Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 975

“Since they understand that they are coming out of Void-Change, they have to find a way to unravel.” Witch Ancestor frowned shook his head. “The original Nine Clouds Emperor is said to have unravel method. If I use my tricks, I can do it in a short time. Yes, it can be done in the ‘Space barrier’ of the huge, but it is unlikely.”

Blade Emperor and Void First Ancestor are also nodded.

The Space barrier is too broad and is completely banned around Confusing Corridor, Inner Territory, and Outer Territory.

So Huge is vast… Nine Clouds Emperor has been able to apply these methods to the array, but he is dead. Witch Ancestor They can’t ban ‘Void-Change’ in a big range.

“It seems that it can only be targeted at individual weaknesses,” Witch Ancestor said.

“Well, now one is dead, because the mind is not enough, this is the weakness of soul.” Blade Emperor nodded.

Dongbo Xueying said: “I learned from the interview that the death of this is a new birth, and now it is only 8-Layer peak, on the mind Will … I am afraid in the 8-Layer peak’s golden armor Demon Race belongs to the bottom.” Indeed, General Mogu has such strength, also because of the ‘Kings’ preference. The achievements in the mind of Will are relatively weak.

“And the other one with Shadowless innate talent has long been a ninth layer series.” Dongbo Xueying said, “To deal with his soul, you are in trouble.”

Even if you are yourself, you are not sure.

Ninth layer series of golden armor Demon Race ……temperament weak one can deal with, but temperament Will strong Illusion can still stay awake, like this time, the single-horned golden armor Demon Race is able to stay awake . Once the last Shadowless innate talent golden armor Demon Race, facing Dongbo Xueying Illusion can stay awake and easily escape with his innate talent.

“On the soul, Dongbo, you are the first.” Witch Ancestor shook his head. “I even though there are some methods. After all, I am not studying soul.”

Blade Emperor and Void First Ancestor are also silent.


In the birth of Universe God, there is no one that makes Universe God’s method, which is specially designed to deal with soul.

“There is no direct method.” Witch Ancestor said, “There can only be some stupid way to increase the difficulty of Void-Change penetration. Once the position is determined, Jie Ancestor will be able to unravel his Void-Change method. “”

Dongbo Xueying faintly understood, Witch Ancestor needs to cast some tricks to unravel, and Jie Ancestor may do it in an instant, so it is more suitable for hands-on.

“Right.” Dongbo Xueying said hurriedly, “I also questioned that there are eleven “kings” on Destruction Demon Clan. In fact, there are fifteen in history and four dead. In today’s eleven kings Among them, one is Honored Emperor, the strongest.”

“Eleven?” Witch Ancestor, Blade Emperor, and Void First Ancestor are all discolored.

“There is so much power hidden,” Blade Emperor asked. “Dongbo, can you interrogate how many Gold Armor Level nests they have?”

“I have been interrogated. This is also a secret in Destruction Demon Clan. They are not very clear, but they should not be much.” Dongbo Xueying said, “It is estimated that there are no more than ten.”


This time the harvest is huge.

On the Practitioner side, the genuine looks at the strength of the Destruction Demon Clan side! Even knowing that they passed through the Space barrier’s method, Dongbo Xueying killed one of the two Destruction Demon Clans with Shadowless innate talent.

And the other side.

Destruction Demon Clan is angry.

“General General Mogu has been exposed, with Shadowless innate talent, we have only one left – General Fushun!”

“This time there is more golden armor Demon Race captured. They are the guards of General Mogu, and also know the innate talent of General Mogu, which is definitely exposed.”

“starting from now……”

“Never easily launch a war.”

“We have all been to Practitioner World, so now we are all at Confusing Corridor, waiting for the birth of the second intangible innate talent, and then launching the war, we can’t afford it.”

“It’s the Dongbo Xueying’s again.”


“I can hold back, the longer we have, the greater our advantage. When we don’t need to sneak through, we can break the Space barrier.”

