Lord of the Starry Sky

Three hundred and forty-three. There is one more person

Under the Kunlun Mountains, deep in the earth, the sword intent shook off Dean He and others before settling down again.

It is like a still cave with living creatures, buried underground, isolated from the world, with no exit or entrance.

In the cave, on the stone wall, there are knife marks, and the knife's intention is condensed in it and never disperses.

Shen Jian couldn't find a way out. After observing for a moment, he tried to break through the rock formation and get out by himself.

However, the solid rock surface and the flow of the knife made it difficult for him to destroy it.

Shen Jian tried to use the unknown sword technique again.

But whether it was his own understanding and pondering, the changed version that he defeated Xiao Bocheng before, or the original version that he understood after understanding the cauldron patterns on the small bronze tripod, they could no longer arouse the artistic conception in the knife marks.

Is it because I am now in this cave, or is it because the sword that killed Qiongqi just now released all the depression accumulated in the sword and made the sword marks stable? Shen Jian speculated in his heart: Or maybe, This small bronze cauldron is placed here. Because its power and artistic conception are from the same sect, it makes the sword's intention stable?

Although the small bronze cauldron still has connections with Shen Jian and Black Dragon, it does not accept their orders.

And when it fell to the ground, it was like taking root.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand and tried to pick it up. The small bronze cauldron remained motionless, as if it was integrated with the cave floor.

The knife intent circulated in all directions above and below the cave, and it was all integrated and could not be destroyed. Shen Jian could not use violence, but he was not in a hurry. He sat down cross-legged in front of Xiaoding, facing the knife marks on the stone wall, and quietly experienced them.

After an unknown amount of time, just when Shen Jian was becoming more and more aware of the meaning of the sword in the sword marks, something suddenly moved in his heart.

In his feeling, it seemed that there were some impurities, and the sword intention became impure.

The sword intention itself is actually the same as before.

Change comes from outside.

After Dean He and others just now, someone else clearly came here underground.

This made Shen Jian wary.

Although he didn't know who the group of people just now were, he could find them by following the traces left by Dao Yi after killing Qiong Qi, the huge rift valley.

But in order to avoid the first group of people, the knife marks actually moved underground, far away from the previous position and never restored.

But now this new visitor can actually find the changed location of the knife marks.

Either this person is much stronger than the first group of people.

Or, the other party is also related to this knife mark.

There seems to be just such a number one person in the Kunlun Mountains today.

Yan Donglei.

Shen Jian looked at the small bronze cauldron on the ground, and at the same time tapped the small black dragon on his right arm with his left hand.

The little black dragon didn't even want to open his eyelids, but under Shen Jian's order, he gently shook one of his dragon whiskers and landed on the small bronze cauldron.

Shen Jian used the black dragon to carefully perceive the changes. Some of the vague feelings before became clearer and clearer.

The power level of the visitor does not seem to be very strong. It seems that the second guess I just made is more likely. Shen Jian gradually understood: It is not so much that he came here by himself, but at least half of it. It relies on the guidance of the sword's will.

Shen Jian's perception became clearer and clearer, indicating that the other party was getting closer and closer to here.

He calmed down, was not impatient, and continued to try to communicate with the Bronze Cauldron, and even with the knife mark itself, but the effect was not very good.

The current knife mark is very peaceful, but also more closed.

Shen Jian shook his head slightly.

Following the feeling in his heart, he raised his head and looked at the top of the cave.

After a moment, the top of the cave lit up with light, and in the halo, a huge figure descended from the sky.

Shen Jian looked closely and saw that it was clearly the image of a woman.

However, it is extremely huge, with a height of more than ten meters.

The woman's face is extremely beautiful, but not vivid.

It was clearly a huge statue of a woman.

However, it is a moving statue.

A machine puppet!

On the shoulder of this female mechanism puppet, stood a tall young man about 1.9 meters tall.

It was Yan Donglei.

Yan Donglei's expression was slightly strange at the moment, he was both satisfied and a little angry.

He looked at the knife marks on the stone wall with emotion, his eyes full of heat.

Then his eyes shifted to Shen Jianjian, and the heat in his eyes instantly turned into cold murderous intent.

Sure enough, it was you. It was you who alerted the sword spirit here before. You also learned the sword technique from that small bronze cauldron. Yan Donglei stared at Shen Jian closely.

Shen Jian looked at him calmly: You should be happy. It seems that you didn't know there was such a knife mark in Kunlun Mountain before, otherwise you might have disturbed it.

It doesn't matter anymore. What's true can't be fake, and what's fake can't be true. You, a fake, have eaten everything from me, and you have to pay me back today. Yan Donglei looked at the small bronze cauldron on the ground: Here Everything should be mine, and now I can add one more life to you!

His eyes were poisonous, and he saw that the black dragon wrapped around Shen Jian's right arm was now very weak.

Although he didn't know if Heilong was pretending, Yan Donglei was confident.

Shen Jian also looked at the female-like mechanism puppet at Yan Donglei's feet: I didn't see you using this mechanism puppet in the pagoda before?

I can control up to three puppets at the same time. Yan Donglei said nonchalantly: I don't like using this puppet, it's too effeminate, but to be honest, it's a very good mechanism puppet.

His five rings correspond to five machine puppets. The machine fortress on the little finger is lost in the three-story pagoda, the machine eagle corresponding to the thumb is damaged, and the machine tiger and machine giant corresponding to the index finger and middle finger have exhausted their energy.

Now, all Yan Donglei has left is the machine puppet in the image of a goddess corresponding to the ring on her ring finger.

But the combat effectiveness of this mechanism puppet is very powerful.

However, the consumption is relatively fierce, so Yan Donglei doesn't use it easily.

Now, it's time for it to come in handy.

Enough of the nonsense. Yan Donglei gave a high-five, and the machine goddess at his feet flew up in an extremely light and agile manner, and was in front of Shen Jian in an instant.

The mechanism puppet equivalent to the golden elixir stage struck Shen Jian with one palm.

Although Shen Jian's long sword had been destroyed, he held his palm like a sword and struck at the huge machine goddess in front of him with his hand.

It is the nameless sword technique recorded on the small bronze tripod.

He had devoted himself to studying the knife marks before and gained more. This time, he finally succeeded in inducing some of the knife intent in the knife marks.

Although it was far inferior to the sword that killed Qiongqi just now, it was still astonishingly powerful.

Yan Donglei's eyes were bright and he shouted: Well done!

As soon as the sword flashed, Yan Donglei's one-and-a-half-foot long sword was unsheathed and slashed at Shen Jian.

The nameless sword technique is exactly the same as Shen Jian's.

Shen Jian watched Yan Donglei take action and saw a talisman appear on the back of Yan Donglei's right hand holding the sword.

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