Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 971

Inside the Chaos Void, a black river surrounds a small piece of land, with practice Immortal’s Cave on the land and tens of millions of Life, which is a very small place.


A thick white robe appeared out of the black river out of thin air, overlooking a small land far away, and an Illusion had already arrived. Because there is no Sacred Place suppression, the Dongbo Xueying’s Illusion range is too broad… This land and river add up to less than one-hundredth of a billionth of the Dongbo Xueying Illusion limit range.

Of course, in addition to the high strength of Dongbo Xueying, it is mainly that the land of the river is indeed very small.

In this reclusive unity Boundary Practitioner, tens of millions of people have fallen into Illusion.

“en? Not?” Dongbo Xueying shook his head gently.

“According to repeated intelligence gathering, this large area is indeed more likely to be hidden.” Dongbo Xueying is secretly sighed.

Destruction Demon Clan does not have Ultra Transmission.

They are at Sacred Place and it is difficult to get on the road in Chaos Void. A big action like ‘Chaos Boundary’ may come to a certain place for a long time. As for some small-scale Slaughter… I believe that Destruction Demon Clan is not willing to spend too much time on the road, so according to this, according to the surrounding area of ​​’swallowing Slaughter’, draw it out!

Dongbo Xueying Today, the focus is on exploring these areas, but unfortunately, nothing has been done. It is really too big for Chaos Void.


Dongbo Xueying peep through all holes through the black misty sphere… Look for the next place where Life is around.

He probed, at least, to explore Life.

Destruction Demon Clan If you hide somewhere, be very careful, so you can see through the holes of the black misty sphere.

Under the snoop, a scene is easily observed…

…a mountain valley explosion, “still failed, the experiment failed!” A Witch Cultivator retired here, some angry roar…

…the people of Chaos Land are living in peace…

… In a universe, believe in Mother Ancestor Religion…


A Huo’s Chaos Land, a billions of souls, outside a dilapidated temple.

There are millions of people crouching with densely packed.

“Tianfeng Lord, beg you to save our World.”

“Tianfeng Lord, beg you to come.”

“Tianfeng Lord.”

Millions of people are craving, they are all practice, and the weakest are the Spiritual God series.

“The great Mother Ancestor, the great Saint Lord, all great existence, as long as we can save our World, we are willing to believe in you.”

“Mother Ancestor, Saint Lord.”

“Save our World.”

Many of them are also screaming in madness, and some of them are desperate. The universe is relatively occluded. Chaos Land and the outside world have news circulation. They also know Ultimate’s practice realm – Universe God level! They also know that the legendary ‘Saint Lord ”Mother Ancestor ‘willing to accept the faith.

However, mentioning a name in a universe can give birth to a sense, but Chaos Void is much broader. The Supreme rule is also more mysterious than the natural law of the universe. Just mentioning the name, Saint Lord and Mother Ancestor can’t give birth.

“Ha ha ha ~~~~” The fog gradually appeared in midair, a huge silhouette faintly discernible.

“It’s coming.”

“It’s coming.”

“Do not–“

These people who prayed for prayer were frightened.

“You are asking for the old wind, Old Fogy? Ha ha ha, the old wind Fogy, I have escaped, I dare not come back, do you still ask him?” The voice of the huge silhouette in the fog hōng lóng lóng resounded to the world, “I have Very kind, only a small part of it is swallowed at a time, and it does not hurt the foundation of the whole world.”

“You are a devil.”

“You are treating all of our World people as livestock, eating a batch, and raising a batch.”

“Saint Lord, Mother Ancestor, we pray for you, kill this demon.”

These people are eager to shout, the strength gap is too big, they can not resist, facing death … they can only make a void prayer.

“Seeking? Haha, you are not asking anyone?” Huge silhouette in the fog laughed.


Through the black misty sphere, Dongbo Xueying spy on the scene.


First, Ultra Transmission is near to prevent the beat to grasse the snake. Then teleport came directly to this Chaos Land.

“Come on, please, ask for louder, haha.” Huge silhouette has lowered his head and wants to start eating.

And Dongbo Xueying appeared in the air.