“Well, I can only bear it.”

Destruction Demon Clan is a quick change strategy. After all, they only have one Shadowless innate talent, and they can’t afford to lose.


Great Void Heavenly Palace.

The Mirage Palace Immortal’s Cave covers an abundance of land, and this is one of the thirteenth temples of the Grand Void Heavenly Palace.

“Very good, great.” Void First Ancestor sat there, watching the fine golden scales hanging from the distance, and Void First Ancestor was amazed by the fact that he had reached Void extreme, so the fine golden scales were The mysterious experience is the deepest.

Witch Ancestor also sent incarnation, where he looked carefully, sometimes frowned, and sometimes shook his head.

Dongbo Xueying is also studying research.

“Void-Change extreme ?”

Sword Master and Tian Yu Great Ancestor also looked at the scales.

Even Demon Mountain First Ancestor sent incarnation to sit aside and watch while drinking. Obviously many Universe God are very eager to have the ‘Void-Change extreme ‘method because of this method, plus their universe God’s soul. Normal attack is ineffective for them, even if Saint Lord wants to kill them.

However, Void-Change extreme is difficult, even Gu Qi has not reached the point of absolute Great Perfection. It was previously done by Nine Clouds Emperor and Void First Ancestor, and it is clear that Void is highly demanding.

And this scale… seems to simplify a lot, let Universe God see the hope of learning.

“It’s too hard. It’s too hard.” Demon Mountain First Ancestor shook his head and looked up and drank.

Dongbo Xueying has a deep understanding.

After all, he is also Void Traveler, both up to five tenth layer realm, and Nine Clouds Emperor four pictures Absolute Arts in the body, on the basis of Void, Void First Ancestor is higher than him. The other Universe Gods… said to be Universe God, but Void is really not comparable to him.


A group of Universe God incarnation. Here, Dongbo Xueying will go back to his quiet room.

Close the quiet room.

With the method of Great Void Heavenly Palace and the Dongbo Xueying’s Illusion method, no one can look into everything in the quiet room.

“I haven’t checked this spoils of war yet.” Dongbo Xueying waved, this time the six Destruction Demon Clan, four dead, two temporarily banned souls in the Great Void Heavenly Palace, the treasure has naturally got the hand , easy to refining, began to dump the internal item.


A large number of items are constantly appearing. Fortunately, as one of the Hall Masters, this quiet room also covers a very wide area, enough for the personal li range, which can be used to practice tricks.

“These Practitioner items should be obtained after the execution of their Practitioner?” Dongbo Xueying looked a little annoyed. Soon, all the stored treasure items were all made up, and even Dongbo Xueying found some in some heavenly dwelling treasure. A large number of Practitioner Life imprisoned. Dongbo Xueying also decided to let these Practitioners be freed after a while.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~ A large number of items were moved out, the impact fell together, hōng lóng lóng rang, directly piled up into a hill.


Waiting for a quiet silence, Dongbo Xueying’s eyes fell on one of the hills, and it was clear that there was a transparent item that propped up other items. And with the absolute control of the surroundings by Dongbo Xueying, the subtle percussion here was also discovered.

“Transparent, invisible? Even my domain can’t detect its existence?” Dongbo Xueying surprised and walked over. As he approached, the item that was completely transparent and invisible gradually appeared. It is a scarlet red brand with a mysterious character. The mysterious character will understand its meaning at a glance.

It is the word ‘Heart Boundary Token’!

Heart Boundary Token is mysterious and can only be seen if it gets its approval. Otherwise it is in front of it, it is invisible.

(End of this article)

Let’s talk ahead, take a day off tomorrow, and prepare for the next one.

Today is relatively speechless Ah.

The tomato accidentally stroked the wrist about eight centimeters long, so writing novels today is very slow, ‘stained blood code’, tomorrow, it seems that I have to go to the hospital to deal with it~~~



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