Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 222 Wrongful killing? Legion level (joint chapter)

Inside the Thunder Arena.

The seats were packed and the crowd was buzzing.

The attack on the contestants by Kral's Choice seemed serious, but to the martial Shaq people, it was more like a vendetta and duel between some warriors.

But every night a few people die on the streets.

This is a very common thing.

People were more interested in the outcome of the battle than in identifying the cause.

The deceased's skills were inferior to others, and there was nothing to say.

Compared to attacking civilian shops, Krall's Choice has had a much smaller social impact this time.

Except for those who witnessed the incident, everyone else’s eyes were focused on the final stage of the Thunder Arena.

Lu Meng held up his bamboo hat and looked towards the arena.

There, a female Shaq warrior raised her opponent with one hand.

The opponent was also a Shaq, and he was also quite tall, but in the hands of the female warrior, he looked like a child who had not grown up.

The ringside host hesitated to announce the winner of the showdown.

On the surface, this Shaq young man has no power to fight back. But from the host's perspective, one of his hands secretly reached behind him, about to grasp the short knife hidden there.

With his posture, if he suddenly drew the knife, he would have a good chance of cutting off the female warrior's wrist.

Although he was clearly at a disadvantage, the young man Shaq did not give up resistance and could still think of ways to fight back.

Judging from his years of experience in hosting competitions, this new fighter’s fighting will is worthy of praise.

However, his opponent is this one...

As soon as young Shaq's hand touched the handle of the knife, his whole body suddenly fell to the ground.

The female warrior let go of her hand.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

The young man Shaq was caught off guard, and the cold wind came in from his loosened throat, causing him to cough.

Then, the coughing stopped suddenly.

The Shaq man's head flew away, and a thick segmented ax stayed at his neck.


The next moment, the beaten neck meat fell to the ground.

"Ryan, wins!" the host announced helplessly.

The new killer Ryan is an unusually tall female warrior.

I don't know if she raised her opponent to give him time to surrender, or if she was just to tease the enemy.

Or is she Kral's choice?

Ryan's face was expressionless when he heard the results announced.

It's not like the rumors said that she only enjoys killing people on the field. People can't see a trace of excitement on Ryan's face, and they can't even capture the joy of victory.

On the contrary, Lu Meng felt that Ryan's current demeanor was more solemn.



Ryan's back gradually faded away.

Afterward, the crowd murmured.

"He is a terrible opponent." Ada stood behind Lu Meng quietly.

Lu Meng did not look back: "Then I should be glad that my opponent is not her in this match?"

"I'm glad I didn't confront her," Ada said.

Ada had already played, and after a fierce battle, she finally won.

His opponent is a veteran.

"Brother Yamin, it's over for you too." Ada saw a young Shaq walking towards this side and stretched out her hand to say hello.

There was a blood streak on Yamin's face.

However, judging from the raised corners of his mouth, he won this round.

"It's easy," he said.

After Yamin came over, he just talked to Ada and ignored Lu Meng on the side.

This young man had been studying in the countryside for more than ten years. He came immediately after receiving the letter from his teacher.

Originally, he didn't know what level his strength was among his peers. As a result, after taking the field for a try, Yamin discovered that he was a genius.

——Legion level.

If he had come out earlier, he might have become famous long ago.

For Yamin, the only people worth making friends with are the fighters in the first echelon who are hopeful of winning. In the future, such connections will only be useful if they are on the same starting point as you.

The new people seemed to form a group, but it didn't matter to Yamin.

He also secretly tried to contact some veterans he liked.

However, some veterans are indeed arrogant.

Like that Ryan.

They are also a very powerful threat.

Among the newcomers, the only one Yamin likes is Ada.

This is not about strength, but about feelings.

The other person must be a few years older, and he behaves like an elder brother. He helps Yamin, a foreigner, a lot on weekdays.

To put it bluntly, apart from being a teacher, Ada was the person who made him feel like a family member the most.

For this reason, Yamin didn't mind following some of Brother Ada's suggestions and supporting him.

But it was impossible for him to take the initiative to show kindness to other people.

Originally, when Lu Meng and Ada were alone together, the two of them could talk to each other for a few words.

When Yamin arrived, the atmosphere completely cooled down.

Ada noticed this and elbowed Yamin.

"Hmm..." The young Shaq pondered for a moment, as if searching for a topic in his belly.

He looked at Lu Meng: "I won."

Lu Meng: "I know."

"Well, I mean," Yamin puffed out his chest, "I didn't kill your friend."

"And if he can hurt me, it's already pretty good."

That's right, Yamin's first opponent is Huang Jun.

