
It wasn't until Zhang Ming left seven or eight minutes after taking the surgical consent form that Xia came back to his senses.

Looking at Wang Xiaobei and a few people, he asked weakly.

"Did the director say that I was asked to perform a liver transplant?"

Wang Xiaobei rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it's you."

"Hurry up and get ready, don't ask us again."

Obviously, they graduated together and Xi together, and stayed in the hospital together, and they had already undergone liver transplant surgery in the summer, and they had not even had appendicitis surgery.


What the fuck is this human suffering!

If I'm a little more vulnerable, I'm going to jump off a building.

The fat man clapped his hands excitedly, and the two lumps of meat on his chest also swayed up and down.

"Brother Tian is so good!"

"Brother Tian, YYDS!"

Li Xiaohong made a cheering move for summer.

Summer took a deep breath and shouted in her heart.

"System, come out."

"I want to learn liver transplantation, please help me choose."

[Host, please wait.] 【

Liver transplant surgery binding.】 [

The liver transplant has been successfully bound, please check the host.] Close

your eyes.

The liver transplant operation was like a movie film, which came to his mind in the summer, and the whole operation process, every little detail, was all poured into his mind, and after only one time, it was deeply imprinted in his mind.

In addition to the memories, summer has a familiar feeling.

It was as if he had done thousands, tens of thousands of liver transplants.

I already know about this operation.


The power of the system is powerful.

"Thanks for the system."

[The host does not have to be polite, please always maintain a sincere heart and help more people. The

system makes the summer heart warm.


"I'm going to try to save as many people as possible, and I'm going to get ready for surgery."

Before the operation, it is necessary to check the patient's condition and the physical condition of the donor in the summer.

With the improvement of medical laws and the improvement of medical technology, the scope of liver transplantation has been opened, and for normal liver transplantation, the national organ distribution network established by the National Health Commission is generally deployed.

But the waiting process is very, very long....

Because the liver source is very small, the patient is far larger than the liver source.

In addition to this, there are two ways.

First, buy.

There are some black market 300,000 that can be bought, but the black market is very unreliable, often the money is wasted, and the liver is not obtained.

There was once a news.

A guy wants to change his liver, but he can't get a liver, a black market whose relatives don't know where to contact him, buy a liver for 300,000 yuan, and do surgery to change his liver in an abandoned building.

300,000 was given, and the operation was done.

The guy didn't wake up for a long time, and the family hurriedly sent the person to a regular hospital.

results, check it out.

The liver was not replaced, and the kidney was gouged out.

The family reacted to the police, and the person had already run away.

The news was very noisy at the time, and the black market was very unreliable.

The second way is the most reliable.

Relatives donate!

First, the donor signs a consent form.

Secondly, the donor's physical condition should be assessed, and there should be no history of alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and blood type should be consistent.

Or, the blood type meets the requirements for transfusion.

People with blood type O can donate their livers to patients of any other blood type.

Of course, in order to have a high survival rate of the liver, in addition to blood type, white blood cell antigen (HLA) matching is very important.

The patient's donor is his own brother.

So, the HLA value is very high.

In addition, my brother is relatively young, so there is no problem with donating liver.

I checked the situation of patients, liver donors.

Check out some of the necessary information.

It's half past three in the afternoon.

In the summer, he rushed to the No. 3 operating room with Zhang Ming.

On the road.

Xia asked Zhang Ming blankly: "Director, why did they agree to let me take the knife?" "

It's not logical!

Deputy Director Fang obviously hated him very much.

Zhang Ming grinned: "I'm going to beg them." "


Can begging make them believe in summer?

It doesn't feel right...

Zhang Ming smiled: "What's the matter, you don't believe it?" "

I'm crying again, do you believe it?"

"After crying for more than an hour, they finally agreed."

Crying... More than an hour?

I don't believe it!

Zhang Ming is a soldier, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tough guy, I can't imagine what the picture of him crying looks like in summer?

"Okay, don't think about it, let's go, go into the operating room."

Ma Hai was already waiting in the operating room.

In the operating room, there were two patients lying at the same time, and the patient's brother was very nervous, and when he saw Xia come in, he looked him up and down, with indescribable fear in his eyes.

Ma Hai reassured him.

"Alright, you can lie down."

"Rest assured, the regenerative ability of liver function is very strong, and you can grow back in 3 or 4 months if you are so young."

"Lie down, the operation is about to begin."

In general, after the liver is damaged, the adult liver can return to its original size in 3 to 6 months, and the younger the age, the faster the recovery.

Some researchers cut off 70% of the livers of mice, and after 5 days, they grew back to their original size.

A liver transplant requires only one percent of the patient's body weight.

For example, a 100-pound patient can survive by taking only 500 grams of liver, while the liver of an adult man is about 1500g and that of a woman is about 1300g.

The patient was relatively thin, only 80 pounds.

Take 400g of liver to survive.

My brother is completely transplantable.

Ten minutes later, the patient and his brother were all under anesthesia.

Summer stood under the shadowless lamp and glanced at the time on the wall.

"At 16:05, the operation began."

"Knife 10."


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