"Sister Li, this is the report of the MRI and vascular photography of the patient with intestinal infarction.

"Take a look. "

Summer sent the two reports to Li Yajun.

MRI is done without bowel preparation using fluid or stool in the intestinal obstruction cavity, without enema, gastrointestinal decompression, and oral or intrasite injection of contrast.

The obstruction plane was observed by PHILIPS Achieva 1.5T dual-gradient MR scan, and the orthostatic phased array coil was used to perform the true stable lifting free (BTFE) sequence coronal imaging.

Figure 1: WI axis, transverse colonic lumen is 'tubulopathy', and tube wall thickening is replaced by low signal.

Figure 2: WI axis, transverse colonic lumen showing 'line auspicious sign', and enlarged effusion in the enteric colon.


superior mesenteric artery embolization of leukocytes 25✖️109/L, elevated serum polytase, and elevated CPK.

The superior mesenteric artery branches are stenosis, the arterial arch is spasm, and the intramural vessels are inadequately filled.

Li Yajun glanced at the report and said with a smile to Xia.

"It's time to ask the patient to get ready for surgery.

"Your accuracy rate is not only 95%, but 100%, right?"

Xia said confidently: "I don't dare to say 100%, 99% is still there."

Sister Li smiled and said, "I like it with confidence."

"In terms of dowry, if you have any requirements, I will go back and ask my parents to prepare for it." The

two of them are still picking up on yesterday's jokes.

Summer hey hey smiled.

"Dowry or something, I don't pick it, I've always had a girl's heart, and I like pink things, such as Grandpa Mao...... It's pink and tender, and it's fun to look at.

"It's even happier if there's a room full of them. "


Li Yajun rolled his eyes: "You sold me, and if you sell me, you can't fill the whole room."

At this time, Li Xiaohong walked over.

Hearing the two of them's speech, Li Xiaohong looked dazed.


Li Yajun is going to marry Summer?"

"Brother Tian...... Do you want to prepare the patient for surgery?" asked

Li Xiaohong weakly.

"To do it. "

Let's go and ask the patient to sign the consent form and let's go."

Xia took the surgical consent form and took Li Xiaohong to the ward, explained to the patient that his disease could only be treated surgically, not conservatively, and explained the process and precautions of the operation.

The patient had heard that there was no need for surgery and was excited for a morning.

As soon as he heard that he was going to have surgery, his expression instantly darkened.

"Surgery, it costs a lot of money...... "

The problem of money, Xia explained yesterday, intestinal infarction is not a minor operation, and it can't be done without 230,000 yuan.

Money is hard to earn, is hard to eat.

Money...... It has stumped countless ordinary people.

Summer has also grown up poor from a young age, and he empathizes with this problem, but there is nothing he can do.

The patient's wife, who spoke with a strong accent and was a rural woman who had never read much, kept comforting her husband.

"It's important to heal the disease, and at this time, don't think about making money. "

Once you've cured your illness, you'll go back and make money." The

patient's eyes were red, and tears fell from his eyes.

"Okay, I want you to live a good life, I've been married for 20 years and I'm still so poor, and I saved a few dollars, but now the operation is gone. "

I'm sorry for you...... "The

wife wiped her husband's tears with her hand and smiled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's just live happily as a family, if you don't have money, you want so much money, and it's good to be there."

"Listen to the doctor, after curing the disease, we will go back to the village to raise pigs, grow vegetables, raise pigs, touch fish, and spend as much as we want."

"There is a way to live in poor days, and being rich does not necessarily mean being happy."

"Don't cry, the doctor is still waiting for you to sign it." The

patient wiped his tears and signed the surgical agreement.

Looking at the husband and wife, Summer thought of a sentence from a famous book.

Happy families, mostly similar.

Unfortunate families, each with its own misfortunes.

Even if they are poor, the husband and wife can still be happy with one heart.

Leave the room.

Li Xiaohong's eyes were red, and she kept secretly wiping her tears.

Summer sniffed and said empathetically.

"The picture is a little touching, and my nose is a little sour.

Li Xiaohong took out a tissue, wiped her tears, and pouted.

"Happiness really has nothing to do with money.

"When I was a kid, we were very poor, and we could eat up to two stews a week, but our family was very happy, my dad was uncoordinated in his limbs, and he danced on crutches, but he liked to dance, and he danced in front of me and my mother every day, like a gorilla.

"At that time, I was really happy. "

Later, my father ran the transportation, became his own boss, and became richer and richer.

"There's no shortage of money, but Dad doesn't dance anymore. "

Yes...... I stopped dancing with my mom.

"They quarrel every day, and there are a few times when my father beats my mother, and now they have been separated for 3 years, and I haven't seen my father for a year and a half......" "I don't

know, will he think of me. With

a white little face, red nose and eyes, Li Xiaohong sniffed, tears crackling and falling.


is another unhappy child of the original family.

Touch your head.

Summer comforted: "Don't cry, you grow up and can protect your mother."

"As for Dad, he has always been your Dad, he gave you a perfect childhood, saints will make mistakes, in a few years he will understand, he doesn't contact you, you can contact him."

"No man would want his daughter.

"It's going to be fine.

Li Xiaohong wiped her tears and nodded heavily at Summer.

"Thank you, Brother Tian.

"I stopped crying.

"That's right, Brother Tian, Xiaobei didn't come to work today, saying that he asked the director for leave, and the operation that afternoon...... "

Didn't come to

work? So sad

? I only talked for a day, and I was so affectionate?

I broke up my relationship for five years in the summer, and I didn't delay my work......

." "You call the fat man, Xiaobei doesn't come, you and the fat man come on stage with me. "

Okay, I'll tell the fat man in a moment.

Li Xiaohong nodded.

Suddenly, she whispered mysteriously to Summer

, "Brother Tian, don't you think the fat man is a little mysterious?"

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