Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 696: . The beginning of the mission

DeWitt, who was standing under the stage, did not expect that he would be suddenly named, and his entire face was covered with a surprise expression.

Aubrey stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said, "Your Highness has called your name, just go up and say a few words."

"Yes..." There was a trace of embarrassment on DeWitt's face, and nodded to Aubrey panicly. He hurried to the stairs next to the main stage and looked up at Kant who was standing in the center of the main stage. He found that Kant was also putting his eyes on him. He hurriedly lowered his head and stepped up to Kant.

"Good Lord," DeWitt salutes Kant.

"Well." Kant nodded, walked to the side of the main stage, and vacated his position.

DeWitt looked up nervously at the soldiers under the stage. After discovering the encouragement in their eyes. DeWitt took a deep breath, trying to relax his stiff body to a natural look.

"All comrades-in-arms, I’m your captain DeWitt. We’re going to leave tomorrow, and I hope you can prepare before you travel. This time we’re going to a territory that our Caladian soldiers haven’t reached before. Is also very far away from Dekhrim. I don’t know how many hardships we will encounter while performing tasks on the road. I hope that we can go through each difficulty in unity. Complete the tasks given to us by His Royal Highness, all Everyone returned to Caladia in peace!" DeWitt said calmly.

"Good!" The soldiers standing under the stage shouted and applauded.

After Dewitt bowed deeply, he turned to look at Kant.

Kant followed the soldiers applauding and walked to the center of the main stage.

"Well. Captain DeWitt said well. I said almost everything I wanted to say." Kant summed up with a smile: "This time the task will be handed over to you. I hope you don't wince if you encounter any difficulties. The Kaladea Empire will be your strongest backing."

The oath meeting entered an ordinary process, Kant has been watching silently at the main table.

It wasn't until Captain Aubrey took office that the oath meeting was over, and the soldiers dispersed in groups.

Tonight's evening training, teams that will be enlisted tomorrow will not need to participate.

This time it will take at least three months or more for this team to complete the mission and return to Karadia.

"The two dozen fighters shouldn't be able to go home this year." Aubrey said with emotion when he sent Kant out of the training ground.

"Well. Let the soldiers leave a letter to the family. Before leaving," Kant asked. His voice was like the breeze in the autumn evening, with a sad coolness.

"Yes, Your Highness." Aubrey replied.

"It's been a hard work for you these days." Kant consoled again: "The next two days will give you a day off. The guard's work will be left alone."

"It's okay, Your Highness." Aubrey shook his head and said: "The will of the soldiers in the army, I still want to pass on to some of the men of the guards while they are hot. They are too lazy on weekdays. It's time to get things right."

"Okay, then when I owe you two days of leave. When do you want to take a break for a while, just say it to me." Kant said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Aubrey saluted Kant.

Kant waved his hand and embarked on the carriage of the palace. The groom immediately drove the carriage towards the palace.

On the second day, a reconnaissance team of more than 20 soldiers led by DeWitt and went out from Degerim. Aubrey rode early to the city gate to see them off. And brought greetings from His Royal Highness Kant.

"DeWitt, you must be careful on the road. If you are caught in the desert driving force, you must also do your best. Don't be stiff." Aubrey instructed: "You as a scout. The captain of the team must shoulder the responsibility of leading the team."

"Yes, Captain Aubrey." DeWitt replied.

"Cremont, as the deputy captain, you usually have to think about the team a lot. Do you know?" Aubrey seriously confessed to a young fighter standing beside DeWitt.

"Got it, Captain Aubrey. I will definitely help Captain DeWitt." Cremont responded.

"Okay, I have nothing more to say. Let's go." Aubrey led the horse and sent the crowd outside the city gate, saying goodbye.

"Captain Aubrey, goodbye!" The soldiers saluted uniformly.

"Well. Bye." Aubrey nodded and replied.

Everyone rode their camels and marched neatly toward the Elven Kingdom.

Aubrey hurried back to the palace. From today, he will take back the work of the guard from others.

Walking to the gate of the palace, Aubrey heard Kant calling him.

He quickly walked to the door of the Senate Hall.

"Lord." Aubrey saluted.

"Did you just come back from the city gate?" Kant looked up from the pile of texts and asked Aubrey~www.novelmtl.com~ Hmm. It seems that the soldiers are in good spirits. Aubrey replied.

"If you say this, I'm relieved." Kant nodded. "Today I'm going back to the guard."

"Yes. Over the past few days, the work of the guards has been assisted by the staff. They should have wanted me to go back and take over." Aubrey said with a smile.

"Well, I have nothing else to do with you. I just want to ask about the status of the soldiers you are on." Kant responded with a smile.

"Um. Your Highness," Aubrey said hesitantly: "I have a request, I wonder if you can promise me?"

"What?" Kant asked, raising his eyes.

"Although, I know that my task is just to train the soldiers you need from your Highness. The next thing has nothing to do with me." Aubrey's expression seemed a little tangled: "But I still want to try to ask: I will Can you hear from frontline soldiers from you..."

"Huh?" Kant raised an eyebrow, and then said again: "Of course. If you want."

"Thank you lord!" Aubrey bowed happily.

"It's okay. But I didn't expect: Captain Aubrey would care so much about the soldiers he handled." Kant shook his head and said.

"Although they only stayed with me for three days. But still a little worried about what kind of difficulties they will face on the front line." Aubrey explained.

"Uh." Kant nodded. There is nothing more to say.

Aubrey heard the permission from Kant's mouth, said goodbye to Kant with joy, and withdrew from the Senate Hall.

Kant continued to bury his head in the copywriting. Before the scouts reached the elven country, the affairs of the gnome country could only be temporarily put aside.

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