Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 940

“Yes, major event.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor nodded, “Since the Original Ancient Sacred Place has broken, Chaos Void has expanded and Destruction Demon Clan was born at the Void Space Border. In the long years, Destruction Demon Clan is getting more and more. The pressure to resist them is getting bigger and bigger. They are born for Destruction. Perhaps this Chaos Void is also Destruction. We will re-create a new world. We are strong, but in front of the Supreme rule, we are afraid that it is only a strong ants. And already.”

Dongbo Xueying.

He remembered that he had seen a higher level of World from the ‘black misty sphere’ hole channel.

“even though Destruction Demon Clan is getting more and more, but we always think that we are defending very well, not one drop of water can leak out.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said awkwardly. “But after I wandered around and created many universes.” Soon, about the equivalent of your hometown universe fifth Era, we found that in the five Great Sage world there is Destruction Demon Clan lurking!”

“What!” Dongbo Xueying was shocked. “Destruction Demon Clan has entered the five Great Sage world? Isn’t it always blocked?”

Even if you know yourself, Destruction Demon Clan is perfectly guarded, and there is no fish that escaped the net!

“We also thought that it was good to resist the defense, but the facts were in front of us. There was no controversy. De Destruction Demon Clan was lurking in.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor shook his head. “We carefully recalled, guess, Destruction Demon Clan has several times before.” When I hit the final Space barrier on a large scale, we thought it was perfectly blocked. It should be that a fish that escaped the net passed through the last Space barrier.”

“To date, we have discovered hundreds of Destruction Demon Clan traces, all of which are golden armor Destruction Demon Clan. It can be judged that at least 15 is different from Golden Armor Destruction Demon Clan. They are very cunning cautious and have changed aura. The ability, usually disguised as a normal Practitioner, will only be exposed when the Slaughter is over, so we haven’t caught it yet.”

“They were born for Destruction, so after all, they couldn’t help but seize a chance, and they set off a Slaughter.”

“We are all talking about a Devoring-type Great Devil, and Slaughter! I have never dared to say Destruction Demon Clan.”

Tian Yu Great Ancestor shook his head. “And the more Destruction Demon Clan of the Void Space Border, the more frequent the number of large-scale attacks they pick up, and occasionally the Final Space Barrier, which leads to the Five Great Sage and Chaos. In the mass slaughter of Void, the number of times Destruction Demon Clan has been traced has increased.”

“Everyone understands.”

“Now we can still get the upper hand. The more we go, the smaller our advantage will be until we are at a disadvantage. We can’t hold it anymore.”

“Hate, that Saint Lord doesn’t help at all. If he helps, we will be a lot easier.”

Dongbo Xueying is silent.

Even if Saint Lord is helping… Estimated is just a delay in the process of demise.

“Perhaps Saint Lord also understands that Destruction Demon Clan will be more and more jealous, and he has no patience in the past.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said, “The early Saint Lord, very patient, can crouch for a certain goal for a long time. This faint ecstasy has consumed some of the power of Essence that has accumulated for a long time to kill you Master Gu Qi. Not for the benefit, just to vent your anger? This is what Saint Lord will never do in the past.”

“Internal and external troubles.”

Tian Yu Great Ancestor shook his head. “Of course, Saint Lord is not enough. He can’t shake the big picture! The most deadly thing is Destruction Demon Clan. Maybe this Chaos Void has a Destruction day, but we also try to delay, delay. The longer the better, the longer the time, maybe a miracle is born.”

“In response to this Destruction Demon Clan, the Void Space Border is already extreme.”

“Now what worries us is the latent Destruction Demon Clan. They are very careful. Universe God even traces it several times, but they seem to be aware of the existence of Universe God. It doesn’t show up at all! And Chaos Boundary doesn’t even have a shot at all. Winning hopes, even accidentally losing your life. Recently, the ten Chaos Boundary of die, two were killed in the Void Space Border, and two were internal battle die, the other six are dead in these latent come in Destruction Demon Clan sneak attack killed.”

“Ah.” Dongbo Xueying was shocked, and immediately appeared in the list of ten recent Chaos Boundary.

