Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 713: . First taste of bitterness

Cremont glanced at Able who was standing beside him, and after seeing Able nod towards himself, he pushed away the leader of the black elf and said, "I hope you can raise a little more self-knowledge this time, and don't come to provoke us again in the future."

"Hehe." The leader of the black elf stood up, rubbing his shoulders and chuckling.

After the other soldiers watched Cremont release, although they didn't understand it, they also released their hands holding the black elf.

"Get off!" Able said.

"Someday I will try it, the taste of being cursed by the legendary King of Light." The leader of the black elf looked at Ebble evilly and said.

After saying this, he turned around and greeted the other black elves to leave together.

"His!" A little silver light passed through the air, and fell into the back of the black elf leader.

"Ah!" the black elf leader screamed unexpectedly.

Obviously it was just a light ball the size of a fingernail, but it burned a big hole into the entire back of the black elf leader.

The black spiritual power in the black elf kept tumbling outward.

The black elf leader stopped the other black elves from advancing, and looked at Able bitterly.

Able looked at him and said easily: "As you look at it now, you don't want to try it anymore. Be careful to get a crushed bone. This blow will be treated as if I gave you back for Captain DeWitt."

"Go!" The black elf leader walked out of the barracks with the help of two companions. Disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

The soldiers put down their swords and celebrated the victory of the war with the wizards of the elven race. Claymont silently supported Able, who was trembling, back into the camp.

"Even the slightest strength of the King of Light is beyond my physique." Able sat down on his seat and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel.

The way he used the black elf leader just now is really exhausting his strength.

Until now the calf is also cramped.

Cremont brought a pot of water and said to Able: "Thanks to your presence, we can relieve this kind of predicament. The soldiers of Karadia really owe a kindness to the elves."

"Everyone is in a team, and naturally when you can, you don't owe anything." Able shook his head and said. While massaging a wet towel around my calf.

When he was on the battlefield just now, Able confessed to Cremont that he cannot use the spell of light. He can only temporarily borrow a hint of energy from the rune that sealed the power of the King of Light to pretend. The illusion of light elves.

The same is true of the other elves, except that their power is dispersed by Able, and they will not feel pain during the reception.

The two cooperated to push the black elves out of their territory and warned them when they left.

"As a result, it is estimated that the black elves will not dare to come to trouble us in the future." Able said.

Cremont also nodded.

At this moment, a soldier rushed into the camp and said to Cremont in surprise: "Captain Cremont, Hearn, they woke up!"

"Wake up?!" Cremont stood up in surprise.

Then he asked Able to resign: "Captain Able, let me go to the two soldiers first. You have a good rest now."

"Okay." Able replied.

Cremont followed the reported soldiers to the camp where the two collapsed soldiers were.

Walking to the bed of a soldier who was still recuperating, he visited: "The two of you are awake."

After seeing Cremont's figure, Hearn was almost moved to cry: he didn't wake up long before, and he didn't actually feel the fact of returning to the real world. After seeing the appearance of Cremont hurriedly, he finally realized his real situation now.

"I also thought that we would never wake up again." Hearn looked at the comrade who had just opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Tell me what happened to you that night." Cremont said.

Hearn recalled for a while and explained in detail: That night, he and Wix stood guard at the gate of the camp. I met DeWitt who went out of the camp to find a place to use the toilet because of a bad stomach. Not long after DeWitt walked out of the door, he noticed the shaking of the leaves in the grass and thought he was walking by DeWitt. But they found that the black and bright alien elves stood in front of them. Immediately after the two were attacked, unconscious.

"It turns out that way." Cremont nodded and said, "It seems that the black elves are ready to attack."

"After fainting, I felt that my soul had left the body, thinking that it might have been killed by the black elf race, but it floated into the hands of a black elf." Hearn continued.

"So, do you remember what happened on the battlefield?" Cremont asked slightly surprised.

"Battlefield? What battlefield?" Hearn asked strangely: "My soul fell into the hands of the black elf and lost consciousness. I don't know what happened next."

"Well," Cremont finished his visit, and told the two wounded: "Get some rest."

Walking out of the camp where the wounded were, Cremont immediately walked toward DeWitt's camp.

Although I heard the report of the soldiers before: DeWitt is no longer in danger. But recalling the scene where DeWitt was assassinated, Cremont couldn't help but feel his heart shrink.

Thinking of this, Cremont quickly accelerated his pace.

Walking to DeWitt's camp, a breath of blood and alcohol mixed against him.

Cremont frowned.

It seems that the soldiers in charge of medical treatment have not cleaned the scene yet~www.novelmtl.com~ walked to the bed where DeWitt usually rested, and Claymont discovered that Ebull was there.

DeWitt, who was pale, lay on the bed and his breath was so shallow that he barely noticed it. His coat has been taken off. A thick bandage is tied to the abdomen.

"Don't you wake up yet?" Cremont asked softly.

"Excess blood loss, all organs in the body are still recovering." An elf soldier replied.

The healing of the elven soldiers plus the on-the-spot medical skills of the Caladian soldiers: several people were busy for a long time before finally stabilizing the vital signs of DeWitt.

"In this case, I shouldn't be able to keep going." Able sighed softly.

"Look at the recovery tomorrow." Cremont said for a moment in silence.

"I don't know if our group can go to the destination of the task smoothly." Able looked up. "At present, it seems that it is really difficult."

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