Although Huang Jun had performed to his best, he was still no match for the monster-level Yamin, leaving only a blood mark on his face.

Fortunately, the format of this round is based on accumulated wins, and the loser will not be directly eliminated.

Just like Ada suggested at the beginning, Yamin did not hit hard, so that Huang Jun still had hope in the subsequent games.

However, Yamin's words sounded like mockery.

There are a group of people in the world who cannot speak.

"Ahem." Ada grabbed Yamin and said awkwardly: "Brother Huang is also our friend."

He stopped trying to strike up a conversation between the two.

Yamin was noncommittal.

"Lu Beiyou!" the host's voice came.

"It's my turn." Lu Meng took off the hat and stuffed it into Ada's hand, "Help me take it."

Iron hats are considered protective gear and are not allowed to be played officially.

Just now, Lu Meng's face was hidden under the shadow of the bamboo hat, and no one could see his expression clearly.

"Your opponent is Keith." Ada took the hat and looked towards the sidelines, "We met at the banquet that day."

Keith, a Shaq guy who was eliminated in the fifth round, didn't make it to the Warriors, but was invited to the banquet.

Now, like Huang Jun, he has been promoted again and is qualified to continue the competition.

But Ada knew that Keith was definitely no match.

He didn't say anything to let Lu Meng show mercy.

After all, even a proud young man like Yamin knows the importance. There is no reason for this human warrior to not understand the current situation.

Lu Meng stood on the field, holding his long knife upside down and wandering around in the sky.

"Brother Lu."

The first thing Shaq Keith did when he came on stage was not to say harsh words, but to say hello.

It seems that he also remembered that everyone met at the banquet.

"It's a pity that I couldn't have another drink later." Keith raised the giant blade, his feet firmly planted, ready to use force at any time.

"Even though they knew they were no match, Brother Keith still planned to give it a try." Ada commented while taking Yamin to watch from the sidelines.

Yamin was uninterested.

But like Keith, he felt it was a pity that the later banquet was not held.

He still liked that scene very much.

"Is it a pity..." Lu Meng's eyes turned to Keith.

He moved his feet and his figure suddenly accelerated.

Meanwhile, swing the knife!

‘His knife is faster again. ’ Ada was shocked.

With the double blessing of pace and movement, Lu Meng's sword swing was approaching Huang Jun's speed.

However, the former United City samurai was holding a machete, which was so light and thin that it seemed to be able to cut the air naturally; Lu Meng was holding the weird-shaped machete - with this heavy shape, everyone believed it could cut through the air. It can easily cut off a thigh bone, but no one would expect it to swing as fast as the wind.

But Lu Meng did it.

It's only been less than a month.

Did he hide his strength before, or has he improved in this short period of time?

Yamin on the side unconsciously touched his face, and the blood marks on it had scabbed.

Huang Jun's sharp knife could only damage a layer of his skin...but what if it was a machete?

Yamin calmed down immediately.

Although Lu Beiyou's sword was fast, it was still inferior to the samurai's lifelong skills in terms of subtle changes, and the latter was the key to Huang Jun's ability to hurt him.

The black-gold sword light covered the surface, brushing towards Keith like a long sail.

This is an afterimage caused by going too fast.

Faced with such a knife, although Shaq had raised his giant blade in advance, he was still unable to deal with it.

He hurriedly managed to catch the blade with the edge of his axe.

"The victory has been decided." Ada said with a smile.

The next moment, the segmented ax fell to the ground.

Lu Meng used the back of the sword, which was so generous that he was not afraid of going head-to-head with heavy weapons in a duel.

Without the weapon, and the enemy has such fast sword skills, there is really no suspense in the duel.

Keith stared blankly at his hands, the segmented ax fell out with the shock, but they were still trembling slightly from the remaining strength.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

This depressed look makes it easy for people to ignore that he is originally a burly Shaq.

Lu Meng said: "You didn't use all your strength."


The officiant is waiting.

Keith shook his head and smiled: "I admit..."

Suddenly, his words stopped.

Shaq looked at his right arm in surprise.

There was nothing there.

Then a fountain of blood spurted out!

"What!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed.

The moment Keith opened his mouth to admit defeat, Lu Meng turned the long knife upside down and cut off one of his arms!

Ada frowned.

Keith was also one of their newcomers, so doing so would invalidate him and violate their agreement.

What on earth was he thinking?

Keith took a few steps back while holding his right arm, blood still gushing out from between his fingers.

His pupils were trembling and he opened his mouth.

There was no scream, but surprise.

Even if he was defeated by two flat-skinned people one after another...he had never been so surprised.

This result completely exceeded his expectations.

However, it's not over yet.

