"What should we do now..."

As soon as Huang Jun finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound of the machine winding up.

Lu Meng raised his spring crossbow and said, "Just rush in."

"What!" Huang Jun was shocked again, "Aren't you waiting for our reinforcements?"

"Can't wait." Before Huang Jun could react, Lu Meng stepped out sideways and kicked the door of the building.

The door lock of the building has long since decayed. To ensure safety, the Wujiao people moved heavy bags of sand and gravel to block the thick wooden door. Even they themselves had to work together with more than a dozen people to carry and clean it before they could open the thick door.

There was an explosion.

Bags of gravel and broken wood were thrown away together.

"Hold your heads with your hands, everyone lie down!" I saw a man in long clothes standing at the gate.

The heavy crossbow in his hand glowed with danger, leaving no doubt that it could blow people away like the bag of gravel just now.

The thick shadow under the hat covered his face, making him look extremely fierce.

The dilapidated building suddenly became chaotic.

"This..." Huang Jun was stunned.

What is the style of our operation like this?

He originally thought they were vigilantes maintaining law and order in the city at night.

But it looks like a robbery!

He looked at Ada questioningly.

Unexpectedly, Ada had already jumped out and stood next to Lu Meng.

"Quiet!" Shaq pulled out his segmented axe, slapped the face of the axe, and said viciously.

"That guy!" Lu Meng pointed at a hornless man who climbed up the wall in the chaos and tried to get out of the hole. "Get down, or I'll shoot you first."

Huang Jun: "..."

Now that things have happened, he can only stand up.

"If you don't want to die, just be honest and obedient." Huang Jun gritted his teeth.

However, his tone did not sound as imposing as the previous two brothers.

If it is true as Brother Lu said, these hornless men are all berserkers, the three of them are bluffing now, hoping to shock the other party...

"Big, big brother..." Suddenly, a voice came from Huang Jun's feet.

I saw a hornless man kneeling on the ground, holding a bunch of coins in his hands and raising them above his head.

"I, that's all I have..." The other party didn't even dare to look at him.

Huang Jun: "..."

Look, let me just say we are here to rob!

Suddenly, a low voice reached his ears.

"Don't worry, it's impossible for all the Horned People to have problems." Lu Meng's lips moved slightly, "This is the largest Horned People's settlement in the city, so big that no single Horned People gang can occupy it alone—— This is a good place to avoid wind and sand and spend the winter. They can only discuss taking turns to move in, but it has not become a fixed location for a certain group of hornless people. The mobility of personnel is the highest."

"If Krall's Choice wants to monopolize this place, it may not only affect the hundreds of hornless people, but also the bottom layer of the city. The order in the city has long been disrupted." Ada added.

Huang Jun calmed down: "Then how do we distinguish them?"

"Look at their horns." Lu Meng said, "They sneaked in recently. In order to disguise the broken horns, it can only be a new injury."

After saying that, he took out a handful of coins from his pocket and threw it into the hands of the hornless man who was kneeling before.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Lu Meng looked around the hall of the building, "But please don't move, it will make me suspect that you are my enemy!"

On the other side, Ada also took out dozens of coins and handed them to the hornless man next to her.

Huang Jun subconsciously touched his pocket and took out tomorrow's breakfast money.

"It's just a show." Lu Meng stopped him, "You have to be fast. Although we have suppressed the first floor of the hall, if Krall's Choice hides in the upper floors..."

"They're probably ready!"

City Lord's Mansion.

It is said to be a mansion, but in fact it is just an ordinary single-family house.

It's not even Dashan Mukai's most frequented residence.

Like many Shaq generals, the city lord is accustomed to eating and living with his soldiers and officers. He handles government affairs in the camp during the day and sleeps in the military camp at night. His daily routine is no different from that of marching and fighting.

It wasn't until Caesar among the five came to Skun that the city lord returned to his nominal home.

The dining table was filled with drinks and dishes.

However, at this moment, there was only one big man, Shaq, sitting at the table.

"Didn't you say that we would invite everyone to dinner?" Kang was puzzled, "All of these people... dare to even do the city lord's dinner?"

When he came to the city lord's mansion, he was only received at the beginning.

No one cared about him since he sat down.

And even the city lord is not here.

Originally, Kang wanted to introduce his brother Lu Beiyou to the city lord.

He knew that the city lord was not very fond of the plain-skinned people, which reflected that some of the officials below were not very attentive when dealing with issues involving human beings.

But Brother Road is different.

Kang believed that with the eyes of Dashan City Lord, he could tell the difference.

But there is one thing that Kang cares about.

Brother Lu seemed to have some dealings with that Bayan, and he entrusted himself with exchanging letters several times. Kang also kept his promise and never opened it. He was only responsible for passing on the message.

Kang met Bayan at Admark.

At that time, he was plotted against and failed to run for the Hundred Regiment Guards. He was even almost deprived of his qualifications as a soldier. He could not even return to Skun as a guard... In the end, this hornless man came out to smooth the problem.

Kang didn't know the identity of the other party, but he could also guess that his status was unusual.

Unexpectedly, he could still be related to Brother Lu.

Kang glanced at the dishes on the table, shook his head and stood up.

Although I am very greedy, it is really not interesting to eat alone.

"General Kang." A guard suddenly came out from behind the metal partition and saluted him.

"What's up?"

Hearing this title, Kang was in a trance for a moment.

In my impression, Brother Lu seemed to like to call himself that, but it was an honorific at first, and later it became a bit of a joke as he got acquainted with him.

Now through the Thunder Arena, everyone can become a high-ranking officer who officially commands the army, and the 'general' can be regarded as worthy of the name.

——General Lu? Ha ha.

"Where is General Kang going?" The guard asked instead of answering his question.

Kang frowned: "Go out and take a walk."

He turned sideways to dodge the guard.

The guard stood in front of him again.

"The city lord has given orders," the guard saluted, "I'm afraid this won't work."

Inside the building, the three of them spread out and inspected the broken horns of the Sharks.

Lu Meng briefly checked a few people, then suddenly stood still.

He looked at the other two people's busy figures, and then walked straight to a corner.

There were some hornless people huddled there, and they were frightened when they saw Lu Meng approaching.

Several of them were the ones who tried to get out of the house just now, but were forced down by the heavy crossbow.

Several hornless men were about to beg for mercy, but Lu Meng directly passed them.

The crowd quickly dispersed, revealing a lone hornless man.

He was thin, his clothes were thin, and he was already trembling. Now when he saw the heavy crossbow in Lu Meng's hand, he was so frightened that he slumped to the ground. He raised his hands and was about to bow: "Noble warrior, I..."

"Okay," Lu Meng reached out and lifted him up, "Stop pretending."


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