Lord of the Starry Sky

Three hundred and twenty-one. The hidden road

Luo Xihao, Su Meng and others took the lead and forced out Yan Donglei's trump card.

Shen Jian couldn't help but suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Yan Donglei knew that he had the black dragon and the small bronze cauldron with him, so he was still confident this time.

Although it was previously observed that Yan Donglei had a metal ring on each of the five fingers on his left hand, Shen Jian was not sure what its purpose was.

Now it seems that each of those five metal rings can turn reality into reality, projecting a powerful machine puppet.

Whether it is the original giant machine eagle or the later machine tigers or machine giants, they all reach the level of a golden elixir stage monk in terms of strength.

Although it is impossible to be as agile and good at fighting as a real human monk, and to be proficient in many kinds of secret arts, it can be seen from these machine puppets fighting against big monsters such as Snow Feather Sturgeon that their bodies and bones have been refined by special secret techniques and are extremely strong. In hand-to-hand combat, both attack and defense are surprisingly strong.

The minions of the golden elixir stage demon landed on it, leaving only a faint mark and being unable to break it.

It is now known that Yan Donglei can at least activate three mechanism puppets at the same time. Although Shen Jian has the black dragon with him, it is not easy to deal with the group of King Kong puppets surrounding him.

The power of the small bronze cauldron mainly affects the soul.

And these machine puppets have no souls at all, so naturally they are not afraid of the small bronze cauldron.

Including the black dragon who understood the power of the bronze cauldron and realized it on his own, the roar of the dragon that made the white dragon dizzy could not shake those puppets.

As for Yan Donglei himself, of course he couldn't bear it.

However, the scope of influence of the small bronze cauldron is limited, so Yan Donglei does not need to approach it personally.

It's hard to say whether he can summon five mechanism puppets at the same time, but the energy and power supply for such a mechanism puppet is a problem. Luo Xihao said lightly: His mechanism puppet is not a modern mechanism beast, but a product of the ancient cultivation era.

Regardless of the appearance characteristics of the puppets themselves, or the mystery of their ability to turn real into virtual and be contained by the five rings on Yan Donglei's hand, they are all full of ancient charm.

Modern Taoist civilization actively researches and discovers, inherits the crystallization of Taoism from the ancient Taoist era, and constantly summarizes and improves it.

It is not impossible to produce such a mysterious machine beast.

In terms of technical principles, it has already been thoroughly understood.

The limitations are material scarcity and cost.

In modern monastic and civilized society, the first inevitable requirement for machine beasts is that they can be mass-produced and followed up with maintenance.

Of course there are high-end products, but like the all-in-one magic weapon, they are more of a private customization.

The five mechanism puppets like Yan Donglei, apart from the classical sacrificial refining techniques, the main refining materials and the energy and fuel that drive them are extremely rare in today's society.

With these things, you can invest them in businesses that need them more urgently, instead of refining a few machine puppets.

This loudspeaker is very lucky. It seems that he excavated some ancient ruins and got the five rings from it. Su Meng said: The subsequent maintenance and repair of these machine puppets, as well as the energy supply, are very important to him. These are all big problems, not to mention using consumables once and less once, I’m afraid it’s about the same.”

So although he was determined to settle the score with Shen Jian, Yan Donglei still suppressed his emotions and waited for the opportunity, especially since in addition to the black dragon wrapped around Shen Jian's right arm, he also saw the small scarlet bird standing on Su Meng's shoulder.

Although he is arrogant, Yan Donglei will not ignore it. Shen Jian and Luo Xihao have always been on good terms with Qu Wei and Su Meng.

It is obviously more confident to wait for the opponent to place an order.

In particular, he also has great ideas about this three-story pagoda.

Unfortunately, while he was thinking about others, others were also thinking about him.

The result was that Luo Xihao struck first and gained the upper hand.

Yan Donglei is also always wary of Shen Jian, Luo Xihao and others.

Helpless, Luo Xihao suddenly revealed a Blood Heart Demon Rock, and then diverted the trouble eastward, causing the bullish golden elixir stage demon to keep a close eye on Yan Donglei.

Faced with the siege of so many big monsters, Yan Donglei was helpless.

The cards originally reserved for dealing with Shen Jian and Luo Xihao were revealed in advance.

Now he can only hope that Shen Jian and others can quickly complete the second floor of the pagoda. In this way, his other preparations can be effective, and the outcome is still uncertain.

As for the federal government's Nascent Soul ancestors coming to the rescue, for Yan Donglei, it was secondary.

The arrival of the powerful boss of the federal government meant that he could no longer think about this three-story pagoda.

If we delay for a little longer, I'm afraid Yan Donglei's trump card will be exhausted. Su Meng thought of the same problem.

If we wait a little longer, Yan Donglei's losses will be great, but the Nascent Soul Stage ancestor who came to us will probably find us here. Qu Wei said softly.

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked ahead.

There, Wang Xiaoyu, Luo Yumeng and others were eager to move forward in the maze on the second floor of the pagoda.

Everyone wants to try to see if they can get a chance treasure in the pagoda before the ancestors in the Nascent Soul stage arrive.

Or, climb to the third floor of the pagoda.

The group of demons were isolated on the first floor of the pagoda, and the immediate threat was greatly reduced. While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their minds became active.

Qu Wei doesn't care whether he can get some unknown treasures.

What he really cares about is whether he and Ameng are really related to this place. What is the relationship?

Shen Jian looked towards Qu Wei and Su Meng.

He didn't speak, but his eyes silently asked Qu and Wei if they had any special feelings about this place.

Su Meng pursed her lips and said nothing.

Qu Wei nodded slightly.

Aku noticed their movements, his eyes showed doubts, but he didn't ask any questions.

Since Qu Wei and Su Meng, as parties involved, did not express their positions clearly, Shen Jian naturally kept their secrets.

However, after Qu Wei looked at Luo Xihao, he took the initiative and said: The hidden secrets make me and A Meng feel a little confused. It's better for Boss Shen to tell you.

Say it, he slowly stepped forward and entered the maze in front of him.

Su Meng had a complicated expression and followed Qu Wei without saying a word.

The eyes of the two parents-in-law flashed alternately with confusion and clarity. They seemed to be able to distinguish the path of the maze as they walked and stopped.

Now that the person involved had agreed, Shen Jian no longer held back and asked Luo Xihao to follow Qu Wei and Su Meng. At the same time, he condensed his voice into a thin line and sent it into Luo Xihao's ears, briefly introducing the situation he had learned before.

There is such a thing. After hearing this, Aku's classmate remained calm on the surface, still looking cool, but he couldn't help but whisper to himself.

He looked at Qu Wei and Su Meng in front of him, who seemed to be able to distinguish the path of the maze, and suddenly smiled: Compared to the treasures in this tower, I am more interested in the past owner of this pagoda.

Same. Shen Jian said as he walked.

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