Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 706: . Dwarf Selling News

Although His Highness Kant made complete preparations for the Scouts' trip. Gold coins and silver coins are also well prepared.

But as he walked up the stairs, Cremont was still heartbroken over the dozens of silver coins he spent.

"It's too arrogant, Dwarf," Cremont said silently.

After the baggage was settled, it was time for dinner.

Fortunately: the catering of this hotel is included in the accommodation, everyone can choose food freely.

The team of fifty people almost filled the hotel restaurant, and the owner of the hotel directly took the scouts to another side hall and let them occupy a room. The waiter of the restaurant is responsible for serving the baked goods.

After ordering the menu, everyone started to talk about the round table match between the tree man and the fire elf mage this morning.

"I didn't expect the fire elf soldiers to be so strong. When I saw them burst out, they were completely shocked." One soldier exclaimed.

"I feel that with the power of these people, our team of people needn't hide or hide anymore when they reach the dwarf race." Another soldier echoed.

"Well. Besides, the tree man was totally unworkable. He was scared away by two strokes of the fire elves." a soldier added.

"Have you met a tree man?" A young voice sounded.

Austin, who followed everyone to laugh at the tree man, first noticed this question, stopped his laugh and looked around: he found a dwarf waiter holding a plate high beside him.

"Trouble you," Austine said politely as he took the dishes from the waiter's hands.

The dwarf waiter was not as tall as the table, so that everyone noticed his presence after seeing the barbecue being served on the table.

"Yes, when I came down the mountain today. I met two treemen, and one of the treemen ran away in fear after we discovered their tricks. Another one stayed and said to give us a good look, the result was also Was repelled by the elf soldiers on our side." A soldier replied.

"Two?" The expression of the dwarf waiter became more complicated: "It seems that he hasn't been tired of this routine."

"What routine?" a soldier asked puzzled.

"There are only one tree person on this island," the dwarf waiter explained.

"What?!" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Noting the movement here, DeWitt and others also gathered around the waiter's round table and listened.

"But we clearly heard two different voices today," a soldier said suspiciously.

"Master Shuren likes to play this kind of game. Everything you perceive in the jungle is controlled by him. Not to mention the sound, even the human form can change several different things for you." The waiter used The napkin on his shoulder wiped his hands and said, "I have known for a long time on the island that the adult is terrifyingly powerful. Otherwise, why do you think he can do his best on this island of hegemony? Occupy an entire mountain forest."

"Since he is not afraid of our threats, why would he let us go?" a soldier asked.

"This...I really don't know." The dwarf waiter scratched his head and said, "The adult has always enclosed himself in the deep mountains since he landed on the island thirty years ago. I can break through the bottleneck and want to find a pure self. As a result, I now have a tendency to be schizophrenic. I am afraid that you have encountered a strange personality he assumed."

"It turns out so." DeWitt nodded aside.

"It sounds mysterious," Cremont said with a shrug.

"So, our luck is really good." Able took a sip of red wine and commented.

"Is every dwarf in this town as well-informed as you?" DeWitt said to the dwarf waiter with a smile.

The dwarf waiter looked up at DeWitt and replied: "I'm nothing like this, I just know the common sense that some passing customers say. The dwarf hunters who sell news in the union are really powerful, every territory The insider of the election can dig a little news from them."

"That's really great!" Able praised with a toast.

This is his third glass of red wine, which has shown a little drunkenness.

Cremont helped him helplessly to sit on the corner sofa and take a rest.

"Thank you for sharing." DeWitt nodded to the dwarf waiter. Take a silver coin from her arms and place it on the dinner plate served by the dwarf waiter.

"Thank you for your reward." The dwarf waiter smiled with satisfaction after seeing the copper coin, and then retreated.

In the process of chatting, the dishes were almost on the line.

Everyone began to enjoy.

DeWitt wiped his mouth with a napkin after enjoying a delicious steak in his belly. Look around: It is found that Cremont and Able are not on the table~www.novelmtl.com~ After standing up and looking around, DeWitt walked to the corner of the sofa and saw that Cremont was chewing soda crackers. And Able next to him was sleeping soundly.

"What's wrong with him?" DeWitt asked.

"I drank three glasses of red wine on an empty stomach and then got drunk." Cremont replied.

There was really no one to help take care of this elven general, and Claymont could only take this tiring job on his own.

I can't eat any food now.

"Hurry and eat, I'll take care of him for you," DeWitt suggested.

"Thank you, Captain." Claremont clapped his hands and waved the cookie crumbs from his fingers, thanking DeWitt.

"Hurry back." DeWitt sat down on the sofa that Cremont just sat on, put a pillow in his arms, and said helplessly: "General Able is already drunk. It is only you and me who are out tonight to ask for news. Two people."

"Received." After Cremont finished speaking, he ran to the table immediately.

The moonlight is hazy, and wait for the banquet to go away. DeWitt and Cremont came out of the hotel entrance.

In the night, the hunters will go to the city center.

Even in the middle of the night, the commercial streets of Dwarf Town are still bustling.

Only in the dark night, a pair of double or yellow or green pupils always showed dangerous breath.

The two, DeWitt and Cremont, did not talk much: in this place where life is not familiar, we must always take into account the partition wall and ears. It's best to check the good news early and return to your residence.

"Here," DeWitt said, pointing to the brightly lit street.

"Well." Cremont's eyes also looked at that place.

There is still a lot of people going in and out of the union. The two accelerated their pace and approached the building.

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