Keith looked up and met the cold face of the white-haired young man.

"If we don't use our full strength," Lu Meng said calmly, "we will never have a chance..."

He said in a final voice that only two people could hear:

"—my brother, Krall."

Keith's eyes turned red instantly!

He turned on the madness on the spot.

He didn't know where his flaw was, maybe because he lost to the plain man named "Huang Jie" last time.

That was unplanned.

Another loss to a cowardly race like humans.

Among the many leaders, this mistake may become a topic of ridicule for him by other brothers throughout his life.

In order to erase this shame, Keith added Huang Jie as a target when he participated in formulating the plan.

Although there were changes along the way and the organization suffered considerable losses, fortunately Huang Jie still died.

Keith was personally pleased.

However, perhaps it was this omission that led to him being targeted by Lu Beiyou!

Boss Feiniu had warned them not to use the madness technique in public... In a real battle, there was no way he could lose to a young boy like Huang Jie.

——Now that it has been discovered, there is not much we can do about it.

Keith never hesitates with his life, they are not afraid of death.

But before they die, they must drag the person who discovered their secret to hell!

The madness activated his body functions, and the bleeding stopped instantly.

One of his right arms was severed, and even with his insane strength, it was difficult to swing the segmented ax freely.

But it doesn't matter, he has another hand!

The joints of Keith's left hand protruded, and the spikes burst out of the skin. He grabbed Lu Meng's chest with his claws.

The speed and strength are at their peak, enough to crush ribs and pierce the heart in an instant!


Bloody and bloody.

However, it was not Lu Meng who was bleeding.

Berserk transformation is a secret technique... Unfortunately Keith didn't know that Lu Meng already had enough experience in dealing with berserkers.

At the same time as he spoke to provoke the general, he was ready to draw the sword.

This time it was Keith's left arm that flew into the air, and the bone spurs on the fingertips had just grown halfway.

Those who have their cards revealed have no chance to fight back!

Lu Meng followed suit and clasped Keith's chest with his left hand, raised it high and threw it in the air!

This does not mean that Lu Meng's strength has increased.

But before that, he cut off Keith's legs with his backhand.

Lu Meng just threw the stick away.

In the Thunder Arena, without the protection of armor, the body is so fragile when facing the metal blade.

The light of Wujin's sword was mixed with blood.

This is a volley of swords.

Blood and organs fell like rain.

Keith's head fell to the ground, with half of his chest attached.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Gradually, the redness in Shaq's eyes faded and turned into disorientation.

Everything happened too fast, and the battle was over before the characteristics of madness were fully revealed.

Lu Meng neatly sheathed the knife and stuck it behind her back.

He didn't even need to wipe away the blood.

In the high-speed swing, the torrent of air has blown the blood into flowers.

The whole audience was shocked.

They were not surprised by Lu Meng's victory. After all, on the surface, this human warrior advanced through five consecutive victories, while Keith was just an ordinary Shaq warrior who was almost eliminated.

What they were confused about was this man's methods.

Ryan, who had just left and massacred him all the way up, now he needs to add Lu Beiyou?

And Ryan kills people cleanly and neatly, far less bloody than that!

In comparison, he is obviously more in line with the definition of taking pleasure in killing!

In the din, no one even heard the host's voice announcing victory.

Lu Meng raised his head slightly.

A curtain of light that only he could see appeared in front of him.

[Actual combat level: 59 → 61]

Numbers jump.

——Legion level.

Off the court, Ada’s eyes were solemn.

He still held Lu Meng's iron hat in his hand.

Thanks to Mr. Niye for the 1,500 coins he gave us as a reward for Lu Meng and Lu Beiyou - let’s talk about something in the game, about how the author determines the strength of the game characters in the book.

First of all, there are two very important reference anchors: our giant girl Ryan and old man Fallen Jon. Ryan’s background clearly states that she is the leader among the former 100 regiment guards. However, the initial attributes recruited are only average. 20 points - This is of course considered from the perspective of gameplay. We have corrected her to the level she should be in the background. At the same time, recruiting Shaq people like Kang whose attributes are also 20 points can also be used as a reference.

Mr. Jon was once an excellent United City warrior. The average value of the warriors is around 50. However, Jon's recruitment attribute is only 10. No matter how old he is, it will not be reduced to this, so this can be corrected. Attributes of teammates around level 10.

In addition, I believe that those who can leave a name in history are not ordinary people. Even if they appear mediocre, they are only compared with those who are better. Therefore, all characters with names in the game will have their expressive power appropriately enhanced, such as various forces. leaders and wanted criminals.

I chatted a little bit, it doesn’t matter if I don’t understand you, I really appreciate you all——

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