"Your Excellency Bayan?" Before Lu Meng could speak, Kang had already noticed him.

"It's Kang." Bayan didn't expect to meet this Shaq here, so he smiled and nodded.

Looking at this look, it is completely unimaginable that just a few hours ago, he was lying on the back of a cow and running away.

"Lao Lu, let me introduce to you. This is the noble person you asked me to contact." Kang Laguo Lu Meng said, "Your Excellency Bayan, this is the human warrior you asked me to pay attention to before. His performance is It is obvious to all in the Thunder Arena, and he is also my good brother now! Don’t worry, he is very reliable, don’t worry about causing any trouble..."

Lu Meng and Bayan looked at each other.

Lu Meng realized that for Kang, he didn't know that he had already met Bayan.

Bayan thought.

Won't cause any trouble?

If he hadn't experienced it personally last night, he would have believed it.

And how do you have the nerve to say such a thing next to a street full of dead people?

Kang had obviously prepared a plan a long time ago just to say a few good words to Lu Meng, and he knew what Bayan was most worried about, so he said it directly when they met.

"...Uh." Kang soon realized something was wrong.

But the words had already been spoken and there was no way to make amends. He thought of something, picked up a half-horn axe, stepped forward and handed it to Bayan:

"Brother Lu... killed the flying cow for us." After saying this, Kang couldn't help but become serious.

"What!" Bayan quickly took it and looked at it carefully.

On the other hand, Kang took him to see Ada's body.

"I recognize this handwriting format..." Bayan brushed the inscription with a complicated expression on his face, "It is indeed what Shagar likes to use."

Regarding the phenomenon of corpses, he recognized it at a glance. This was the sequelae of deep madness.

As a person from Shagar's time, Ada's actual age is much older than he appears on the surface, but his strong regeneration ability makes him appear younger.

However, this comes at the cost of consuming life potential, so once dead, the body will appear more aged.

This is undoubtedly Feiniu.

"You...really found him." Bayan looked at Lu Meng and spoke slowly.

Lu Meng nodded: "I said so."

Bayan was speechless.

Indeed, Lu Meng said that he would lead people to find Krall's Choice, and Krall's Choice came.

He also said that he would find Feiniu... Lu Meng not only did it, but even killed him.

This man truly delivered on everything he promised.

Although the method is...

Bayan: ...Is he still using me as bait?

As if sensing Bayan's inner slander, Lu Meng leaned forward and whispered:

"Your Excellency Bayan, don't think that I don't know, you have done the same thing."

At the ceremony to commend the newly promoted warriors, Bayan took the lead in applauding, which essentially turned his attention to Lu Meng. It was considered a test rather than an expression of recognition.

The reason why Lu Meng chose this method was actually a small revenge.

"Ahem." Bayan turned around nonchalantly, "I'm old and can't remember."

Don't be ridiculous, your stooped back is injured, and you are not really an old man.

Lu Meng ignored him and asked the question he was concerned about:

"How are things going in Scone Town?"

Although the threat of Krall's Choice has been removed, in essence, their war can only be regarded as a proxy war, and the real mastermind has not yet appeared directly.

As the legitimate heir of the kingdom and a hero in the eyes of the people, no matter what, Dashan Mukai cannot blatantly attack the chief advisor personally. This will have a fatal blow to his prestige - it is different to use the hands of rebels under the guise. At most, he can be held accountable. A small fault of poor policing.

Bandits are rampant and treatment is not available, which is deeply saddening.

However, if Bayan cannot counterattack Dashan Mukai afterwards, there is no guarantee that he will not settle the score later.

Lu Meng's actual combat level has risen to 70. It seems that he is not far away from the full level. In most places in the world, he can be regarded as a hero.

But at this level, it can still be said to be a huge gap from the top combat power on the mainland.

To put it simply, even Dashan Mukai, who is far from reaching full level, has stepped on the bones of many legion-level paladins to reach this point.

Lumeng may be able to shorten this process with panels and modules, but at least it still has no way to compete with it.

He was ready to leave Scone, but "leaving" came in many forms, and flight was certainly the worst of them all.

Kang also stepped forward curiously.

He also hopes to know the truth of all this, and it seems that it is actually related to his friend and this noble man.

Bayan glanced at Lu Meng, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed.

"Maybe sometimes I should be more honest..."

He slowly told what happened next.

