Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 947

Confusing Corridor deep, inside a hidden space.

A quiet ice and snow hall, sitting inside six silhouettes, their aura are very restrained, some are black scales, some are purple armor, and even some wearing a Practitioner common robe. There are even two looks that look like humans.

“Snow younger sister, what is it calling us over?”

“Those idiots are letting the snowy younger sister you Commander, some things you can decide, you don’t have to find us anymore.” Other Five Dao Figures are very casual, they don’t have the evil Deura of Destruction Demon Clan, even The appearance changes, mixed in countless Practitioners are difficult to identify their special.

A woman with a snow-white scales smiled: “Younger sister knows that all the big brothers are practicing, they don’t have the idiots, but there is a major event to tell the big brother.”

“Oh? ”

The other five looked at the snow-white scales.

“All the big brothers know that our eighth golden armor nest is a newly grown nest, and now the first ‘golden armor Destruction Demon Clan’ is being bred.” Snow White Scale Woman said.

“Well, I can’t get rid of the Supreme rule’s manipulation, the idiots that are often controlled by Slaughter **, what’s the best thing to mention.” A black robe young man with a fan, screaming at random.

“The eighth golden armor nest, the first batch of golden armor Destruction Demon Clan…there is a special, can be judged, there is ‘Shadowless ‘innate talent.” Snow white scales woman smiles and talks freely around the other Five, as she expected, the other five Destruction Demon Clans that reached the Universe God level were quiet.

“Shadowless innate talent?”

They all looked at the snow-white scales.

“Hurry up, go quickly.”

“It turned out to be Shadowless innate talent, fast.”

“Snow younger sister, don’t lie to us.”

They are all excited.

“This is a major event, I will lie? Walk around, big brother, go and see together.” Snow white scales woman smiled.

Their six silhouette 嗖 turned into the rays of light, quickly left the space, and they even though they walked through the space corridor, but occasionally the volatility of the re-on space of the corridor disappeared. ‘space corridor’ even though is easy to get lost, accidentally moved to the lost area…

However, there are some fluctuations in countless dangers, and Space Transmission can be carried out.

Destruction Demon Clan They are too familiar with ‘Confusing Corridor’, this is their home, they can easily Space Transmission once and for all.

Just half a day.

The six Universe God Level Destruction Demon Clan came to a space nest. There are many places around the space lair with black armor Destruction Demon Clan Inspector, and even hidden digital strength of the golden armor Destruction Demon Clan in the Inspector. Even if Universe God incarnation is close to this area, it’s hard to really get close to the ‘Gold Armor Level’ without being discovered! What’s more, the golden armor’s nest entrance is also disguised as a closed state, making it harder to find.

To find a Gold Armor Level nest, you can really get to the location of one of the Gold Armor Level nests that can be counted on one’s fingers in the Confusing Corridor. Two strengths, able to avoid the surrounding black armor Destruction Demon Clan, golden armor Destruction Demon Clan Inspector. The third is to be able to make sure that the space is strange and can break through the entrance of the nest.

In three ways, it is expected to find a Gold Armor Level nest.

Of course, this is normal. If it is Ten Thousand World Building Lord, Chi Mei Mountain Lord, Dongbo Xueying, incarnation, Ultra Transmission can be used. Even if you don’t go in, you can pry into the black misty sphere ‘hole’.


Six ‘kings’ entered it.

There is also a golden armor Destruction Demon Clan stationed in the nest. The silence stands on a mountain like a sculpture. He suddenly opened the eyes towards the distant place and saw the six ‘kings’ coming.

“Wang.” The golden armor Destruction Demon Clan immediately flew past, respectful saluted.

They are born for Destruction.

Even though Whether it’s the lowest Grey Armor Level or the powerful Gold Armor Level, there is a strong Slaughter **. I can only say that the ‘Gold Armor Level’ is relatively more controllable, but I still can’t help but do Slaughter again and again.

Only…genuine breakthrough The natural Life bottleneck, breaking the cage and reaching the Universe God level, can get rid of the control of **, and this level is also known as the countless Destruction Demon Clan… Wang!


The six ‘kings’ came to the ancient Void tree.

