Lord: Sequence Master

Chapter 70 Strengthening the ability to read

Chapter 70

Rosen sunk the transformed spirituality into his heart and immediately sensed changes in the extraordinary source of matter that turned into a black card.

His telekinesis ability has been improved from LV1 to LV2.

[Psychic ability LV2: able to control one's own life force (qi)), combined with spiritual generation and control of mental qi]

[Characteristics: Gives the thought energy darkness and nightmare attributes]

Rosen gave it a try, and found that the characteristics of his telekinesis ability were extraordinary.

Nian Qi itself can be given attributes such as ice and fire through the transformation system. However, Nian Qi cannot change how it wants. If you want to give Nian Qi attributes while also giving other properties to Nian Qi, the difficulty will continue to increase.

But now there is no need for additional training. After the transformation, the mind ability has two more innate attributes.

Rosen cast Shadow Escape in a flash. It was also LV2 Shadow Escape. This time, his stealth ability was greatly enhanced, and the consumption was also reduced a lot. There was even no limit to the number of teleports that could only be done twice. .

As long as his mind energy is deep enough, it won't be a problem to teleport multiple times in the shadows in a short period of time.

Rosen understood the changes in telekinesis abilities, and then learned about the new innate abilities obtained by Sequence 8 pet hunters.

[Nightmare Shackles LV2: Can manipulate spirituality into nightmare shackles]

[Characteristics: Nightmare Shackles have certain sealing properties]

With such a simple innate ability, it took Rosen a while to figure out what was going on.

To put it simply, Nightmare Shackles is a special pet rope. Once this pet rope links him and Nightmare Slime, they can share other powers besides skills, including the vitality and spirituality that he looks forward to most.

Humans' natural physical strength is not an advantage, but Rosen's telekinesis ability values ​​the vitality brought about by physical strengthening.

Although huge vitality cannot determine the quality of thought energy, it can greatly increase the quantity of thought energy.

Rosen now only needs to share the vitality of the nightmare slime through the nightmare shackles. When the nightmare slime returns to sequence 8, his total mental energy will immediately increase by more than ten times, and then he can shoot the god-slaying crossbow at will. The damage can be increased several times.

The basic properties of Nightmare Shackles are easy to understand, but the properties took Rosen a long time to figure out.

The Nightmare Shackles are tied to one's own pet to strengthen the shared ability, but if tied to others, it will produce two special effects. The first is to force the target to fall into a deep sleep and have nightmares, and the second is to seal the target's extraordinary power.

For the time being, this is Rosen's first means of capturing an extraordinary being alive.

Sure enough, his innate ability did not disappoint him, and growing up with the sequence level was naturally the best fit for him.

Rosen summoned the God-Slaying Crossbow, which was his telekinesis ability that he actively developed.

At Sequence 9, because he was too demanding and had little experience, the God-Slaying Crossbow did not show any special advantages, but now his telekinesis ability has reached LV2, and his total telekinesis energy can be increased many times with the help of Nightmare Shackles.

Under the current conditions, he has been able to truly develop the power of the God-Slaying Crossbow.

At first, Rosen thought the bullets he fired were great at tracking enemies.

After all, the bullet that can turn in the movie makes people excited after watching it.

But after he learned more about the hunter sequence, he realized that automatic bullet tracking was simply redundant.

Because your straight-line attacks are dodged by the enemy, and the attack trajectory slows down when you turn, why can't your enemies avoid it?

What the hunter has to face is not just ordinary people standing around as targets. The ideas he got from the movie League of Assassins are not suitable for hunters.

What a real hunter needs is to kill his prey in an instant.

If you can't kill them, then make a strategic retreat and try again.

In fact, hunters and assassins are somewhat similar. The hunter's stealth ability is not as good as that of the assassin sequence, but the hunter's ultimate assassination ability is not inferior to that of the assassin. It's just that the assassin sneaks close to the target and explodes instantly, while the hunter locks in remotely and kills instantly.