The arrival of Illusion, a huge Huge, not only shrouded the land, but even shrouded the area around the land.

Hundreds of millions of creatures, even the Void Creature crouching outside the edge of Chaos Land, are all in Illusion. Each of them has their own experience in Illusion. Through Illusion, they can understand the past of billions of creatures. Experience and cravings, even in Illusion, Dongbo Xueying gave them luck.

Some, there are fortuitous encounters in Illusion, and even get practice inheritance.

Some, there is enough time in Illusion to hone and sharpen the powerful Swordsmanship.


Wake up.

The vast majority of the entire Chaos Land has been forgotten, not even knowing that it was in Illusion before. Some of the fortuitous encounters and tempered by the test of Dongbo Xueying clearly remember everything that Illusion experienced and the strength rose. Even the inheritance is much stronger than the strongest inheritance on this Continent.

As for the devil?

The devil, in Donglus Xueying in Illusion, was wiped out.

“I didn’t find it, but it did have some nice Little Brat.” Dongbo Xueying smiled and left the Chaos Land.

There are countless wake-ups in Chaos Land, and very few remember Master, Senior, and Expert in Illusion.

“Xueying Great Ancestor ?”

“Dongbo Island Master ?”

“Dongbo guest?”


Dongbo Xueying continued to walk around looking for the Destruction Demon Clan trail.

When he showed Illusion, he also constantly challenged his limits. Now he can let the hunting quintillion creatures have their own lucks, even if they are not chaotic, and have their own rules. Living in ‘Illusion World’, everything is the same as real life. The internal natural law works, and it is almost the same as the operation of a universe.

Learned in Illusion World, the strength of cultivation is the real improvement!

In Illusion, in just a few moments, it may have been a hundred years. And this hundred years of practice, this is a real improvement. This is definitely a very bad ‘Time Acceleration’.


Standing alone in the Chaos Void, Dongbo Xueying makes a stroke, an Illusion World, covering a distant place where the Practitioner retreats.

At the time of the exhibition, Dongbo Xueying has a strange beauty.


Have experience in creating ‘Flower of Destruction’, Dongbo Xueying reveals a happy color, and there is no Destruction Demon Clan in the distant practice of retreat, but Dongbo Xueying is not disappointed, but ecstasy.

“This Illusion World.” Dongbo Xueying was very excited. “eventually, eventually became?”

He has been pursuing.

Pursuing the promotion of the simple ‘Way of Mirage’ to the ninth layer series, it is known that the extreme of Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance is just the ninth change of Vermillion Nightmare… that is just the strength of 8-Layer. On a road, to reach the ninth layer level, the difficulty is too high high. Dongbo Xueying left the Void Space Fortress to create the Flower of Destruction third only for millions of years.

But now that I have left the Void Space Fortress, it has been a trillions of years. His accumulation has long been enough, and he has his own knowledge of Universe God.

However, it is too difficult and difficult to step into this step.

“Illusion World of the ninth layer series?” Dongbo Xueying smiled and he was very satisfied. This Illusion World already had some real universes of Universe God, at least in some places, it was only the ninth layer series.

“My Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance.”

Dongbo Xueying immediately began to modify the composition of Illusion World inside Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance.


Illumion World of Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance has been modified many times in the past, but it has not changed qualitatively. However, this time, it is different.

“hōng lóng lóng ~~~” soul is roaring.

The qualitative change of Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance makes soul always stronger.

A loud tweet rang through the endless Void, a huge beautiful ‘Vermillion Nightmare’ appeared in Dongbo Xueying behind, it was huge, the fiery red wing was all directions, the might is strong, so that there is a faint number of surrounding a trillion li World is emerging, and even Life in Illusion World is gradually emerging. For all life, this Illusion World is real…

Obviously Dongbo Xueying’s Illusion World, compared with the real universe, is also a difference.

“This is the tenth change of Vermillion Nightmare.” Dongbo Xueying feels so be become stronger, silently.


I participated in the event in Shanghai today, and it was too late to go to the hotel. I was forced to come out and sweat. Today, I will be even more.


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