Lord: Sequence Master

Chapter 6 Running away from home

Chapter 6

"It seems I have to go out."

Rosen got up and came to the window of the mysterious study.

Gently opening the curtains, he saw the reality of the basement through the window.

He opened the door in the basement wall and entered the mysterious study. If he wanted to go out, he could only leave through the basement.

In the blink of an eye, he has been missing for so many days. People sent by Little Rosen's lover have been searching inside and outside the villa over and over again. In the past few days, through the study window that can see the outside world, he has also discovered that more than once someone has entered the basement to look for him. His traces.

However, these people found nothing for so many days, and their search efforts were greatly reduced.

Of course, changing from light to dark is not ruled out, but for the time being, these are not things he has to consider.

What he has to consider is how to give away 148,320 keys?

Although ordinary people only need to hold these static paintings that contain spirituality, and the static paintings will immediately become invisible and merge into the bodies of ordinary people, but at least ordinary people need to have a contact process with the static paintings.

Even if he goes to the street to deliver them one by one, 148,320 keys will be delivered to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

If you want to send it out as soon as possible, you must resort to extraordinary means.

Five days later, Rosen opened the door of the mysterious study and returned to the basement.

He immediately came to the corner, pulled out the dagger tied in the holster on his thigh and struck rhythmically.

With a click, a hole appeared out of thin air in the corner of the basement.

Little Rosen's ancestor was a knight with a strong level of cultivation. He practiced to level 6 before he became a hereditary noble and bought his next family property. This hidden passage in the basement not only contains the family treasure trove, but also leads to the city. The secret passage of the sewer.

It's just that there are no treasures in the treasure house, only some books passed down by the nobles remain.

After Rosen entered the secret passage, the hole in the basement disappeared out of thin air.

He quickly walked through a secret passage of dozens of meters and came to a secret room of more than ten square meters. He collected all the books in the secret room. Before that, little Rosen had not awakened to spirituality. Maybe there was something hidden in these books that relied on spirituality. to see the content.

Not counting this possibility, these books can be sold for a lot of money.

After the things were completely taken away, Rosen used his spiritual vision to make sure nothing was missing.

Then continue through the secret passage, and finally pass through a wall and enter the city sewer.

Putting on the mask that he had prepared long ago, Rosen followed the route in Little Rosen's memory and quickly arrived at the outer city of Red Rock City under the illumination of a flashlight. Then he found a manhole cover, opened it and got out of the sewer. When he left, he still Entered the mysterious study and changed clothes.

Otherwise, the smell of sewerage all over your body will be smelled no matter where you go.

It was the middle of the night, and there were almost no people on the streets of the outer city.

Rosen came to a remote alley and took out a one-foot-sized drawing board from his large windbreaker. On it was a drawing of an agricultural drone. This was a drawing that he barely completed after spending ten units of spirituality in five days. paintings.

As spirituality is activated, an agricultural drone with a simple modified design emerges from the painting.

Rosen installed the box containing the static paintings on the drone. Using spirituality instead of remote control, the agricultural drone quickly took off and began flying quickly around the outer city under his control, while scattering down the static paintings. Falling from the sky.

Spirituality is the sublimation of soul and consciousness, and static paintings containing spirituality are amazingly attractive to ordinary people.

As long as ordinary people can't help but pick it up, they will immediately bind the key and gain the qualification to enter the virtual spiritual realm.

Of course, with such a large-scale dispersion, there will definitely be many static paintings that cannot be matched one by one and fall into the hands of ordinary people. They may even be discovered by the extraordinary sequence in the city and follow the clues. If there is not a mysterious study room that can block the exploration of the virtual spiritual realm, he would not dare to So unscrupulous.

The only pity is that in this wave, only tens of thousands of people can be bound to the virtual spirit realm.

However, it is impossible for things to be perfect in this world. He has no money or power now. This is already a way to send out static paintings as much as possible in a short period of time. It will definitely cause a lot of commotion in Red Rock City initially, but the virtual spiritual realm does not harm human life, so it should not Caused too much turmoil.

On the contrary, when people discovered that virtual spiritual realms could harmlessly stimulate the spirituality of ordinary people.

At that time, those ownerless still paintings will become treasures that ordinary people are competing for.

Even if someone conducts an in-depth investigation, the suspects will target those painters who are above Sequence 6. They will not be suspicious of him, a pink newcomer at Sequence 9. Of course, for the sake of caution, he will not be able to make a living by selling paintings from now on.

Because of those high-level professional sequences, one can easily tell whether two paintings were painted by the same person.

Those habits in painting skills that oneself are not aware of are not difficult to detect with the perception of advanced sequences.

Of course, this does not mean that future paintings will be invisible to others. No one knows his own paintings better than the painter. As the sequence level increases, it is not difficult for the painter sequence to hide the easily identifiable habits in his painting skills. .

Twelve minutes later, the agricultural drone disappeared silently into the night.

After experiments, Rosen discovered that with one unit of spirituality, the dead object that manifests the spiritual painting can exist for twelve seconds, and with ten units of spirituality, the existence time of the dead object will increase to twelve minutes, which corresponds to his spiritual growth of sequence 9. upper limit.

If the two are really equal, it means that his spiritual paintings of the same level will last one second and one minute longer.

It seems that this time is not long, but it is easy to mislead the enemy in battle.

The enemy clearly calculated that his spiritual painting would dissipate after eleven minutes of materialization, but the creation that should have dissipated could last for another minute. This minute must bring a considerable advantage, and even become the key to reversing life and death between the enemy and us.

Rosen was not idle in the twelve minutes when the agricultural drone spread the key.

After awakening the spirituality, although the painter sequence did not focus on strengthening the physique, under the awakening of blood and the flushing of spirituality, his current physique is at least several times that of ordinary people. It is not difficult for him to climb over the wall, knock out the owner, leave some silver coins and take away the water.

He took away ordinary food without spirituality, and the value of the copper coin compensated for the silver coin.

In this case, if you are not mentally ill, you basically don’t have to worry about spreading it everywhere.

In fact, it’s okay to tell others, because Rosen has entered the mysterious study near the edge of Red Stone City.

With this wave of collected water, he doesn’t have to worry about starving for at least half a month.

Back in the mysterious study, Rosen, who had been nervous for most of the night, relaxed and prepared to take a shower.

The boss's luxurious study has an independent bathroom. Rosen washed himself well and no longer smelled the smell of the sewer. He lay on the massage chair worth more than 100,000 yuan and relaxed. Rosen did not prepare to sleep, but turned on the main computer to observe the virtual spiritual realm of Saw 1.

Although most people are at home at night, there are always a few who do not rest at night.

At this time, the virtual spiritual realm opened by the player has a list of names on the left. These are the unlucky ghosts who wandered on the street and were attracted by the spirituality on the key and took the initiative to pick it up. Then, after going home to rest, their spiritual consciousness was pulled into the virtual spiritual realm.

The virtual spiritual realm can stimulate potential spirituality, which is lucky for many ordinary people who desire to be extraordinary.

But for those ordinary people who have never thought about becoming extraordinary, every night when they go to bed, their spiritual consciousness is pulled into the Saw to suffer all kinds of torture brought by pain and fear. These people are undoubtedly unlucky ghosts who can't help themselves.

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