“We have been obscuring this secret and we are worried about the panic that caused the numerous Practitioners of the Five Great Sage community,” said Tian Yu Great Ancestor.


“Universe God is close, they don’t show up at all.”

“Chaos Boundary is not sure. Chaos Boundary has the ninth layer series and does not dare to take risks.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor shook his head. “After all, there are two 8-Layer peaks in the die.”

“So, we hope to find a Chaos Boundary with ninth layer and ‘Ultra Transmission’ ability to track down.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor, “But the ninth layer series has very little power, and it still has to There is Ultra Transmission, and before you, there are three in total.”

Dongbo Xueying is also aware.

Ultra Transmission is very rare, and Universe God can cast be counted on one’s fingers. Chaos Boundary is because there are a lot of them. There are only three places that can be limited to the ‘ninth layer level’.

“One is the Sacred Ancient Religion, the other is Mother Ancestor Religion, and the last one is the Ten Thousand World Building Lord lineage.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor is also helpless, “Whether it is the Six Great Sage and even the Ten Thousand Ancient Sacred Place, nothing.”

“However, you have hope.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor looked at Dongbo Xueying.

“You know Ultra Transmission, now it’s 8-Layer peak! Once you reach the ninth layer level, it’s the best person.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor.

Dongbo Xueying nodded, but couldn’t help but say: “Even 8-Layer peak has two wars to die, and there is no time to save. Does the latent Destruction Demon Clan have a Universe God level?”

“This is why we think of the ninth layer series and understand that Ultra Transmission is the most suitable candidate.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor is awe-inspiring, “even though there is no evidence, but we also suspect that there is a Universe God level Destruction Demon Clan lurking in. And reach the ninth layer level, at least not instantly killed, can support for a while. Ultra Transmission can be more easily saved.”

“Of course we will also prepare a big gift for you! With this gift, plus its own strength, it is natural and flawless.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said.

“Next… you practice to pay attention to the life-saving method, to make this more powerful.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said, “You are now in this life-saving ability, in the Chaos Boundary is ranked in the top 30, if you “Ba Dragon Inheritance “Achieve nine turns, combined with your ‘Void-Change’ ability and hiding in Virtual World, life-saving ability should be in the top ten.”

Dongbo Xueying is clear.

Chaos Boundary Big Shot, there are about 20 ninth layer series, and there are a lot of 8-Layer peak! If you rely on Ba Dragon Inheritance for eight turns, your body defense is ranked in the hundred. After all, the body like the devoring-type system is also very strong, as well as the Strongest Warrior System, Witch Cultivator… and some innate talent special Ancient Cultivator System. There are many life-saving capabilities.

Dongbo Xueying’s body defense ranks in the top 30 and is very terrifying. If it is the top ten, I am afraid that it will be firmly resist Universe God attack.

“It’s safer to cooperate with the gift we prepared.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said with a smile. “Of course your attack method is still weak. You are now the top 50 in the Chaos Boundary! However, I hope that you can deal with the extremely powerful Destruction Demon Clan who are lurking in, and can’t kill them in a short time. They can disperse and escape.”

“Understand.” Dongbo Xueying nodded.

“Go to Void Space Border, good practice, Star Tower ninth layer series, mostly tempered in countless battles on Void Space Border.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor.

“Yeah.” Dongbo Xueying is also looking forward to it.

Void Space Border, fighting Destruction Demon Clan…tempered on one hand, and on the other hand, Destruction Demon Clan will shed a special energy after killing Destruction Demon Clan, which is similar to World Source Stone energy, absorbed to soul Great help. The stronger the Destruction Demon Clan killed, the bigger it helps. Ordinary Grey Armor Level’s ‘Destruction Demon Clan’, the energy they shed after their death is comparable to the normal World Source Stone. If it is a bloody armor level, the effect is better than World Source Stone. If it’s Gold Armor Level… it’s even worse. This is all about the qualitative promotion of soul.

So, in that battle, accumulating experience is on the one hand, soul essence can also be improved, so the Chaos Boundary of the Star Tower ninth layer series, indeed, mostly appears after tempered over there.


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