Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 986

The huge Illusion shrouded the small town in front of it, and all the creatures in the town fell into it, all of which had their own experience in Illusion. In this small town, only a white clothed youth is still awake. He walks alone on the street, but he has easy control over the millions of Practitioners in the small city in Illusion, and even some of his appreciation, but also give some opportunities.

Some committing any imaginable misdeed, let them soul annihilate in Illusion.

“Since the last time I discovered the Destruction Demon Clan, I also executed a Shadowless innate talent. I never got it anymore. Destruction Demon Clan is really cautious.” Dongbo Xueying shook his head, he knew this Again, it did not gain.

But he has long been used to it.

Habits have not been harvested again and again, he has long been a part of practice.

“en? This wine cellar seems to have a very high reputation. The Practitioner likes a lot of Ah.” Dongbo Xueying immediately discovered a place of food from Illusion.


As soon as I read it, Illusion dissipated.

The entire small city is recovering again, and all the creatures are recovering from the waking, except for a few other opportunities, the others are not aware of the Illusion before.

“Well, this small town has such a delicious food. The ingredients are ordinary and can be done deliciously.” Dongbo Xueying had a plate of meat in front of him and enjoyed it. There are too many remote places where he went. Some of the Ancient Cultivator innate talents are good at food. It is really a pleasure to eat. Even the soul is very comfortable. The wonderful feeling even surpass swallows World Source Stone.

Sitting in the corner of the wine cellar, eating and drinking, Dongbo Xueying is in a good mood.


Saint Lord, wearing a black gauze, walked barefoot, and he naturally arrived at the vicinity of Dongbo Xueying, and then quietly came to the town.

The Saint Lord came in from the city entrance, and there were many pedestrians, but they naturally avoided Saint Lord, and none of them even realized the existence of Saint Lord.

Saint Lord stood at the end of the town and looked at the wine cellar at the other end of the hundred thousand. The guests in the wine cellar were even though very lively, but only one person in the eyes of the Saint Lord was the white-spotted white clothed Youth.

Once again, the Saint Lord has quietly crossed the few hundred thousand and came to the wine cellar not far away.


Dongbo Xueying was originally very relaxed and laid back, but suddenly complexion greatly changed.


The natural law domain sensed an extremely terrifying existence and immediately provoked, and Dongbo Xueying’s Life instinct also issued a panic reminder – dangerous! Extremely dangerous! The sense of danger and fear immediately overwhelmed Dongbo Xueying, the sense of threat brought by the level of life, and let Dongbo Xueying feel the fear of trepidation.

He saw the front at a glance, and there was a barefoot man in a black gauze on the streets where people came and went. His eyes were gentle and kindly looked at Dongbo Xueying.

this moment.

Heaven and earth seem to have disappeared.

The surrounding city also disappeared, all the creatures disappeared, leaving only the sittingself, and the Saint Lord standing in the distance! The running Supreme rule has long since retreated. The natural law domain of Saint Lord has crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood for a moment, destroying its own Illusion, letting himself completely fall into his domain, even though with his soul strength, Reluctantly inspired two life-saving Secret Treasure.

Bang! bang!

The twelve-element bead bracelet is excited, and the ten 2nd layer is smeared around the body surface.

The Tri-Color Heavy Cloud robe also has a golden light, and the surface is covered with a blue glow.

“Saint Lord, how could it be Saint Lord?” Dongbo Xueying was shocked, how is Saint Lord, how can he shoot a Chaos Boundary? And the three Great Sage worlds and the two sects also have a tacit understanding, when rest and rest, unless Chaos Boundary offended Universe God. Otherwise Universe God will not shoot Chaos Boundary.

Otherwise, everyone is bullying, is it still? I am afraid that it will quickly lead to a large-scale war!

A large-scale war is also a bone side suffer. Saint Lord will not be easy to launch.

“How can he shoot me?” Dongbo Xueying thought is still flashing, an invisible force instantly runs through the X 2nd layer mask, and the protection of Tri-Color Heavy Cloud is even more useless! Even though Dongbo Xueying’s body Void-Change is powerful, this invisible force still envelopes Dongbo Xueying’s body.

Absolutely cold.

The body soul seems to be frozen, and Dongbo Xueying’s soul has been banned!

Just for a moment.

Dongbo Xueying can only do two pieces of Secret Treasure, and even have no time to stand up! It can be seen that the other party’s shot is fast and fierce.

The protection of the twelve-dollar bracelet is even though powerful. Jie Ancestor Witch Ancestor needs one or two moments to break, but Saint Lord’s hands and feet are all pressed by Jie Ancestor Witch Ancestor. At this moment, you must catch Dongbo Xueying. Naturally no accidents are allowed. One is the thunderbolt method, and the Dongbo Xueying soul is instantly banned.

“It’s weak.” Dongbo Xueying’s heart is cold, and there is still a Secret Treasure. If there is no Secret Treasure, Saint Lord’s terrifying natural law domain can arbitrarily lick himself.

Saint Lord stepped forward and began to relax slowly. In fact, he went to Dongbo Xueying and grabbed Dongbo Xueying.


Around the beginning of the space twisted overlap, faintly can see the other side of the palace palace.

Saint Lord, taking advantage of Dongbo Xueying’s body, walks along the twisted space corridor to the ancient Sacred Place on the other side.


Everything came too fast, Dongbo Xueying was first of all, followed by a cold heart.

He knows, I am afraid it is over!

Who can save himself in the hands of Saint Lord? What’s more, Saint Lord’s nest ‘Ancient Sacred Place’, Ancient Sacred Place has ‘Sacred Ancient incarnation’ sitting in the town. All other Universe God joint attacks are useless, even if the war is waged, Witch Ancestor Jie Ancestor will not choose Ancient Sacred Place, where fighting with Saint Lord is the most stupid.

“Why do you shoot me? I have a Chaos Boundary. Is there anything worthy of his shot? Do he know that I am Gu Qi’s discipline? No, if you know, he will probably kill it. After all, my Master Gu Qi is directly directed by him. He killed, he didn’t need to catch me.” Dongbo Xueying kept thinking.

“He catches me alive, there is always a reason to catch it.”

“He is standing on Destruction Demon Clan? It shouldn’t be! His Original Ancient Sacred Place period is the absolute hegemon.”

“Because Nine Clouds Emperor? He always wanted to kill Nine Clouds Emperor, knowing that I got something from Nine Clouds Emperor?”

“Still Ten Thousand World Building Lord, Chi Mei Mountain Lord? They have just stabbed me before, but now I want to get Saint Lord to do it?”

Dongbo Xueying has a lot of speculation at this moment, but after all, it is only speculation.

“I am afraid this is over.”

“Can’t escape.”

Dongbo Xueying was helpless, the attack was too fast, and he was somewhat unresponsive.

“I am currently banned, can the Heart Boundary Token help me?” Dongbo Xueying’s soul is inside the heart of the Heart Boundary Token. At the beginning of the Heart Boundary Token merge soul, how can expel not expel, at this moment Dongbo Xueying tries to glimpse The true spirit is merged among them.


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