Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1303: Gu Xiaohan goes home

Duan Ying sat beside her, and Ning'er asked curiously, "Auntie, where's the baby?"

Gu Xiaonuan thought of the little boy she was running away from, "It's by your grandfather's side."

Now, whoever goes home early will be responsible for teaching the little tiger. Then, whoever has to lose their hair.

A patient person like Wei Aihua scratched his head, "Tiger, write a '1' in each frame, not a piece of paper from the beginning to the end."

On the little tiger's notebook, all the '1's are drawn.

Then when his father was off work, the little tiger ran over to wait for his father to praise him. His father held his notebook and was silent for a long time.

In the past, he always felt that being mischievous and causing trouble made him physically and mentally exhausted, but now Jiang Chenyu found out that the things that made him work hard are still to come.

Gu Xiaohan went home for a while, for no reason, it was his own sister who called and told him to go back, and also said many good things to him. "What's wrong with my Tuotuo again?" Seeing his sister's attentive appearance, Gu Xiao Ai Ouhan knew that this matter could not be separated from his naughty little Tuotuo.

Gu Nuannuan shook her head, swore, and promised, "Little Tuotuo didn't cause trouble, he just misses you."

Gu Xiaohan was tricked into going home.

"Tuo, uncle is back."

The little tiger happily ran over with his new word book, and let Jiujiu read his writing.

"Jiujiu~ Bao can write Jiujiu."

Gu Xiaohan was surprised, his nephew prodigy?

Did he inherit his good genes?

Sitting on a small bench, flipped over a page and handed it to him with a pencil. Gu Xiaohan sat on the side, waiting for his nephew to write.


"Hey, what did you draw?"


Gu Xiaohan pointed and asked, "Does uncle look like this?"

The little tiger tilted his head and pointed his little finger, "Tuotuo is writing Jiujiu's name, but I can't even write Bao's name~"

Little tiger's soft words pierced Gu Xiaohan's heart. He can't even write his own name, but he has learned his uncle's name.

While Gu Xiaohan was moved, he looked at the painting that really didn't look like the word 'uncle'. Gu Xiaohan put his hand on his cheek, frowned, and studied the words written by his nephew.

Gu Xiaonuan couldn't stand watching on the steps, she got up and went over, took her son's homework book, pointed and said, "This is not a '0', this is not a '1', if these two are closer together, it is a '9' .”

It's just the words written by the little tiger, like a dog crawling. There is a gap in the middle, and the little tiger used a pencil to aim at the gap in the middle.

People can't guess that it is the number '9', and nine is the same as Jiu.

Gu Nuannuan is used to it, "Don't say it's not a word, in his head, the same sound is a word."

Gu Xiaohan looked at the old lady, "So you come back and let me teach you how to read?"

Gu Xiaonuan was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at his younger brother, "No, no, just, the tiger misses you."

When Gu Xiaohan went home, Mr. Jiang wanted to give the child a red envelope and write a check. He was so happy that he almost asked Gu Xiaohan what he wanted and what he gave. "Xiao Han, this child is good, very good, great." As soon as he came back, the good grandson went away.

Gu Xiaohan carried Xiao Tuo Tuo back to Gu's house.

Gu Xiaonuan and Jiang Chenyu go home every day, but both uncle and nephew are not at home.

A week later, Gu Xiaohan left, and the couple verified their son's academic achievements.

"What did your uncle teach you?" the couple asked.

"Jiujiu taught Tuo to drive a bumper car~"

The couple: "..."

However, to my surprise, the little tiger could write and write "9" accurately.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Chenyu called his brother-in-law, humbly learning from him.

Gu Xiaohan was straightforward, "Brother-in-law, you don't use my method."

Gu Nuannuan's ear was also attached to her husband's microphone, eavesdropping openly. Mr. Jiang also had doubts, "Why don't we apply it?"

Gu Xiaohan said: "You have a job, my sister has a study, neither of you can be with Tuo 24 hours a day like me. Let him play bumper cars, and when he becomes addicted, take him down and sit in the car to learn to write. Write Alright, take it out and give it a reward.

Accompany him to go skiing, if you are interested, then carry him into the car, know 3 pinyin, and then take him to play.

Uninterrupted, and let him consolidate in the middle. During the week I was at home, I took Tuo to discover new hobbies. After finishing speaking, Gu Xiaohan said again: "By the way, brother-in-law, Tuo likes to play with bumper cars now. When he is driving, you and my sister have some fun, don't let her bump into it." "

President Jiang: "..."

Gu Xiaohan scolded again, "He can ski now, he is neither bold nor young, he insists on rushing down the slope, you and my sister are also wary of him. Tuotuo wants to jump into the water every time he row a boat, oh yes, Brother-in-law, I also took him to play in the water world and taught him how to row."

Gu Xiaonuan clicked her tongue beside her. She and her husband looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

Gu Xiaohan was still on the phone with his sister and brother-in-law, when a familiar female voice suddenly came from his side, "Is it Xiao Tuotuo? Tuotuo? I'm Chiu Ma."

"Luo Jin, start driving for me!"

On the other side of the phone, Gu Xiaohan's voice arguing with Luo Jin came over, and Gu Nuannuan immediately gossiped one step further, the flesh of her face that was attached to her ear was attached to her husband's cheek.


Gu Xiaohan and Luo Jin made a move, pinched Luo Jin's neck with one hand, and pressed her on the table. Her Royal Highness had no image. The thick powder on his face was wiped on the book.

"Come on!" Luo Jin shouted.

The surrounding guards immediately appeared, watching their princess being restrained by Gu Xiaohan again. Want to go forward, but hesitate. "Gu Shao, it's our princess after all, can you, a little...give me some face."

Gu Xiaonuan blinked her eyes curiously, her husband's mobile phone was transferred to her hands without knowing how to find it.

Jiang Chenyu looked at his little wife without any temper. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "Xiaonuan, I'm going to see if the tiger is playing secretly without sleeping."

Jiang Chenyu went to his son's bedroom, the master bedroom, and the next second, the phone hung up.

Gu Nuannuan frowned, "What is this, I haven't finished listening, why did you hang up?"

Gu Xiaohan pointed at Luo Jin's face, threw his book to Luo Jin, and said impatiently: "Wipe the powder on the book for me."

His sister overheard his call again.

I have to answer his sister's phone again at night.

Children's bedroom.

Jiang Chenyu entered, looking at his son who was entertaining himself by clasping his feet with his little hands on the bed.

The little tiger turned his head, "Dad, are you coming to sleep with Bao?"

Jiang Chenyu leaned against his son's bed, looked at his little face, and thought about how he would accompany his son. Most of the fun things his son experienced and went to were accompanied by his uncle.

"Tiger, do you want to go to the aquarium?"

The little tiger lay on the bed, "Dad, can Bao eat?"

Mr. Jiang: "...Impossible!"

Within two minutes, Mrs. Jiang also walked by.

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