A truly powerful hunter will never engage in close combat and will never give anyone a chance to get close to their own safety.

Rosen looked at the God-Slaying Spear and Crossbow in his hand, and it took him a long time to decide how to transform this telekinesis ability.

First of all, the gun body gains the ability to transform into a long-distance sniper form and a short-range crossbow form. The sniper form is actually to lengthen the barrel and add a silencer, which ultimately increases the long-distance range and lethality to the maximum.

From then on, he uses the sniper rifle form for long distances and switches to the crossbow form for medium and short distances.

The solidification and change of form is very simple, but the real difficulty is the strengthening of ability.

Rosen first dispelled the automatic enemy detection function, then strengthened the bullet caliber, strengthened the bullet's concealment ability, and strengthened the bullet's compression energy. These were not enough. He also planned to set up a restriction and oath for the God-Slaying Crossbow.

Restriction and oath, this is a special way to strengthen the ability of reading.

Make rules and swear in your heart, and then abide by the rules. The stronger the rules you make, the stronger your Nen abilities will be.

But if you violate the restrictions you have set, you will lose your ability to read, or you will die.

Restrictions do not mean that you can set rules arbitrarily. All rules must be things that you can do.

Rosen quickly established three restrictions to restrain his telekinesis ability.

The God-Slaying Crossbow can fire up to nine bullets a day. If the bullet fails to hit the enemy, he will suffer the same damage. If the bullet kills the enemy, his total mental energy will be immediately reduced by 99% for each kill. These three restriction rules It can be said that one is more harsh than the other.

Nine bullets can only kill up to nine scattered targets.

If he misses, he will still suffer the same amount of damage. Rosen dares to make this rule. The key is that he can transfer the damage he takes to the nightmare slime through the nightmare shackles, so he actually transfers the constraints he has to endure.

After the enemy is finally killed, the total amount of mental energy is reduced by 99%, which is also the same as following the previous restriction.

99% of his total mental energy was gone, but he still had a huge amount of mental energy shared from the nightmare slime.

Three consecutive extremely stringent restrictions on those with normal telekinesis have brought obvious changes to the God-Slaying Crossbow. At this time, the basic damage contained in each bullet fired by the God-Slaying Crossbow has increased by 30%.

It seems far less than double the damage of Death Blow, but it should be noted that the increase here is the basic damage.

Coupled with the death hit increase, it is equivalent to a 60% increase in damage.

The more ways to enhance damage in the future, the greater the value of this 30% basic damage will be.

The temporary strengthening of the gun form ended, and Rosen turned to strengthening the crossbow form.

His requirement for the gun is to kill with one hit from a long distance, and his requirement for the crossbow is to have a fast rate of fire and be able to fight the enemy.

Therefore, he increased the rate of fire of the God-Slaying Crossbow and reduced the difficulty of making the crossbow arrows.

Finally, Rosen began to transform the God-hunting Demon Eye, which is the real core of the God-Slaying Crossbow. Now, the telekinesis ability of LV2 is enough for him to give the Hunter-God Demon Eye some powerful pupil skills that he longs for in a real sense.

At first, Rosen thought about using the power of Nen to create the Sharingan.

The greatest value of this pupil technique is that he can give himself a plug-in to accelerate his learning.

Rosen knew very well that he was not considered a genius except for the advantage of cheating.

So he needs external assistance. What he values ​​​​most about the Sharingan is not the pupil skills. What he values ​​most is the ability to see and copy, which allows him to better steal from other extraordinary sequences.

He is now at Sequence 8, and he can even invite a skill instructor from the Hunter Guild to give him guidance.

But when he becomes Sequence 6, or even Sequence 3 in the future, who will he learn from at that time?

You can only rely on self-study, and all the roads behind the extraordinary sequence can only be walked by yourself.

But Rosen knew very well that he had no advantage in learning, so he once considered the Sharingan. However, times have changed and he now has a better choice. The Sharingan that he once thought about could only be excluded.

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