Although Tie Luo was a group of five people, with all his strength, he could only hold off Dashan Mukai, but could not control him.

But, add one more and it's different.

Bayan invited Xize overnight.

The commander of the previous expedition was the veteran general who truly held the military power in Scone Town.

Bayan did not promise any reward, and he and Nishizawa were also political enemies in a strict sense.

But there is one principle they have in common, which is to safeguard the interests of the Shaq Kingdom.

The news that Bayan revealed to Nishizawa was that Dashan Mukai leaked military information to the King of Sand.

"Mu Kai was too eager. When he learned that Si Kun was about to go on an expedition, he actually wanted to lead the army himself, but Caesar refused." Bayan sighed, "Caesar had no ill intentions. In his opinion, as a As the more important city lord, Mu Kai should sit in the rear and leave all the hard work to himself. Besides, the old general doesn't understand the management of the city, and he has never interfered with these affairs. "

"But for Mukai it was nothing short of a humiliation."

"Although compared to Caesar, Mu Kai is still very young and can implement my new policies... But in fact, in his heart, he has always been an old-school Shaq warrior, a Shaq warrior who cannot step onto the battlefield, then Has the meaning of survival been lost?”

"Based on the information I have, the things Mu Kai leaked are irrelevant. He probably just wanted to make Xizawa suffer a little. But Mu Kai didn't expect that the King of Sand not only got his support, but also from desert bandits to black dragon ninjas. , every force in the border land has gathered together, not wanting to see us go too deep - I even saw the shadow of the Land of Revenge and the Holy Empire behind me."

"This small mistake turned out to be a big mistake, and our legion suffered heavy losses."

"The reason why General Nishizawa has been shutting himself up and thinking about his mistakes is that he may have noticed some of Mu Kai's actions, but he just didn't want to believe it...until I confirmed it again."

Just as the battle between Dashan and Tieluo was in full swing, Nishizawa suddenly appeared behind them.

With neat Shaq soldiers.

Bayan glanced at Yamin on the ground: "In addition, now that I have evidence of his collusion with Krall's Choice, I have enough to transfer him away from Scone Town."

Kang on one side was almost petrified.

The Lord of Dashan City has always been regarded as a hero in everyone's mind to protect his family and country, but in the end, there is such an operation behind the scenes.

He wanted to refute, but when he thought of what happened in the city lord's mansion, he didn't know where to start.

"Is it just a transfer away from Scone Town?" Lu Meng asked.

He finally understood.

If there was no self in this world, everything would continue as usual. As the Thunder Arena progressed, Bayan and Dashan Mukai would still fall out and confront each other last night.

The difference is that Bayan will not be attacked, Feiniu will not die, Krall's choice is still the ally of Dashan Mukai behind the scenes, and Tieluo will forcibly take Bayan away from Skun in order to worry about his life safety. The town returns to Admark;

Bayan may still reveal information to Caesar, but judging from the current situation, it is not critical evidence. This alone is not enough to bring him down. It can only suppress Dashan Mukai and ensure that Sikun can still implement the New Deal.

In the end, the two of them, one in Scone Town and the other in Admark, maintained a balance of power, and neither could do anything to the other.

Until the death of the stone demon.

It can be said that because of the emergence of Lu Meng, the world line has undergone great changes.

But he had some doubts. With Bayan's temperament, why didn't he pursue the victory and completely eliminate the threat of Dashan Mukai?

Although this powerful Shaq is no longer the Lord of Scone City, he is still the heir to the kingdom - not to mention that he himself seems to have no interest in governing the town.

"..." Bayan looked at Lu Meng and was silent for a long time before speaking:

"Dashan, he will go to the ultimate fortress."

"The ultimate fortress!" Kang suddenly woke up on the side, "Has it reached this point?"

Even Lu Meng was a little surprised.

The meaning of the ultimate fortress to the Shaq warriors is equivalent to the final destination-death, even the previous Shaq kings are no exception.

In the history of the Shark Kingdom, if they did not die early on the battlefield, the kings would abdicate before they were too old to hold weapons, and then go to the defense line of the Spider Plains alone, and no one would hear about them again. news.

The ultimate fortress is both a battlefield and a burial ground for kings.

Although Dashan Mukai is keen on the battlefield, it is different from being keen on dying. As the successor of the kingdom, even Bayan cannot force him to die.

"He requested it himself." Bayan said slowly.

