Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 699: .Meet with the elves


Sure enough, as the soldier who led the scout team out of town said.

After trekking in the desert for four days, the team of scouts walked to a flat stone and brick road.

There is also a sign at the entrance of the road.

Looking at the text above, it is indeed a book written by the elves.

"Follow this path and you should be able to reach the main city of the Elven Country." Cremont said.

"Well." Dewei nodded characteristically and replied affirmatively.

Then he directed the team to move on.

Twenty people walked for about half an hour, and finally found the whereabouts of the elves on the road.

"It seems right to go this way." Cremont said happily.

"Karman, ask for directions." DeWitt ordered to the soldier beside him.

"Yes." The soldier called Kalman immediately came off the camel. After a short trot, he walked to the elf people on the road and asked, "Hello, we are soldiers from the Caladian Empire. How do you get to the main city of the Elven Country?"

The elf appeared to be a roaming merchant, and looked at Kalman from beginning to end. I said ‘quack quack’.

"What are you talking about?" Kalman's eyes widened, a little unsure.

After bowing to the elf with regret, he ran back to DeWitt's horse and reported: "Captain, I don't understand what the elf said."

"Huh? Isn't he speaking Esperanto?" DeWitt asked.

"I don't know what he's talking about, it won't be Esperanto anyway. I think it should be the elven's own language." Kalman thought for a while and replied.

"Okay. We should have met an elf who doesn't speak Esperanto. Come on a camel, let's go ahead and see." DeWitt ordered.

The team continued to move forward, and the voice of the discussion among the soldiers gradually spread.

"How many of them do not speak Esperanto, and they will not be able to communicate when performing missions together," a soldier said worriedly.

"It should be quite a few, just that we just met. However, I heard from the officer who returned from Cumberland: The elven people are super lazy and very arrogant. There may be something xenophobic at that time." A soldier responded.

"No, no matter how strong the Elven State is, don't you often ask for help from our country? They won't even care about it." A soldier shook his head.

"Who knows." The topic did not continue.

The group moved on, but it didn't take a while. They met the elven army who came to meet them on the road.

"Welcome the soldiers of the Kaladiya Empire to the elven country." The leader of the elven army warmly said.

DeWitt greeted everyone to get off the camel, walked with Cremont to the elven army leader, and introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, I am the captain of the reconnaissance team sent by Caladea this time-DeWitt ."

"I'm Cremont, this time to assist Captain DeWitt."

The leader of the elven soldiers also smiled and said: "Captain Dewitt and deputy captain of Cremont. Hello, my name is Ebble. The captain of the scouts sent by the elf. The previous time I went to the volcano, I was also One of the participants."

"Meet for the first time, and take care of you later." DeWitt extended his right hand friendly.

Cremont stepped back consciously, leaving room for the leaders on both sides to greet each other.

"I will continue to take care of you in the future." Able held DeWitt's right hand calmly.

"Is this the way to your country's main city? Most of our team is the first to come to the elven country." DeWitt asked.

Able took him forward, and Cremont followed behind them. Responsible for leading other soldiers.

The two parties gathered together and walked on the official road.

"Not far in front is the gate of the main city of the Elven Kingdom." Able introduced.

The two chatted while going forward, and finally talked about the subject of this mission.

"I don't know when we will depart from the harbor of the Elven Country?" DeWitt asked.

"Tomorrow morning."

"The mission this time is indeed a race against time." DeWitt affirmed.

"The harbour is located in the west of the main city, and all the soldiers will also stay in their residences near the harbour," Able explained in detail.

"General Able, how long did it take you to go to the new dwarf residence last time?" DeWitt asked.

"About two months." After thinking about it, Able replied: "The time spent on the boat was almost a month."

"Do I need to stay at sea for a month?" DeWitt surprised.

After all, this is the first time to take a boat and I didn't expect to spend so many days.

"Yes." Able's expression also brought a bit of bitterness: "Caladia soldiers still need to be psychologically prepared."

Arriving at the harbour of the Elven Kingdom~www.novelmtl.com~ Able spoke to DeWitt for the Elven King: because it was too late, so as not to disturb the rest of the troops. There is no need to spend a lot of time entering the palace to greet. When sailing by ship tomorrow, the elven king will come to meet him in person.

It was the first time that the soldiers of Caladea saw the sea.

Everyone lined up and sat at the beach, taking off their shoes and playing with water.

The elf soldiers who lived with them did not quite understand their joy.

They all returned to their rooms to rest.

"Why don't the elven soldiers come to see the sea together." a soldier sitting on the shore questioned.

"People have lived by the sea since childhood, and it is estimated that looking at the sea is like looking at the sand. We've been bored for a long time." A soldier beside him responded and analyzed.

"That's it." The soldier in question turned his head and faced the sea: "Anyway, I now think I won't be bored with the sea for a lifetime."

"It's dinner!" an elven soldier shouted towards the Caladian soldiers playing on the coast.

The restaurant on the first floor of the place to stay is a commercial restaurant. Today the restaurant chef is in charge of the dinner.

The soldiers of Caladea quickly put on their coats, shoes and boots. Rushed to the cafeteria on the first floor.

"Today, I asked the chef of this restaurant to make some dishes suitable for the taste of the Caladian soldiers. Please enjoy it tonight." Ebull greeted.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" The soldiers of Caladea were all in high spirits.

"Happy cooperation!" Able toasted everyone.


DeWitt and Cremonte were in the corner, and toasted with a smile on their faces.

After the dinner, the soldiers returned to their houses to rest.

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