"Grass, I'll kill you if you are surnamed Zhang!" Liu

Yu scolded.

Zhang Ming turned his head and glanced at him with slanted eyes.

"Just you, kill me?" "

It's almost !! to be killed by me

" Liu Yu was angry: "Damn, call the waiter to serve wine, I won't drink him to death today, my wife ran away with someone!! "

Summer: Director Liu, do you have a wife??? you are a single dog!

The two have been colleagues for decades, and they have been fighting and making trouble since they were young, and they speak openly, Dean Jia is Xi used to it, and let the two of them make trouble.

Dean Jia smiled, slowed down, and came to Summer's side.

Said with a smile.

"Xiao Xia, you performed well today, Director Zhang is optimistic about you, and I am also optimistic about you. "

Ming'er, do

you go to work?" "Night shift!" "

The night shift is too late, so when you are on the day shift, go to the office to find me and sign the contract, you have been Xi for four months, and it should be over." Dean

Jia said that the little heart of summer was like a deer colliding.

After the end of the Xi Xi

period, I will become a full-fledged doctor.

Although, with his excellent work and Zhang Ming's favor, it is a matter of time before he becomes an official doctor, but when this moment comes, he is still extremely excited.

Like, the first time for teenagers.

Obviously understand the truth, and be mentally prepared tomorrow morning.

But when that day came, I was still nervous.

"Thank you, Dean.

"I will definitely perform well and live up to the cultivation of Director Zhang, Dean Jia, and the Provincial Hospital."

Summer excitedly bowed deeply to Dean Jia.

Dean Jia looked kind.

"Behave well in the future.

"Go ahead, stop your master, he has a bad liver, just drink a little, don't hurt your body." "

Zhang Ming was a soldier when he was young, and he was very fierce when he drank alcohol, and he was diagnosed with alcoholic liver five years ago, and after abstinence from alcohol, exercise, and a period of treatment, the alcoholic liver has recovered, but he still can't drink heavily.

In the summer, I silently changed the national cellar 1573 to a snowflake light beer.

After a few bottles of beer, I couldn't drink it.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the

wine party dispersed.

After the group sent Dean Jia away, everyone dispersed, and those who were close to home went home and those who were far away went to the hotel.

Zhang Ming's hotel is located near Shang Xian Hui.

"Xiao Xia, are you sleepy?"

"Not sleepy.

"Then come with me.


Zhang Ming took out a pack of Double Happiness, took out two, took one in his own mouth, and handed one to Summer.

Summer didn't answer: "I won't."

Zhang Ming smiled: "You are so young, how can anyone who can't smoke? When you were seventeen or eighteen years old and rebellious, you didn't secretly hide in the toilet and smoke together, and you couldn't smoke at that time, but you were happy when you saw smoking."

Summer smiled wryly and said calmly.

"That's someone else's child.

"I don't have a rebellious period.

"When I was 10 years old, my father fell ill and emptied his family to treat him.

"When I was 16 years old, my father was gone, at that time, my brother was only 8 years old, and it was all up to my mother to work in the brick factory to support me and my brother, every day after school, I ran to the brick factory for the first time, helped my mother carry ten times before going home for dinner, and on Saturdays and Sundays, I helped in the brick factory all day, from six o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening, went home to take a shower, and wrote homework.

Summer's words were very calm, like telling a story that had nothing to do with him, but Zhang Ming was stunned.

The two walked forward silently for ten minutes, Zhang Ming didn't open his mouth, and he didn't dare to speak nonsense in the summer.

He glanced at Zhang Ming.

I saw that Zhang Ming's eyes were red and tears were shining.

Feeling the gaze of summer, Zhang Ming said awkwardly.

"Do you have tissues? I squinted.


Xia handed over a tissue, Zhang Ming wiped his tears, patted Xia on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Now that you have the ability, your mother and brother will be able to live a good life in the future. "

Work hard to make money, buy a big house and take them over!"

Summer nodded.

After walking for a while, Zhang Ming asked curiously.

"Liu Yu scolded me LSP, what does LSP mean?"

Summer: ......

When Liu Yu scolded, he shouted the pronunciation of the English letters, and it is estimated that Liu Yu did not know the meaning of lsp.

All he knew was that it was swearing.

Do you want to tell him what it means?


After struggling for a while, Summer said one casually.

"It's the meaning of necrophilia.

Zhang Ming's eyes widened, and suddenly, he smiled.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death, this son of a shit, he's quite good at scolding.

Zhang Ming explained: "When I went to school, there were very few corpse specimens in the school, and dozens of students could not grab a specimen at all.

"In order to learn more, I went with my roommate to steal specimens.

"More than 100 specimens were dissected by us, and when we stole the last specimen, they were discovered by the school and notified us of several conferences for criticism.

"Since then, I've got the name of a corpse stealer.

"At last year's class reunion, some people talked about it.

"The title of lsp suits me quite well, and I changed my WeChat name.

Summer panicked: "Director, wait...... This isn't good......

" Zhang Ming didn't raise his head: "What's wrong." "

Ah, this ......

How can I stop him from going

crazy ??? summer!"

Zhang Ming sent the mobile phone to Summer: "Look at it, isn't it very domineering!!"

Summer looked at it.

WeChat name: lsp-张明!

summer: (。 ﹏。 *)

Is it too late to agree with Professor Tan to go to Beijing Cancer Hospital now?

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