Lord of the Starry Sky

Three hundred and forty-seven. Worse people

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The monks relied more on prediction to avoid attacks from spiritual spears.

In other words, it is not faster than the spirit gun rune bullets, but faster than the opponent using the spirit gun.

If you really wait until your opponent locks onto the target and the gun pops out of the barrel and flies into the air before trying to dodge, most of the time you won't be able to dodge.

If he is absolutely certain to escape, it means that this person's level of strength is much higher than that of the spirit gun and its owner.

In such a situation, let alone dodge, it is possible to block it by standing still and resisting.

When the two sides are at similar levels, the attack power of the psychic shooting weapon is outstanding. If it really hits, it will be difficult for the monk to resist it.

Even with defensive magic weapons it is difficult.

Humans are good at killing, and offensive weapons always develop faster, stronger, and more than defensive protective gear.

The sniper spirit gun is a great example, it is an extremely powerful killing weapon.

For the monks who were attacked, the powerful attack power and destructive power can be ignored for now. The key is that the attack distance is too far, and the murderous intention is easy to hide, making it difficult to be perceived and discovered.

It is impossible to detect murderous intent and danger in advance, and it is impossible to predict and dodge.

The rune bombs will arrive before the gunshots, making it impossible to guard against them.

When the gunshots were heard, the person was probably already knocked down.

There are many spear masters in Zhaochen University. Huo Donglai, Yi Xingluo, Ni Fei, and Si Yulong, who had already dropped out of school, were all masters of spear skills.

In medium and close combat, Di Zhen is not as good as them.

But in actual combat, Di Zhen's threat is no less than that of Huo Donglai and others, and may even be greater.

Because what he is good at is long-range sniping, and he is the monk's biggest enemy. It is difficult to detect him from too far away, and his spiritual gun is so powerful that he can easily harvest people's lives.

Six months ago, Shen Jian imitated the silver gun and fought against Di Zhen, successfully defeating him.

But he would not underestimate Di Zhen because of this.

The environment at that time was in a warehouse, the space was limited, and the distance between the two parties was actually a bit close.

If Di Zhen is given a longer distance, Shen Jian's situation will be much more difficult.

Now in the Kunlun Mountains, Shen Jian is facing such a crisis.

He could only vaguely feel the danger, as he seemed to be being targeted by a sniper rifle.

However, he could not detect the other party's position.

The sniper was far enough away from him that it exceeded the limit of his perception.

In other words, Shen Jian's perception and intuition were astonishing, so he was slightly aware of it. Otherwise, he might not know what was going on until the moment he died.

It's a pity that Xiao Bocheng's perception ability in this area is very poor after he turned into a ghost puppet, otherwise his cultivation strength in the golden elixir stage might be able to detect it.

The black dragon was seriously injured, and the detection and scanning of the Shenzhou on the other side required intentional search, and there was currently no early warning.

So Shen Jian could only rely on himself at this time.

He didn't have time to make any more moves.

He immediately dodged to the side and fell down.

Then, in the next moment, a big hole suddenly exploded on the ground ahead!

The terrifying talisman bombs exploded into pieces on the surface of the mountains and rocks, and continued to move downwards through the mountains, creating a deep hole that could not be seen to the bottom.

Shen Jian dodged the first shot by a hair's breadth, and could even faintly smell the slight burnt smell of his hair being scratched by the talisman bullet.

He kept moving and quickly looked for cover.

The second shot, the third shot and even more shots will fall on him one after another.

Yan Donglei, who was opposite him, had a look of surprise and then realization on his face.

But before he could be proud, the void on the side of his body seemed to be drilled through, and the space was even slightly distorted.

Something seemed to fly out of the pierced space.

But the speed is too fast, people can't see clearly, let alone react in time.

Yan Donglei stood there, unaware that there was another terrifying god of death staring at him.

Fortunately, his goddess puppet was surrounded by purple light.

Just when the void broke open, under its influence, the purple light emitted, became more intense, and gathered to form a shield, blocking the side of Yan Donglei.

But that terrifying power shattered the purple light!

Yan Donglei dodged sideways almost subconsciously, and his honed martial arts escape skills came into play here.

However, his speed seemed insignificant at this time.

That terrifying power still accurately hit Yan Donglei's right arm.

Then, just tear it into pieces!

The force was so fierce that Yan Donglei had no time to feel the pain at that moment, and he unconsciously watched his right arm turn into a blood mist.

At this time, he finally saw clearly what was attacking him.

After two consecutive rounds of deceleration, the murder weapon revealed its true identity.

A giant talisman bullet that was as long as the palm of your hand and thicker than a human finger emerged from the blood mist, flew past Yan Donglei's body, and hit the leg of the goddess puppet next to him with endless force.

The giant mechanism puppet, ten meters high, tilted and almost fell over.

After being hit by the super-large talisman bullet that looked like an iron cone, the leg of the goddess puppet could no longer stand on the ground and was almost useless.

...Anti-fortress sniper rifle?! Are you kidding me?

Only then did the severe pain come. The severe pain and severe blood loss made Yan Donglei almost faint.

But a strong sense of crisis forced him to wake up.

It turned out that he and Shen Jian were both targeted at the same time.

The two sneak attackers attacked almost at the same time.

Shooting Shen Jian's sniper spirit gun made Shen Jian very embarrassed.

However, before Yan Donglei could rejoice in his misfortune, disaster befell him.

And it's much worse than Shen Jian!

His machine puppets are also not good at warning.

And the one that hit him was not an ordinary sniper spirit gun.

It's an anti-fortress sniper rifle!

As the name suggests, the main goal of this thing is never to hit people, but to hit various large fortresses and solid fortifications.

The ultimate penetrating power and destructive power, as well as a longer range than ordinary sniper rifles.

Keep the distance and use it to attack the foundation-building monks. No foundation-building monks can react.

For the monks in the foundation-building stage, this is an existence that is completely beyond the limit of their capabilities. This is a super killer weapon equivalent to the heavy-duty thousand-thunder gun, the thousand-thunder cannon or even the heavy-thunder cannon.

There is no continuous and violent super suppressive firepower and large-area lethality, but it means extremely powerful single-point attack power.

This is one of the highest crystallizations of modern cultivation civilization and psychic shooting weapons.

In the hands of a monk in the foundation-building stage, it can really threaten the life of a monk in the golden elixir stage.

One-on-one situation.

At the golden elixir level, the steel-framed goddess puppet was shot and one of her legs was immediately scrapped.

If he aimed at her head or torso, he would get a headshot or be punched through the body.

Yan Donglei knew full well that the opponent was targeting his right arm from the beginning, not his head.

Otherwise he would have been a dead man.

The opponent is a monk in the foundation building stage. If the monk in the golden elixir stage uses an anti-fortress sniper spirit gun, even if he hits his arm, his whole body will be blown into a pulp.

Logically speaking, for such a powerful weapon, a monk in the foundation-building stage can fire at most one shot.

But who knows if the other party will have unexpected means?

Yan Donglei didn't dare to gamble.

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