A Void ancient tree formed by the whole nest, as the highest Destruction Demon Clan nest, this ‘Void ancient tree’ is also very beautiful and beautiful, all the branches are so beautiful and beautiful, each branch is Innumerable space composition, the degree of mystery in space, even Void First Ancestor, Nine Clouds Emperor will be amazed.

Six kings are raising one’s head and watching.

On the ancient tree of Void, there are nine golden eggs, some of which are on the trunk of the old tree, and some grow on the branches, big and small. Nine golden eggs have a variety of natural phenomena. Some golden eggs have a flame on the surface, some are purple mist, and sometimes infiltrate into the egg.

The smallest one is in the main center of the Void ancient tree. The smallest ‘golden egg’ is occasionally becoming translucent and eventually disappears completely.

Disappeared without a trace.

Even the six ‘kings’ on the scene, their methods are extremely powerful, but they can not find the trace of golden egg.

“This this……”


“This is Shadowless innate talent?”

The snow-white scales woman smiled, but the other five were shocked and happy.

Destruction Demon Clan is different from Practitioner. Practitioners need to slowly practice from the bottom. Even Void Life, the strongest Void Life is just born Void God Nascent Boundary.

But Destruction Demon Clan, even the lowest Grey Armor Level, is the Star Tower layer to the 3rd layer level, which is enough to match Unity Boundary. The highest Gold Armor Level… is the Star Tower 7-Layer to ninth layer level, which is without a doubt the Chaos Boundary Big Shot level. When they are born and born, they are naturally so powerful.

Where are their strengths coming? Purely innate talent!

They have a variety of innate talents, all kinds of innate talent, and some are very different. But there is one thing in common… they are all influenced by Slaughter **! As long as you break the Life level into the Universe God, it will always be controlled by Slaughter **.

However, in the innate talent that Destruction Demon Clan has appeared so far… there is no ‘Ultra Transmission’, and there is no such inconsistent innate talent as ‘predicting the future’ and ‘changing the past’.

However, there is an innate talent, the Practitioner has not been born, Destruction Demon Clan was born.

This is ‘Shadowless innate talent’.

Shadowless innate talent… is a combination of genuine and Void, which is integrated with the most qualified qualitative ‘black misty sphere’. At this time, it is the most qualitative part of Chaos Void. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to Destruction their bodies! If they are hidden, it is difficult to find their traces.

Dongbo Xueying If you are.

You will understand that this is the most perfect extreme of the second picture of Vine-Change in the second picture of Nine Clouds Emperor.

In fact, this situation is not invincible.

If you move the third picture ‘Manipulate Void’ to extreme, or even break the cage, touch the higher level World, you should be able to unravel ‘Void-Change ‘.

The original Nine Clouds Emperor was Void-Change reaching extreme, and the Void was also extreme. As for the fourth picture, he failed to complete. Even so, Saint Lord failed to kill him again and again, using ‘power of Essence’. Over, all failed. It was the last battle, when Saint Lord was really crazy, the Original Ancient Sacred Place was broken, and the Nine Clouds Emperor was fatally hit… With the Void method, he escaped.

Even the treasures left, the Immortal’s Cave left, no one can take it.

Dongbo Xueying’s Ultra Transmission can’t go in and out! It can be seen that the Nine Clouds Emperor is amazing, and the Nine Clouds Emperor itself can only be killed in the end.

Can actually –

Void-Change reaches extreme and it is difficult to get to unravel.

Nine Clouds Emperor is dead! Going to the Way of Void’s ‘Void First Ancestor ‘even though body Void-Change is also very powerful, but the Void manipulation is relatively weak, not enough in the ‘micro aspect’, even Ultra Transmission can’t do it, they are doing ‘Super long distance space greater teleportation’. Not to mention the refining Void breaking the cage.

Saint Lord, may also be able to unravel. However, he did not participate in the war at all.

After a while –

The tiny golden eggs gradually emerged and gradually solidified from translucency.

“This is the first batch of eggs that appeared in the first batch.” The snow-white scales said, “It takes a long time to nurturing the eggs. The growth of the other eight eggs has been slow, but now the eggs have formed. It’s growing up, it’s much faster, and five billion years is enough. At that time, our Destruction Demon Clan will be born with the second Shadowless innate talent.”


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