Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 710: . Calm and Itinerary

"The black elf practicing spells are too powerful. Under the support of such forces: they continue to invade the territory of others. Eventually, in the case of anger, they were raised by several ethnic forces and besieged. They were expelled from the entire continent. "Ebble introduced.

"Did the elven soldiers also participate?" Cremont asked curiously.

"Yes. After the defeat, the black elves signed a non-aggression treaty with our elven clan." Able replied.

"Is this treaty useful today?" Cremont hesitated.

"Although it is a treaty, in fact its body is the curse of the elven king of the elf that year on the black elf family." Able groaned for a while and said: "I have never seen a real black elf that violates the treaty become What kind of thing, but the reputation of Lord Taser Elf at that time was enough to make the Black Elf family feel frightened. So I think no one will want to challenge the curse he imposed."

"His Royal Highness Taser." Crementant murmured the name in his mouth, thinking back carefully.

A thunder flashed in his heart: Taser, a rare unicorn talent of the elven race for thousands of years. Born in every encounter, it is said that it is born with a rare constitution of practicing light magic. Its prestige is still used as a business card played by the elves, and anyone should fear three points.

"Why did the black elf attack us?" Cremont asked strangely.

"It is said that the real black elf magic disappeared after the war that year. On this island that accommodates nomads of various races, the status of the black elf family is not high, and they cannot occupy their own territory. The wilderness of this plain is the only place where they are allowed to move. Therefore, many out-of-town residents have suffered losses on their hands and have been left with no credit." Ebre relayed the news he heard: " Unexpectedly, this time they actually hit our mind."

"Hurry up and bring people back to the barracks. It's useless to do artificial respiration." DeWitt rushed from the periphery to the fainted soldiers and ordered to the people around him.

Several soldiers who were in the same group as the fainted soldiers immediately came over and helped the two soldiers walk towards a tent.

"If we face up with the black elves, do we have the confidence to overcome?" Cremont throws the last question.

"Although I don't know how powerful the remaining Black Elves are. But I think no matter what: we won't lose to opponents who use the next three attack methods." Able responded with his usual bloodiness. .

After Cremont understood what he meant, he nodded.

Seeing DeWitt standing sideways, Cremont recapitulated what Able explained to him just now.

DeWitt listened to the whole story and said, "I don't know when the black elves will show up again."

"Arrange the elf warriors and the Kaladiya warriors to work on shifts. Many of the warriors may not know how to face the black elves. The elf warriors may be able to supplement them with a little knowledge." Cremont suggested.

"Well, this idea is pretty good." Able surely.

"That's it." DeWitt finalized the plan: the round of night duty changed from two rounds to three rounds, and the elven warriors and the Caladian warriors mixed together to perform the duty of standing guard.

DeWitt called this plan an ‘emergency plan’. Until the reconnaissance army walks out of the plain, it will remain in this state of alert.

Because the personnel of the third group are almost unavailable, the soldiers on guard tonight are replaced by four groups, and the elf soldiers assigned to the four groups will also immediately begin to perform the task.

Everyone returned to their own camp. But everyone's heart was embarrassed.

During the night, the three including DeWitt got up and visited the camp from time to time. Although this may affect the state of tomorrow, but these three people are always at ease.

Perhaps it was noticed that the reconnaissance team strengthened defenses, etc., and the black elves did not appear again.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone packed up their bags, and when queuing up for the routine roll call, all the people except the two who were attacked last night were present.

The two attacked people did not regain consciousness, as Able said, before they set off.

After discussing with the three leaders, they decided to continue the journey with them.

The process of moving forward on the plain was relatively smooth. After the soldiers became familiar with the plain environment, their journey became much faster.

"It is estimated that we will be out of the plain tomorrow afternoon." DeWitt said while looking at the map.

"After walking out of the plains, you will face a valley with trolls." Cremont nodded and said.

"The troll is really hard to deal with." DeWitt shook his head and sighed.

Troll tribes have historically conflicted with humans and elves~www.novelmtl.com~ but it is regarded as the existence of a dead enemy.

DeWitt and his party are about to face the jungle troll among the troll clan.

Although their temperament is not as violent and aggressive as sand trolls.

But the blood of the cannibals still remains in his body, and I don't know if DeWitt and his party pass by their territory, they will be threatened by them.

"Don't worry. Isn't the reason trolls become human enemies with humans and elves? It's not because the two sides' wars are mutually restrained. Are they tit-for-tat? Just control the distance to the trolls. Don't worry about being injured by them." Egypt Boole comforted.

"I hope so." DeWitt said.

The trolls are not only hostile to elves and humans. There is also a hostile relationship with the dwarves.

This should be related to the difference in the survival methods of the two communities.

About half of the information sent to DeWitt is related to trolls: they detail their strengths and weaknesses.

According to this information: There are about 1,000 trolls gathered in the valley.

After learning about the advantages of their life-recovery ability and so on, DeWitt had no way to imagine a scene in which a fifty-person reconnaissance army confronted a group of trolls.

The sun slowly settled at the end of the horizon. After leaving the dwarf town, the journey of the next day was over.

After the brigade was set up, the logistics staff began to prepare dinner.

"This should be the last hot dinner before we leave the valley." DeWitt said.

Indeed, the troll clan is very sensitive to smells, etc., in order to avoid being discovered by trolls in the territory as much as possible. DeWitt made everyone mentally prepared to eat dry food in the next few days.

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