200,000 by the school's financial transfer.

200,000 has arrived.

It's really fragrant!!

this trip was not in vain.

All the classmates greeted him one after another.


Wang Xiaobei pushed the summer with his elbow, and said sneakily in the summer's ear.

"Li Tiantian looks at you. "


just about to turn back in the summer, Wang Xiaobei hurriedly said: "Don't look back!" "Don't

give her any chance."

"When you just came to the stage to accept the award, Li Tiantian kept staring at you, and smiled at you when she entered the door, it is estimated that she is staring at your 200,000 yuan, you can save this money, and you can't give her a penny." "

This shameless one, I've done something I'm sorry for you, and I want to ask you for money!!" "Don't

even think about it!" Summer

is in a complicated mood.

In the past, the girl in the countryside was cautious when she spent money, and she was reluctant to throw away the piggy bank even a dime of coins, and saved up to five cents to buy mustard.

Every time I recall the poor days of the past, I feel sad in the summer.

After five years of love, he dreamed countless times that after he had money, he would take Li Tiantian on a trip, buy her clothes, and eat delicious things......


He's rich.

If life is only as first seen~~~

I used to feel that this was too hypocritical, but now I can finally understand it.

Pain will pass with time, and love will also be erased by time!"

"Let's go, go back to the hotel and clean up, and I'll go to Shangxian Hui in a while." "

In the past, the medical university was a little far away, and it was easy to get stuck in traffic at night, so I had to go out early in the summer.

The rest of the school celebration is more boring and has nothing to do with the graduates.

Several people returned to the hotel.

I played a few qualifying matches, and at 6:30, I went out in the summer.

It took an hour on the road.

At 7:30 a.m., arrive at Shang Xian Hui Hotel.

"Director, I'm at Shang Xian Hui. "

I sent a WeChat message to Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming replied quickly.

"You wait in the lobby for a while, and I'll be over. "

Okay!" put

away his phone and walked towards the sofa in the lobby in the summer, and a familiar face appeared.

"Director Liu. "

It's Liu Yu from the anorectal department.

Liu Yu was reading the newspaper when he heard the sound of summer, and looked up with a look of surprise.

"Yo, Xiao Xia.

"Come and sit down.

Xia sat down opposite Liu Yu.

Not long ago, Liu Yu wanted to dig up the summer to go to the anorectal department, Zhang Ming turned his face with him in front of the office people, and scolded him: Dogecoin Liu Yu.

The two haven't seen each other since that day.

There was some embarrassment in the summer about that.

"Director Liu, I'm sorry, the business card you gave me that day is missing, so I didn't add your WeChat ......

" "Missing?" Liu Yu put down the newspaper in his hand and sneered: "Was it lost by Director Zhang


?" Summer touched her nose awkwardly, which was a tacit acquiescence.

"Have you signed up for the emergency department?" A

patient with appendicitis, who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in the summer, showed a strong talent, which Liu Yu admired very much, and wanted him to go to the anorectal department, but Zhang Ming's attitude was very strong.

Whoever dares to rob the summer is tantamount to his life.

In addition, Zhang Ming brought it in the summer, he didn't let people go, and he could only sign for emergency treatment in the summer.

Summer Road.

"I haven't signed it yet, but I've promised the director that I won't leave the emergency department for three years.

Liu Yu pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice.

Summer didn't hear clearly.

I only heard two words: Dogecoin!

It was embarrassing to curse in front of students.

Liu Yu smiled wryly and said to Xia with a smile.

"I've known Lao Zhang for so many years, and it's the first time he's red eyes with me, just for you kid.

"Come on.

"We don't like people, Lao Zhang likes you, so I won't fight."

"Just stay in the emergency room." Xia

breathed a sigh of relief, I was really afraid that Liu Yu would ask him to go to the anorectal department again.

A big director.

It's not easy to ...... to refuse outright

He gave up on his own, so there was no need to be embarrassed in the summer.

"However, WeChat can still add a little. "

Come on.

Liu Yu showed his QR code and scanned it in the summer.


The two are friends.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while about the gossip inside the hospital.

At this time, Liu Yu's words changed.

"You just verbally agreed, didn't sign the contract, right? When you sign the contract, you can sign it for six months to one year, and after a year, if you don't like the emergency, you can change departments, go to orthopedics, oncology, and proctology to ......"

"I still feel that the anorectal department is quite suitable for you." Summer

was stunned.

"It's not...... Don't you take away people's favors......"

Liu Yu rolled his eyes and replied.

"Can you guarantee that he will always like you, and only love you for the rest of his life



At this time, Zhang Ming came, and when he saw Liu Yu sitting opposite Xia, his eyes immediately widened, and his pace was extremely fast, menacing, and his strong aura was very similar to the scene of arresting an adulterer and an adulteress.

"Dogecoin Liu Yu!"

"The one who robbed me, believe it or not, I broke your legs."

Liu Yu rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"I said Lao Zhang, can you calm down?"

"I just happened to meet Xiao Xia, just chatting with him for a few days, I didn't do anything, I usually don't work in the same building in the hospital, unless the emergency department calls me to go to the consultation, I can't even meet Xiao Xia." "

I don't have any contact information, you say I'm robbing people, but you have to pay attention to evidence." "

No contact???


Cooperate and delete the friend's dialog box.


! Zhang Ming snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know who you are, you want to rob it when you see a good real Xi

!" "In the words of young people, what

is it?" "Scumbag!!"

"If you want to be a scumbag in summer, it's impossible

!" "I don't allow it!"

Summer: Director, wait, the word scumbag is not used like this......

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