves of the door, suppressed the corner of his mouth and said seriously: "Lu Meng... Lu Beiyou, the caravan heading to the swamp has been prepared."

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