Lord of the Starry Sky

Three hundred and nine. The key to the door

Shen Jian slapped Qu Wei's shoulder with his palm. Qu Wei was startled and came back to his senses: What?

I said, are you two okay? Shen Jian asked.

We... two? Hearing this, Qu Wei looked at Su Meng aside, and saw that Su Meng was still in a daze, looking lost in thought.

Ameng. Qu Wei grabbed her arm. Su Meng was also stunned, and her eyes regained focus.

She turned back and looked at Qu Wei.

Boss Shen said, I was just like you. Qu Wei replied softly.

Su Meng shook her head: Just...what happened? I seemed to be out of my mind, but I don't remember seeing anything. It was as if I lost consciousness for a moment.

Qu Wei nodded slightly: Me too.

You two, your bodies were even trembling slightly just now. Shen Jian said from the side.

Qu Wei and Su Meng shook their heads at the same time: I don't know, I don't feel anything at all.

Shen Jian asked: Do you want to report the situation to the teacher?

Don't be busy now. Let's wait and see if it will happen again. Su Meng thought for a moment and then replied.

Qu Wei at the side gently hugged her.

Since you don't plan to let the teacher know at the moment, let's set off quickly, otherwise the teacher will see the clues himself. Shen Jian said.

Both Su Meng nodded and walked into the palace ruins in front of them with Shen Jian.

The detailed arrangements for this event have been discussed many times by the leaders and teachers of several major universities.

The original plan was for students to form teams according to their respective schools.

However, considering that the atmosphere of confrontation between various schools was too obvious, the school leaders finally decided to disrupt the groups and not divide them according to their alma maters.

Shen Jian happens to be in the same group as Qu Wei and Su Meng.

Due to the special nature of this pair of parents-in-law, after being reminded by the teacher at Xuanzhen University, everyone finally decided not to split them up, but to ensure that they were in the same group.

This place is indeed very unusual. Shen Jian walked beside Qu Wei and Su Meng and said softly in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Qu Wei and Su Meng both looked serious and said nothing, looking around cautiously.

Although most of the huge and magnificent palace complex is damaged, you can still feel a huge sense of oppression when walking inside.

The Blue Sea Dragon Palace, which once dominated the Yanhuang world, is still full of awe-inspiring aura even though it has long since fallen into ruin.

What made Su Meng and Su Meng wary was whether their unusual feeling just now was related to the palace complex in front of them.

After walking for a while, the two looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

The weird feeling just now seemed to no longer appear.

But I always feel that it was not an accident just now. Su Meng created a message group through the Palm Ling Nao, including only herself, Qu Wei, and Shen Jian, and then sent messages in the group.

Qu Wei simply replied: Same feeling.

Shen Jian sent a message asking: Is this your first time here?

Su Meng and Qu Wei both nodded.

Although the East China Sea Market and the Bihai Dragon Palace ruins were opened to the public half a year ago, access is still controlled.

And if it weren't for the school's arrangement, Qu Wei and Su Meng wouldn't have thought of coming here.

The two of them carefully observed their surroundings and paid attention to their own situation.

The same is true for Shen Jian.

They had the task of exploring and inspecting the ruins of the palace complex.

According to the grouping, each group is responsible for an area marked on the simple map.

After a while, everyone was in a palace, and Luo Yumeng, who was in the same group, suddenly said Hey.

Everyone looked in her direction and saw Luo Yumeng standing in front of a palace pillar, silently thinking.

After thinking for a moment, she hesitated and stretched out her fingers to trace on the pillar.

When Shen Jian saw her move, he concentrated on it for a moment, then thoughtfully walked to another pillar and made the same move.

The two people's mana was condensed, and the light marks were engraved on the pillars for a long time, and then formed a huge talisman.

When the other people in the group saw this, they all concentrated on observing.

Shen Jian and Luo Yumeng kept moving, dividing their work and cooperating, and soon they printed talismans on a total of eight pillars in the hall.

The talismans were scattered in all directions, flashing faintly, and then condensed into an existence that resembled an altar.

The altar flashed with light, and a looming picture appeared on the top.

There are no words, but looking at the composition of the picture, it seems that this is a corner of some kind of formation. Shen Jian thought in his mind.

He glanced away and saw Qu Wei and Luo Yumeng looking equally thoughtful.

Among those present, Qu Wei, like Shen Jian, had studied formations, while Luo Yumeng was from Beidou University. Although he did not practice formations, he had a good eye in this area.

When the three of them looked at the altar, they all saw some clues.

Everyone felt refreshed.

There is a corner of the magic circle hidden here. It is not in the previous report given by the teacher. It is obviously a brand new discovery.

However, while they are excited, some people are also confused.

The ruins have been inspected. Although many details may have been missed, everything on the surface must have been inspected. Qu Wei frowned: This altar is very important to our foundation-building monks. It is indeed extremely hidden, but logically speaking, it won’t be hidden from the Golden Core Stage Venerable who knows the formation, right?”

Luo Yumeng said softly: It's also possible that there is a very high level of confidentiality involved here, and the senior people don't want us to know.

Now that we know it, should we pretend we haven't seen anything? Su Meng said.

Luo Yumeng smiled slightly: We found it by our own ability, why do we pretend we didn't see it?

Everyone laughed and became more interested.

If this altar is just a corner of the formation, then there may be similar altars in other places, and many altars together form a large formation.

At the same time, the formation also has formation eyes, and there might be good things in the formation eyes.

Everyone carefully studied the light and shadow patterns emerging on the altar, and then set off to search other palaces and further search for other altars.

Shen Jian used his handheld brain to send a message in the message group: You two just looked at the altar, did you two have any special feelings?

No. Qu Wei and Su Meng gave the same answer.

What? Su Meng asked.

Luo Yumeng's idea is not without possibility. Shen Jian replied to the message: However, there is another possibility. The people who searched before did not find the altar. It was not that they lacked ability, but that they lacked the ability to open the door. key.

Qu Wei and Qu Wei fell silent.

After a while, Su Meng sent a message: Do you want to say that the two of us are the key?

Because they were present, the altar was easily discovered. Even if they did not discover it with their own hands, as long as they were in the hall, the result would be different.

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