Inside the restrooms.

Summer took out a small energy bottle from his pocket.

Open the cap and take a sip.

"System, can you choose the taste of the energy bottle? Does it smell like cantaloupe? "

Host, please respect yourself. (If you don't like it, you can skip it.)

"Okay, okay, I respect myself."

"Alright, you step down, I'm going to get busy."

At this moment, it is three o'clock in the morning.

On a day shift and didn't sleep during the day, he should have gone back to rest at two o'clock in the morning, because this patient was delayed, and the operation to repair the heart was very energy-consuming.

At least two or three hours.

In order to avoid being unable to survive during the operation, drink an energy bottle first to ensure the success rate of the operation.

The patient's mother has signed.

She took Summer's hand and pleaded with him.

"Please, doctor, save my daughter."

"I'm just such a daughter, I can't live without her."

Summer patted the woman's hand and comforted.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to save the patient."

"Trust me."

Patent foramen ovale surgery, the system did not send him.

But he knew the process of surgery, and when he was in school, he was very interested in the heart in the summer, and he studied it for a while, and the most difficult part of heart surgery was the technique.

Hands, be sure to hold !!

After all, it is an operation on the heart, and once anything goes wrong, it will be fatal.

In summer, there are 100% skillful hands, and I am very confident in my hands.

Enter the operating room.

Wang Boyi has helped the patient enter general anesthesia and intubation, and at the same time, Yuan Jing was also called by Wang Boyi for consultation.

Seeing Xia walk in, Yuan Jing was stunned for a moment.

Asked in surprise.

"You're the main knife?"

"Where's Dr. Zhou?"

That scum!!

"Dr. Zhou transferred the patient to the emergency department, so I will operate on it, Sister Jing, during the operation, please take care of the patient's head problem, if there is a second stroke, you need to open the patient's cranium immediately."

"So, as a last resort, please stay in the operating room."

When performing heart surgery, if there is a problem with the brain again, it is too busy to rely on Xia Xia and Wang Boyi, and someone must help.

Therefore, in the summer, Wang Boyi called Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing glanced at Xia deeply, a little entangled.

He, can he do it?

Do you want to stop?

But...... The patient's condition is not tomorrow.

When Yuan Jing was entangled, the summer surgery had already begun.

"Venipuncture of the lower extremities."

"Catheter ready."

Patent foramen ovale surgery does not require thoracotomy and is minimally invasive, catheter-led along the vena cava into the right atrium.

When the catheter reaches the foramen ovale, release the occluder and plug the hole.

The catheter is inserted into the vena cava.

Summer didn't rush to move, but asked Yuan Jing.

"Sister Jing, pay attention to the patient's head."

"The catheter is going into a vein."


Patients are like a ticking time bomb that can explode at any time, so be very careful.

"Okay, no problem for now."

Yuan Jing nodded.

"Okay, I'm going."

The catheter slowly travels down the vena cava towards the heart at a slow pace.

Wang Boyi held the instrument, and his movements were a little anxious.

Summer said: "No hurry, no hurry.

"Don't go too fast."

"Slow down."

After a stroke, the patient's blood pressure will be unstable, and the vena cava is used to collect venous blood from the body, which is a very important vein in the human body.

In the summer, the inferior vena cava was used for surgery.

The catheter is a foreign body, and the entry of the foreign body will cause the venous blood to be rejected, resulting in an increase in blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage.

So, the summer is going to be very slow and slow....

Move slowly at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye.

"It's still 3cm from the heart, and it's coming soon."

The total length of the inferior vena cava is 25.7~27.1cm, and the child is about 20cm, and it has stabilized 17cm, leaving only the last 3cm.

"Come on kids, we're about to win."

Grit your teeth in the summer.


Yuan Jing shouted: "It's not good, the patient's blood pressure is soaring, she is going to bleed for the second time, and the operation is suspended." "


There are only 3cm left.

Summer gritted her teeth and said to Yuan Jing: "Sister Jing, prepare a craniotomy for the patient, give me three seconds."

Yuan Jing was slightly stunned.

Before he could stop it, in the summer, he pushed the catheter deep into the heart as quickly as possible, released the occluder, and removed the catheter.

The whole process takes less than 10 seconds.

The surgery was successful!

However, the patient had a second hemorrhage, and the second hemorrhage was so severe that a craniotomy was necessary.

"Bo Yi, I'll take care of the rest."

"Sister Jing, let's prepare for a craniotomy."

"Sister He, shave the patient's hair."

Sister He is the head nurse of the operating room, and she has unconditional trust in Summer, and immediately enters the battle when she hears Summer's order.

Everyone has their own job.


10 a.m.

A little nurse hurried into the department and said excitedly.

"Have you heard? Last night, a patient in the chest triggered a stroke, and the doctor operated immediately, from 3 o'clock in the morning to now, a full 7 hours, and the other two doctors are tired and lie down to replace people.

"But the chief surgeon never left."

"He had foramen ovale surgery and then a craniotomy for the patient."

"For 7 hours, I didn't drink water, I didn't stop, I didn't even go to the toilet."

The other little nurses were shocked.

"Damn, so strong!"

"It's so long-lasting, seven hours in a row, how many hours did Doctor Xia breathe last time?"

"It's like five hours."

"Which doctor in the chest is so powerful and so long-lasting?"

"It's actually better than Doctor Xia, is there a man in our provincial hospital who is stronger than Doctor Xia?"

Two male doctors passed by and heard a few young nurses talking.

He sneered and said.

"When did summer become the standard of provincial hospitals?"

"He's just a resident."

"There are more excellent male doctors in our hospital, and he is not the only one who is excellent."

Since a night shift in the summer, after a fight to fame.

The female nurses and doctors in the hospital are all Dr. Xia every day.

The married male doctor is fine...

Some unmarried male doctors hate summer.

Because one person raised the standard of mate selection for female doctors and nurses.

The girlfriend can't be found, so I can only rely on a pair of hands.

Do you think summer is annoying?

And...... Summer is just a resident doctor, but his strength is better than that of their group of attending doctors.

It's a shame!

"Doctor Xia every day, Doctor Xia's."

"You have time, and you can pay attention to other doctors, there are more excellent doctors."

"Xiaoqing, what's the name of this doctor on the chest?"

Xiaoqing looked embarrassed and sneered.

"It's... I'll not talk about it, you guys go get busy. "

I don't want to hit you!

The two attending doctors did not relent: "Why don't you say it?" Are you afraid that we will be jealous?

"Don't worry, we're not that stingy."

"Say it."

Xiaoqing was cautious: "Then I can say..."

"Ahem, his name is Summer."

The two were stunned: "Huh? Is there a doctor named Summer in the chest too? I've only heard of the summer of emergency medicine.

Xiaoqing shook his head: "The chest temporarily transferred the patient to the emergency department, and Dr. Xia worked the night shift yesterday, so it was the operation done by Dr. Xia in the emergency department. Two

attending doctors: "..."Rub


(Xiaoqing: I gave you a chance...


author bacteria:

Recently, there have been a lot of medical students in the comment area, and the author bacteria said that they were very panicked... After all, the author is not from a professional background, and there will be some professional problems.

We are now looking for two medical students for professional consultation.

There are 4 requirements.

1: Gender: Female.

2: Age 18~38 years old.

3: White skin, beautiful and long legs; (You know the latter sentence.) 4

: The last point is very important and there is no charge. (Upside down preference.) If

you meet the requirements, you can come to the author to apply.,Mo Da (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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