Lord of the Starry Sky

Two hundred and eighty-seven. Special doorway

Among the current freshmen, Hu Wei has been the well-deserved number one since he entered school.

Although he is far less outstanding than Shen Jian, Hu Wei can also be said to be the revitalization of the martial arts department of Tianhai University. He was the first golden phoenix attracted after planting the sycamore tree, and was valued by the martial arts department.

By the second semester of his freshman year, Pang Hai began to rise by leaps and bounds, and there were faint signs of shaking Hu Wei's position, which made Hu Wei secretly vigilant.

But at least for now, Hu Wei is still firmly ahead of Pang Hai.

However, just like where Shen Jian is present, most of the attention and focus of other students are focused on Shen Jianjian. Hu Wei knows very well that in the minds of Tianhai University and the leaders of the martial arts department, Shen Jian is definitely valued. Still above Hu Wei.

Not to mention anything else, Dean He has rarely taught graduate students in recent years, but he made an exception and personally taught Shen Jian.

The martial arts department wanted to revitalize, and Dean He also personally came out to stand up. Hu Wei and others also nominally became Mr. He's disciples.

But in fact, Director Li was more responsible for their teaching, and Dean He only asked questions from time to time.

From beginning to end, Shen Jian was the only student who could be taught by Mr. He personally.

Based on this alone, the gap between the two sides is very obvious.

Compared to himself, Hu Wei believed that Shen Jian would be able to get more useful information from the department leaders.

Shen Jian glanced at Hu Wei and did not hide anything: This is the first trial of the teaching plan, and it is not a full school year, only one summer vacation and two months, so it will definitely not be too radical.

There may still be lectures in the first half, but the time will not be long. The schedule is expected to be mainly about joint outings and internships in the second half.

The location and content of the internship have not yet been decided. School leaders of several schools are still negotiating and coordinating. The results should be available before the end of this month.

Hu Wei nodded: That's it, thank you, senior.

Shen Jian said: You're welcome. By the way, the participants in this event are all top-notch players. We are discussing in private. The school leaders will probably not prohibit it, so you should also be mentally prepared. Both Yuanji University and Longling University have Someone is coming.

I understand. Hu Wei suddenly felt awe-inspiring when he heard this.

It is no secret to other schools that Tianhai University has increased its investment in its own martial arts department, hoping to improve it.

Yuanji University and Longling University, as the eldest and second eldest brothers in martial arts education in Yanhuang higher education circles, certainly have their own pride and self-confidence, and will not be afraid of targeting the martial arts department of Tianhai University because of this.

But they will definitely be interested in the development of the Martial Arts Department of Tianhai University.

At that time, these two families may take action to weigh in the Tianhai martial arts system.

Even if the school leaders don't think so, there's no guarantee that the students below won't think about it.

Monks who practice martial arts are often the most competitive and warlike.

Tianhai University's martial arts department is considered a rising star, and even if it loses to established martial arts schools such as Yuanji and Longling, it is not a shame.

But who wants to lose if they can win?

Although Shen Jian is present in the Martial Arts Department of Tianhai University, he cannot be relied upon alone on this issue.

His personal strength certainly gave the Tianhai University Martial Arts Department face, but it cannot be completely equivalent to the educational achievements of the Tianhai Martial Arts Department.

Besides Shen Jian, the Tianhai martial arts department also needs others to step forward.

Hu Wei wanted to become famous and have a sense of presence next to Shen Jianjian. Under such circumstances, he could not back down.

Watching the other party's leaving figure, Shen Jian shook his head, turned around and left the school grounds, returning to his residence.

After entering the house, he looked up at the roof.

Pang Hai, who was on the fourteenth floor upstairs, did not participate in this joint teaching activity.

Ever since Pang Dahai came back from the Chiyuan Snow Mountain, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Although it is not as good as Hu Wei at present, its rising momentum has attracted everyone's attention.

Dean He, Director Li and other department leaders intend to focus on cultivating him.

Logically speaking, Pang Hai has the opportunity to participate in this joint teaching activity. However, the opinions of the department leaders are not unanimous and there is a bit of controversy. Some people hope to observe Pang Hai's situation more.

In this case, if Pang Hai works hard to get one, he might have a chance.

This joint teaching activity may be taught by teachers from Yuanji and Longling, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Pang Hai, who is passionate about martial arts.

As a result, Shen Jian heard that when Director Li asked Pang Hai for his opinion, Pang Dahai gave up.

Shen Jian guessed that Pang Hai might have gone somewhere else this summer under the instruction of Granny Tao.

Or maybe because he has the inheritance of Netherworld Dao, Pang Dahai wants to keep a low profile as much as possible and not go to crowded places.

This joint teaching plan of several prestigious schools is destined to attract a lot of attention and attract the attention of many experts. Fatty Dahai is afraid that he will be exposed and be eaten alive by others.

From this perspective, Shen Jian, who is still in the Netherworld Tribulation, must be careful.

However, as the Shenzhou on the other side continues to be repaired, some of the magical effects on Shen Jianjian blessed by the right token are getting stronger and stronger, helping him better hide his secrets.

In the following time, Shen Jian continued to practice at his own pace.

At the end of May, more precise news came out.

The base camp of teaching activities is located in Tianhai City.

Tianhai University, as one of the initiators, successfully obtained the host position.

Although Jinjiang City, where Longling University is located, is the core metropolis in western Yanhuang, it ultimately lost to Tianhai City in this competition.

Therefore, Longling University, which was also a newcomer, fell behind in the competition between Tianhai University and Tianhai University.

The first half of the joint teaching plan will be conducted at Tianhai University.

After Shen Jian heard the news, he understood that this meant that the second half of the internship part of the teaching plan, at least, would not be located in the Shushan Mountains.

However, the subsequent news still surprised him.

Going to the East China Sea Market for internship experience? Shen Jian looked at Dean He in front of him: The lockdown has been lifted there?

Dean He nodded: In fact, the lockdown was lifted half a year ago. Non-research staff are allowed to enter, but the number of people will be limited. As for the collective experience of current students, this is indeed the first time.

Shen Jian asked: Teacher, is there any special way inside?

When he asked Dean He, it was not without purpose.

Tianhai University, as one of the top universities in Tianhai City, is naturally one of the most important research sites in Tianhai City. It is located on the coast of the East China Sea. If there is anything in the sea, the federal government will conduct exploration and research. Of course, Tianhai University will be a collaborator. .

If it's for you, it can still give you some experience. Dean He said with a smile. ...

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