Why did ???

summer, the eldest sister's cheeks turned red, and she felt insulted.

Why else

! Is it disgusted that the old lady is ugly, and it is not worth your touch?


"Slut !!" "

I still don't admit it after touching my ass." "

Look at your young age, Sven Wen, in broad daylight, in public, to do this kind of thing, don't you feel ashamed

?" "Your parents gave birth to you to be a pervert?"


eldest sister is 40+ years old, with a 'yellow-faced woman' on her face, holding vegetables in her hands, her hair tied up at will, her bangs haven't been washed for two days, and the oily ones are stuck on her forehead.

One look at her dress.

I know that she is the eldest sister who has a hard life.

There was a little girl sitting next to her, the girl was about 10 years old, and she was 9 points similar to the eldest sister, and she should be the eldest sister's child.

Seeing her mother quarreling, the little girl was a little scared, pulled her mother's hand, and begged.

"Mom, stop arguing. The

eldest sister shook off her daughter's hand and scolded her.

"Shut up. He

glared at Summer with an angry face.

Summer frowned, and said, "Hello, I think there was a misunderstanding between us, I was just passing by here, I kept holding the railing with both hands, and I didn't touch your ass."

"I didn't do anything wrong with you.

"Please don't get me wrong. "

There were some spectators next to him who joined the war between the two.

An aunt said: "I saw it, it was the young man's bag that touched the girl, not your buttocks." A

man also stepped forward.

"Yes, it was the bag that touched it. The

others nodded.

"I didn't see the bag touching it, this young man grabbed the railing with both hands, but I saw it.

"That's right, the young man's hand never let go. The

eldest sister listened to other people's discussions, looked at the summer bag again, and frowned tightly and refused to relax, she realized that this matter was a misunderstanding.

"In that case......" "

You apologize, forget it." "


Summer was speechless.

"Why should I apologize? I didn't touch you. The

eldest sister glared and pointed to the summer backpack.

"You've got to apologize for touching me. "


"You also said that it was my bag that touched you, you let it apologize to you. The

eldest sister didn't give up: "You are strong." "

Look at your young age, your character is so bad, and there are children on the subway, how do you set an example for your children?"

vomited blood......

"You also said that there are still children on the subway, and your daughter is still there. "

You're a mother, that's how you set an example for your daughter?"

"You want to apologize." "

Okay, I apologize to you. "

I'm sorry, my bag touched you, okay


It really doesn't make sense to meet this kind of person.

Can't be provoked, can't he still hide?

Dropping a sentence, he turned around and walked towards another carriage, sat down in a different position and swiped his phone for a while.

Ten minutes later.

There was a scream from the next car.


Help!! "Baby, don't scare Mom, talk quickly!!


"Help, is there a doctor?" "

As a doctor's instinct, Summer put away his phone and rushed over with an arrow.

I saw that the eldest sister hugged her daughter and cried bitterly.

The girl's eyes were full of tears, her hands were curly, inverted, and chicken-clawed, her left foot was straight and turned inward, and she was confused at the same time, and when she heard her mother's shout, she could only respond with her pupils and could not speak.

Typical respiratory alkalosis !!

respiratory alkalosis is caused by excessive excretion of carbon dioxide from the body due to excessively shallow and rapid breathing.

Respiratory alkalosis is not a big problem, but it is not a small problem.

Due to abnormalities and uncontrollable of the body.

It can cause psychological stress, nervous tension, and faster breathing, which can aggravate alkalosis.

In alkalosis, free calcium and magnesium ions in the plasma are reduced, causing hypokalemia, arrhythmias, and death due to arrhythmia.

"I'm Dr. Xia from the Provincial Hospital, and I need a plastic bag now, who has a plastic bag?"

asked the people around her for help.

People around them have sent plastic bags.

An uncle handed over a rubber glove from the kitchen, and Summer immediately took the glove and said to the eldest sister.

"You let go of the child.

"Let me take care of it. The

eldest sister's face was full of tears, and she looked up at Summer, her eyes full of distrust.

Summer said angrily.

"I'm a doctor.

"You can only trust me now.

"If you delay any longer, the child will suffocate." "

Let go of her!" "

Alkalosis is very common, the general parents do not understand, seeing the child's body straight, hands in the shape of chicken claws, will be very nervous to hold the child, as everyone knows, the tighter the hug, the more aggravated the symptoms.

Others also stood up and pointed at the eldest sister.

"Listen to the doctor. "

The doctor came to save people, you still don't

let go of the child, can you save the child?"

"What are you doing in a daze, let go of the child."

In the persuasion of everyone, the eldest sister finally let go of the child and said a word to Summer with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry just now, please save my daughter. With that

, tears fell like beads.

Summer didn't say a word, put the gloves on the child's mouth and nose, and said to the child.

"Little friend, my brother is a doctor, believe my brother, you will be fine.

"Now take a deep breath, exhale it slowly, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, repeat the action. "

The easiest way to get alkalosis is to have the patient quickly suck the carbon dioxide back out of their own exhalation.

After 5 minutes, the girl's claw-like hand gradually eased.

"The child's manual is up. "

The legs are not straightened anymore, it has an effect, the young man is so powerful." "

10 minutes later.

The child's symptoms have all disappeared, his little face has regained his rosiness, and there is still horror in his big eyes, obviously frightened, but he still politely thanked Summer.

"Thank you, doctor, brother.

"It's okay, if you encounter this situation in the future, just hold your breath, don't be nervous, just take a few more deep breaths." "

Summer said gently.

When the eldest sister saw the child recover, her tears could no longer be held back, and they gushed out like the Yellow River bursting its banks.

At this time, the ambulance also came.

The emergency doctor immediately gave the child blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation.

"Blood pressure and saturation are all normal. "

Dr. Xia handled it very effectively, so I didn't have to go to the hospital. The

eldest sister took her daughter's hand and bowed deeply to Summer.

"Dr. Xia, thank you. "

I was on the subway just now, and I couldn't help it. "

If the eldest sister knew that Summer would save her daughter's life, she couldn't slander Summer for touching her ass.

At this time, she only felt ashamed and embarrassed, and she had no face to look at summer.

"Out of the way.

"The past is gone. "

The summer was very generous.

The eldest sister is not a bad person, she is just an adult who is forced by life.

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