The sound of the car turning off, a group of people immediately headed for the door.

"Dad, Treasure will also drive the car in the future to pick up Dad from get off work." The little tiger was hugged by his father from the car, and Xiaozui continued to chat with his parents.

Jiang Chenyu was satisfied and pleased when he heard the cake his son had drawn for him. He smiled and hugged his son with one hand, "What kind of car do you want to drive to pick up Dad from get off work?"

The little tiger drew a big circle with his small hand, "Drive your treasure's car and pick up Dad."

Jiang Chenyu had a smile on his face.

Seeing the men at the door, the little tiger waved enthusiastically again, "Godfather~ Are you waiting for treasure?"

Jiang Chenyu put down his son and let him run over by himself.

Zhen Xi took a quick step and took the lead in grabbing the right to adopt his son. He proudly raised his eyebrows at Nangong Zi, and kissed the little tiger's face fiercely.

The little tiger's little face pouted.

Enter the living room of the Nangong family.

Gu Nuannuan asked the servant for An Kexia's location, and went upstairs to find her.

Downstairs, Jiang Chenyu said: "Azi's lantern show this year is very good."

Nangong Zi was proud, "That is, my daughter is full moon today, so it must be lively."

Upstairs, Gu Nuannuan and An Kexia talked about the excitement of the night, An Kexia watched the video on the phone and was heartbroken, "I will go next year, but this year the child is too young to go there."

An Kexia added: "This year, I dare not say in front of Ah Zi that I want to go, or else his temper will clear up people in minutes, and let my child and I go to see it."

The two were talking and chatting, the little tiger was rushing to hug him downstairs, he talked about what he saw tonight, it was good to eat, it was fun, and the little mouth chattered and talked non-stop.

Gu Nuannuan also hugged the baby girl, and looked at the baby sleeping, feeling soft in her heart, "When I look at the baby now, I can always think of when the tiger was a child." The milky, round, soft and cute little cub .

The little cub at that time was the baby of the whole family and everyone.

Because when there was a little tiger, he was the first child, so everyone loved him very much.

Until now, everyone has been looking for this little guy the most.

Now, Anke Xia gave birth to the only baby girl among the five brothers, satisfying the desire of a group of big men who want a daughter.

Xiao Yuanyuan is another little padded jacket in the hearts of a group of people.

The two chatted, chatting from Xiao Yuanyuan's sleep to Xiao Yuanyuan's waking up, had another full meal, looked at Gu Ganma, and fell asleep obediently by herself.

Not long after, the little tiger was carried upstairs to see his sister.

The little tiger cub was lying on the edge of the bed, his feet didn't even touch the ground, he supported the edge of the bed with his small arms, and looked at his somewhat human-like sister. Look at it this time, it looks better than last time.

"Mom, why doesn't my sister talk?" the little tiger asked curiously.

Gu Nuannuan rubbed her son's little head, "Because my sister is small."

"The dragon is too small~" the little tiger said again, pouting his mouth.

Gu Nuannuan: "...Because your brother Long is older than your sister."

The little tiger blinked his eyes, but said nothing.

Jiang Chenyu stood behind his son, and said very understandingly, "The comparison is too complicated, he can't understand."

Sure enough, the little tiger frowned aggrievedly, "Where, Bao doesn't understand."

On the way to the hotel from Nangong's house at night, Gu Nuannuan hugged her son's little head in the back row and said, "With your brain, your uncle still insists that he is as smart as him. When Gu Xiaohan comes back, let him see clearly. His nephew's head is 'how clever' he is!"

The little tiger said, "Where, Bao wants to tweet."

When I got off the bus from the hotel, my parents took the hotel card at the front desk, and the little tiger held his mobile phone in both hands, and made a video call with his uncle while walking. The uncle and nephew didn’t know what to talk about, so they kept chatting for half an hour. .

Half an hour later, "Hey, baby, do you want to tweet mom?"

On the other side of the phone, Gu Xiaohan said impatiently, "Why did you come to my apartment again? Give me the key."

"I won't give it."

Gu Xiaohan put down his phone, and went directly to grab the key from Luo Jin's arms.

The little tiger frowned, why can't I see Jiujiu?

Back in the hotel room, Gu Nuannuan shouted: "Tiger, hurry up and take a bath with Dad."

The video with my uncle has temporarily come to an end.

After the Lantern Festival, Gu Nuannuan is about to start school.

The little tiger was at home and asked his grandfather to teach him. As a result, Mr. Jiang's few hairs were also ruined.

Mr. Jiang scratched his head, "It stands to reason that our family's IQ shouldn't be a problem."

The little tiger studies, and the little green dragon mixes it up.

Jiang Momo went to work, and Gu Xiaonuan started school.

Ning'er was disobedient before school started and flew to City Z by herself. She called her boyfriend after she got off the plane, "Hey, Brother Xiaosu~ How are you feeling now?"

Jiangsu, who is checking the system loopholes: "... are you here?"

Ning'er bit her tongue, she acted like a baby, "Brother Xiao Su, why are you so smart?"

When Jiangsu got up, he could vaguely hear the airport announcement over there, "Did you come by plane?"

After a few seconds, Jiangsu said, "Send me the location."

He looked at the several computers in the office area, and adjusted each one, "Brother Fat, take them to continue the investigation, I'll go out and pick up Yaya."

"Ning'er is here?"

Jiangsu nodded, "This girl, if you don't let her come over, you won't be obedient."

He started driving to the airport.

After he left, the newly recruited employee asked curiously, "Brother Fat, is Yaya the boss' sister?"

"Hey, don't call me Yaya, that's our proprietress. Yaya is Xiaosu's pet name for the proprietress." Fat Brother said hastily.

At the gate of the airport, I saw Ning'er waiting.

She was pushing a box, so well-behaved.

Jiangsu got off the car, but her luggage said, "Follow your aunt and aunt and you have learned all the bad things about them."

Ning'er puffed her mouth, she was so cute.

Jiangsu put the luggage in the trunk, closed it, and opened the co-pilot's door, "Get in the car, little girl."

Ning'er happily sat on it, "Brother Xiao Su, I miss you~"

Jiangsu closed the car door and drove away from the airport.

Because Huishuilan community had to take a long detour, it happened that Jiangsu was still busy. He was always answering the phone while driving, speaking some technical terms that Ning'er didn't understand. "...Okay, put it there first, I received it from Yaya, and I'm going to the company now. I'll deal with it when I get there."

After arriving at Dingwei Technology, Jiangsu led Ning Er's hand into the company.

Ning'er came to this place very rarely, because this place was relatively remote, and Jiangsu didn't want her to come here. Every time she came, she always wanted to help him, but she didn't know what to do.

Jiangsu didn't want her to do anything, so she never let her come over.

When Ning'er came over again, she entered the warehouse room, which was cleaned very cleanly.

There are six or seven employees working inside. When they see Jiangsu, they all call him "senior".

Fat brother got up, Jiangsu let Ning'er play casually, as if he brought a child to work to play.

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