Lord of the Starry Sky

Three hundred and five. Come prepared

The young man who spoke had half-long hair tied back.

At his waist, there is a long sheathed sword with the blade hidden inside, but it still gives people the feeling of being sharp.

Standing on the campus of Tianhai University, although he was not as eye-catching as Lin Lan and Lin You, the people around him couldn't help but feel awe-struck when they saw him.

Brother Hu, is that... Wang Xiaoyu from Yuanji University? A student from Tianhai asked quietly.

Hu Wei, who was a little distracted at the side, was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. He turned to look at the young man with long hair and sword, and then nodded: Well, yes, it's 'Sun Changing Sword' Wang Xiaoyu. I heard that he has been admitted to graduate school. .”

The other party has been famous for many years, and his image materials have been widely circulated. Therefore, Hu Wei and other Tianhai students can recognize him at a glance. That person is Wang Xiaoyu, the Sun Changing Sword who has just graduated from Yuanji University in his fourth year and is about to enter graduate school.

As we all know, Yuanji University is the leader in martial arts among higher education institutions in the Yan-Huang world, ranking first in overall level.

Following closely behind it is Longling University. However, Longling University's martial arts teaching is relatively partial. They focus on kendo swordsmanship.

In terms of swordsmanship and swordsmanship alone, Longling is the best in Yanhuang, even better than Yuanji.

But on the other hand, looking at the educational inheritance of kendo and swordsmanship alone, although Yuanji is inferior to Longling, the overall level is still better than other schools in Yanhuang and is the top batch.

Wang Xiaoyu, nicknamed Sun Changing Sword, is the top achievement of Yuanji University's swordsmanship education, which is comparable to the Seven Swords of Longling.

Looking purely at talent and potential, perhaps only Longling Swordsman Huang Zhaoxi can barely beat him.

But when it comes to actual combat, who will win and who loses will only be known after fighting.

Yuanji University, like Longling University, encourages students to practice as much as possible.

Wang Xiaoyu's reputation was earned through battles, and his most frequent opponents were the top students from Zhaochen University, and his record was very valuable.

In recent years, generally speaking, the two most famous young masters in Jinghua City's universities are Zhaochen's Huo Donglai and Yuanji's Li Hui.

Looking further down, it is the turn of Wang Xiaoyu, Yi Xingluo and others.

Hu Wei glanced at Wang Xiaoyu and then looked away.

That's not the opponent he should be worried about now. If he has a headache, it's Shen Jian's fault.

This multi-school joint teaching event brought together many talents. For Hu Wei, it was more about learning than being in the limelight.

Even if he wants to be in the limelight, he has to compare himself with those in his first and second years, and with his peers.

Of course, this definitely does not include Shen Jian, Luo Xihao and the others.

As soon as he mentioned this, Hu Wei subconsciously looked in another direction.

The direction in which Yan Donglei disappeared.

Although compared with Shen Jian and Luo Xihao, Yan Donglei's upward momentum seems to have been slightly slower in the past year or two, but compared with others, he is still the terrifying genius that makes people feel disappointed and difficult to catch up.

Hu Wei felt particularly strongly about this.

When he was in middle school, he participated in the Middle School Elite Challenge. He was in high spirits, but he was defeated by Yan Donglei in the individual competition, and the defeat was without any suspense.

That person who was more cruel, domineering, and arrogant than him destroyed everything he could rely on.

Hu Wei had previously chosen university after graduating from middle school, and both Tianhai and Nanfeng showed their willingness to revitalize their martial arts departments.

He did not hesitate and chose Tianhai University.

Although he might have to live in Shen Jian's shadow here, for Hu Wei, it was better than facing Yan Donglei all day long.

Unless he is willing to completely surrender to Yan Donglei and obey the other party's orders.

But Hu Wei was not happy to accept such a result.

So in comparison, Tianhai University is obviously a better choice.

Now that a year has passed, it should be said that everything is as he expected. Although Hu Wei is destined not to be the focus of the crowd when Shen Jian is present, can he just avoid Shen Jian and walk away?

The nourishing days this year put Hu Wei in a good mood.

Until he saw Yan Donglei again just now, Hu Wei felt as if his heart was paralyzed and stopped, and the shadow of the past came to mind again.

Fortunately, Yan Donglei's attention was entirely on Shen Jianjian, which made Hu Wei breathe a sigh of relief.

But while he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt uncomfortable again.

It made him uneasy to be targeted by his enemies, and it made him unhappy to be ignored by his enemies.

Classmate Hu Wei was in a very confused mood.

He watched Yan Donglei leave in trance, and it was not until the classmates next to him asked him about Wang Xiaoyu that he came back to his senses.

After dismissing the people around him, Hu Wei shook his head vigorously, gathered his mood, and continued to greet visitors from other schools with other students.

Shen Jian also noticed Wang Xiaoyu and other students from Yuanji University, and felt that their eyes seemed a little strange.

You should pay more attention. Senior Wang Xiaoyu and the others might come to you to compete. Lin Lan smiled upon seeing this.

Welcome, but is there any special reason? Shen Jian asked.

Lin Lan said: Last year during the New Year, you went to our school and encountered the conflict between us and Zhaochen, and then made a speech. Many people still remember it.

In addition, you have always been famous for your martial arts and body skills. People in our school will definitely want to compete with you more.

Not only you, but also Yan Donglei from Nanfeng is the same.

In fact, there are many people who want to challenge you, some in Battle.net Wonderland, and some who want to compete in the real world, but due to one or other reasons, they have not been able to do so before.

This time everyone gathers under one roof for class, and the opportunity couldn't be more perfect.

Oh? That's good, I don't care. Shen Jian became somewhat interested.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

After all, Shen Jian is now famous all over the world. He is the most outstanding rising star in the entire Yanhuang Federation. His reputation is even greater than that of Wang Xiaoyu.

No matter how unconvinced he is, people should weigh their own weight before deciding whether to challenge him.

Failure to defeat him will only make him more embarrassed.

Even though Yuanji University is a famous martial arts school, to be honest, there are not many peers who are qualified to challenge Shen Jian.

On the other hand, if anyone really dares to challenge Shen Jian, most of them have two skills and cannot be underestimated.

Shen Jian is not opposed to this. Being able to compete with masters is fun for him.

Although he always has a strong desire to win and does everything possible to defeat his opponents, he will never compete with those who are inferior to him just to ensure victory.

However, Shen Jian only partially focused on Wang Xiaoyu and others.

What he was thinking about the most right now was Yan Donglei, who had just left silently.

Yan Dong will retaliate against thunder and anger. He is unruly and arrogant, but he also knows how to be patient.

After Penglai Haili suffered a big loss because of Shen Jian, Yan Donglei suddenly stopped moving and seemed to have gone silent. Now he came out again, as if he was well prepared.

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