"Because according to the battle report, someone saw the 'Insect Lord' on the front line of the Ultimate Fortress..."

Lu Meng: "..."

"Klar once said that he himself is not a great warrior. If anyone can destroy the Holy Empire or kill the Lord of Insects, then he can be considered a true natural war madman, the king of warriors..." Seeing Lu Meng With a silent expression, Kang subconsciously added, "This has become a prophecy passed down from generation to generation, but no one has ever realized it."

"It's just a rumor... At least Dashan firmly believes it," Bayan shook his head, but there was no relief on his face, "And the number of human skin spiders on the Spider Plain is indeed increasing, even if the insects If the Lord does not come in person, the Kingdom will have to respond sooner or later.”

These Tieluo had already reported to him.

"We have ceased war with the Holy Kingdom, but it is because he believes that the Lord of Insects is coming that Dashan Mukai is so eager to take control of the military. This is a top priority for him personally and for the kingdom."

In fact, there was no need for Kang to explain. Of course Lu Meng knew who the Lord of Insects was, he was just confused.

This time he was really seriously considering leaving Scone Town—preferably leaving the entire Shaq Kingdom.

It doesn't matter if you run away or not.

It's good to survive.

If Lu Meng were to choose the most mysterious "people" on this continent, the Lord of Insects would definitely be at the top. Even the official information is vague.

In terms of individual strength, his actual combat level is already close to the ceiling.

But that's not the scariest thing.

What is really scary is the human-skin spider. Lu Meng once saw its skeleton at the relay station. The skeleton alone was as tall as a calf.

Because they killed it, the tech hunters proudly hung up the skeleton, knowing that it would be enough to scare most unscrupulous people.

But this is just a dead body.

Real human-skin spiders have no sense and only know how to kill, eat and reproduce themselves. They do not age naturally and even become more and more violent and brutal as they survive.

The only thing that limits them is the amount of food.

Lu Meng knew.

There are no other creatures in the nest where they live. When the human-skin spiders hatch out, before they can escape to the outside world, they cannot stand the hunger in their bellies and start to kill each other and devour each other.

Only a very small number of lost human-skin spiders can escape to the outside world. The place where they live is known as the "Spider Plain", mistakenly thought to be the birthplace of human-skin spiders.

Even such a casual invasion made the Ultimate Fortress a point of no return for Shaq warriors.

But what if it was an army of human-skin spiders that stretched all over the mountains and plains...and obeyed orders?

The Lord of Insects, people call him the "Lord of Insects" precisely because he leads an army of human-skin spiders!

Others may not know, but Lu Meng knows it.

That thing is definitely intelligent, and may even know more than most people in the world.

He controlled the human-skin spider in a special way, which was even more unreasonable than his own "Animal Recruitment" module.

The last time such a monster appeared, it destroyed all the technology hunters' relay stations in the entire southwestern continent.

If he really wants to attack the Shaq Kingdom, the Ultimate Fortress alone will definitely not be able to stop him.

"For an individual, if he can kill the Lord of Insects, his glory is even comparable to that of Krall; for the kingdom, if the Lord of Insects invades and no hero steps up to lead us, the entire country will be doomed... Dashan thinks that this person It should be him, right?" Bayan said softly.

"Perhaps he was so uneasy that he always wanted to seize the power to wield the sword."

"Then you just allowed him to go?" Lu Meng asked.

He quickly calmed down.

Just like the Holy Kingdom has been resisting the fog people and cannibals, there are still so many capable people in the Shaq Kingdom, and it is useless for me to worry about it now.

"'I may be a failed general, but at least I am still a warrior; I can't choose who will follow me, but I can at least choose where to die'... Faced with a man who says this, you How can you refuse?"

Bayan sighed softly as he recalled the scene not long ago.

"I have been hesitant to tell Nishizawa about his leaked military information, but I have been putting it off until now... In fact, Dashan never knew about it, and I never regarded him as an enemy."

"It seems to me that the kingdom needs him as much as it needs me."

Lu Meng raised his eyebrows: "After all, if the Lord of Insects really comes and Dashan Mukai doesn't go to the Ultimate Fortress, the person who should go is the Stone Demon, right?"

Bayan smiled bitterly: "Has anyone ever told you that being smart is not a bad thing, but don't say it."

Thanks to fengbeihong and Fushengrumengmao for their support, and thanks to the 10,000-point reward that I don’t want my account to be stolen again - thank you all.

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